图片丢失啦 Invited expert reviews for plant research progress

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    1. Striking a growth–defense balance: Stress regulators that function in maize development
    Shiyi Xie, Hongbing Luo, Wei Huang, Weiwei Jin and Zhaobin Dong
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 424-442.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13570
    发布日期: 2023-10-03

    预出版日期: 2023-10-03
    摘要358)      英文版    收藏
    Maize (Zea mays) cultivation is strongly affected by both abiotic and biotic stress, leading to reduced growth and productivity. It has recently become clear that regulators of plant stress responses, including the phytohormones abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene (ET), and jasmonic acid (JA), together with reactive oxygen species (ROS), shape plant growth and development. Beyond their well established functions in stress responses, these molecules play crucial roles in balancing growth and defense, which must be finely tuned to achieve high yields in crops while maintaining some level of defense. In this review, we provide an in-depth analysis of recent research on the developmental functions of stress regulators, focusing specifically on maize. By unraveling the contributions of these regulators to maize development, we present new avenues for enhancing maize cultivation and growth while highlighting the potential risks associated with manipulating stress regulators to enhance grain yields in the face of environmental challenges.
    2. Plant virology in the 21st century in China: Recent advances and future directions
    Jianguo Wu, Yongliang Zhang, Fangfang Li, Xiaoming Zhang, Jian Ye, Taiyun Wei, Zhenghe Li, Xiaorong Tao, Feng Cui, Xianbing Wang, Lili Zhang, Fei Yan, Shifang Li, Yule Liu, Dawei Li, Xueping Zhou and Yi Li
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 579-622.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13580
    发布日期: 2023-11-04

    预出版日期: 2023-11-04
    摘要189)      英文版    收藏
    Plant viruses are a group of intracellular pathogens that persistently threaten global food security. Significant advances in plant virology have been achieved by Chinese scientists over the last 20 years, including basic research and technologies for preventing and controlling plant viral diseases. Here, we review these milestones and advances, including the identification of new crop-infecting viruses, dissection of pathogenic mechanisms of multiple viruses, examination of multilayered interactions among viruses, their host plants, and virus-transmitting arthropod vectors, and in-depth interrogation of plant-encoded resistance and susceptibility determinants. Notably, various plant virus-based vectors have also been successfully developed for gene function studies and target gene expression in plants. We also recommend future plant virology studies in China.
    3. Wood of trees: Cellular structure, molecular formation, and genetic engineering
    Yingying Zhu and Laigeng Li
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 443-467.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13589
    发布日期: 2023-11-30

    预出版日期: 2023-11-30
    摘要145)      英文版    收藏
    Wood is an invaluable asset to human society due to its renewable nature, making it suitable for both sustainable energy production and material manufacturing. Additionally, wood derived from forest trees plays a crucial role in sequestering a significant portion of the carbon dioxide fixed during photosynthesis by terrestrial plants. Nevertheless, with the expansion of the global population and ongoing industrialization, forest coverage has been substantially decreased, resulting in significant challenges for wood production and supply. Wood production practices have changed away from natural forests toward plantation forests. Thus, understanding the underlying genetic mechanisms of wood formation is the foundation for developing high-quality, fast-growing plantation trees. Breeding ideal forest trees for wood production using genetic technologies has attracted the interest of many. Tremendous studies have been carried out in recent years on the molecular, genetic, and cell-biological mechanisms of wood formation, and considerable progress and findings have been achieved. These studies and findings indicate enormous possibilities and prospects for tree improvement. This review will outline and assess the cellular and molecular mechanisms of wood formation, as well as studies on genetically improving forest trees, and address future development prospects.
    4. A historical review of hybrid rice breeding
    Xiaoming Zheng, Fei Wei, Cheng Cheng and Qian Qian
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 532-545.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13598
    发布日期: 2023-12-16

    预出版日期: 2023-12-16
    摘要119)      英文版    收藏
    The development of germplasm resources and advances in breeding methods have led to steady increases in yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Three milestones in the recent history of rice breeding have contributed to these increases: dwarf rice breeding, hybrid rice breeding, and super rice breeding. On the 50th anniversary of the success of three-line hybrid rice, we highlight important scientific discoveries in rice breeding that were made by Chinese scientists and summarize the broader history of the field. We discuss the strategies that could be used in the future to optimize rice breeding further in the hope that China will continue to play a leading role in international rice breeding.
    5. Designing salt stress-resilient crops: Current progress and future challenges
    Xiaoyan Liang, Jianfang Li, Yongqing Yang, Caifu Jiang and Yan Guo
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 303-329.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13599
    发布日期: 2023-12-18

    预出版日期: 2023-12-18
    摘要167)      英文版    收藏
    Excess soil salinity affects large regions of land and is a major hindrance to crop production worldwide. Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms of plant salt tolerance has scientific importance and practical significance. In recent decades, studies have characterized hundreds of genes associated with plant responses to salt stress in different plant species. These studies have substantially advanced our molecular and genetic understanding of salt tolerance in plants and have introduced an era of molecular design breeding of salt-tolerant crops. This review summarizes our current knowledge of plant salt tolerance, emphasizing advances in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of osmotic stress tolerance, salt-ion transport and compartmentalization, oxidative stress tolerance, alkaline stress tolerance, and the trade-off between growth and salt tolerance. We also examine recent advances in understanding natural variation in the salt tolerance of crops and discuss possible strategies and challenges for designing salt stress-resilient crops. We focus on the model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and the four most-studied crops: rice (Oryza sativa), wheat (Triticum aestivum), maize (Zea mays), and soybean (Glycine max).
    6. Reactive oxygen species: Multidimensional regulators of plant adaptation to abiotic stress and development
    Pengtao Wang, Wen‐Cheng Liu, Chao Han, Situ Wang, Ming‐Yi Bai and Chun‐Peng Song
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 330-367.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13601
    发布日期: 2023-12-20

    预出版日期: 2023-12-20
    摘要217)      英文版    收藏
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced as undesirable by-products of metabolism in various cellular compartments, especially in response to unfavorable environmental conditions, throughout the life cycle of plants. Stress-induced ROS production disrupts normal cellular function and leads to oxidative damage. To cope with excessive ROS, plants are equipped with a sophisticated antioxidative defense system consisting of enzymatic and non-enzymatic components that scavenge ROS or inhibit their harmful effects on biomolecules. Nonetheless, when maintained at relatively low levels, ROS act as signaling molecules that regulate plant growth, development, and adaptation to adverse conditions. Here, we provide an overview of current approaches for detecting ROS. We also discuss recent advances in understanding ROS signaling, ROS metabolism, and the roles of ROS in plant growth and responses to various abiotic stresses.
    7. Nuclear phylogenomics of angiosperms and insights into their relationships and evolution
    Guojin Zhang and Hong Ma
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 546-578.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13609
    发布日期: 2024-01-30

    预出版日期: 2024-01-30
    摘要118)      英文版    收藏
    Angiosperms (flowering plants) are by far the most diverse land plant group with over 300,000 species. The sudden appearance of diverse angiosperms in the fossil record was referred to by Darwin as the “abominable mystery,” hence contributing to the heightened interest in angiosperm evolution. Angiosperms display wide ranges of morphological, physiological, and ecological characters, some of which have probably influenced their species richness. The evolutionary analyses of these characteristics help to address questions of angiosperm diversification and require well resolved phylogeny. Following the great successes of phylogenetic analyses using plastid sequences, dozens to thousands of nuclear genes from next-generation sequencing have been used in angiosperm phylogenomic analyses, providing well resolved phylogenies and new insights into the evolution of angiosperms. In this review we focus on recent nuclear phylogenomic analyses of large angiosperm clades, orders, families, and subdivisions of some families and provide a summarized Nuclear Phylogenetic Tree of Angiosperm Families. The newly established nuclear phylogenetic relationships are highlighted and compared with previous phylogenetic results. The sequenced genomes of Amborella, Nymphaea, Chloranthus, Ceratophyllum, and species of monocots, Magnoliids, and basal eudicots, have facilitated the phylogenomics of relationships among five major angiosperms clades. All but one of the 64 angiosperm orders were included in nuclear phylogenomics with well resolved relationships except the placements of several orders. Most families have been included with robust and highly supported placements, especially for relationships within several large and important orders and families. Additionally, we examine the divergence time estimation and biogeographic analyses of angiosperm on the basis of the nuclear phylogenomic frameworks and discuss the differences compared with previous analyses. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of nuclear phylogenomic analyses on ancestral reconstruction of morphological, physiological, and ecological characters of angiosperm groups, limitations of current nuclear phylogenomic studies, and the taxa that require future attention.
    8. New insight into Ca2+-permeable channel in plant immunity
    Wei Wang, Hang‐Yuan Cheng and Jian‐Min Zhou
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 623-631.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13613
    发布日期: 2024-01-30

    预出版日期: 2024-01-30
    摘要83)      英文版    收藏
    Calcium ions (Ca2+) are crucial intracellular second messengers in eukaryotic cells. Upon pathogen perception, plants generate a transient and rapid increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels, which is subsequently decoded by Ca2+ sensors and effectors to activate downstream immune responses. The elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ is commonly attributed to Ca2+ influx mediated by plasma membrane-localized Ca2+–permeable channels. However, the contribution of Ca2+ release triggered by intracellular Ca2+-permeable channels in shaping Ca2+ signaling associated with plant immunity remains poorly understood. This review discusses recent advances in understanding the mechanism underlying the shaping of Ca2+ signatures upon the activation of immune receptors, with particular emphasis on the identification of intracellular immune receptors as non-canonical Ca2+-permeable channels. We also discuss the involvement of Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum in generating Ca2+ signaling during plant immunity.
    9. Integrative regulatory mechanisms of stomatal movements under changing climate
    Jingbo Zhang, Xuexue Chen, Yajing Song and Zhizhong Gong
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 368-393.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13611
    发布日期: 2024-02-06

    预出版日期: 2024-02-06
    摘要98)      英文版    收藏
    Global climate change-caused drought stress, high temperatures and other extreme weather profoundly impact plant growth and development, restricting sustainable crop production. To cope with various environmental stimuli, plants can optimize the opening and closing of stomata to balance CO2 uptake for photosynthesis and water loss from leaves. Guard cells perceive and integrate various signals to adjust stomatal pores through turgor pressure regulation. Molecular mechanisms and signaling networks underlying the stomatal movements in response to environmental stresses have been extensively studied and elucidated. This review focuses on the molecular mechanisms of stomatal movements mediated by abscisic acid, light, CO2, reactive oxygen species, pathogens, temperature, and other phytohormones. We discussed the significance of elucidating the integrative mechanisms that regulate stomatal movements in helping design smart crops with enhanced water use efficiency and resilience in a climate-changing world.
    10. How plants sense and respond to osmotic stress
    Bo Yu, Dai‐Yin Chao and Yang Zhao
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 394-423.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13622
    发布日期: 2024-02-08

    预出版日期: 2024-02-08
    摘要80)      英文版    收藏
    Drought is one of the most serious abiotic stresses to land plants. Plants sense and respond to drought stress to survive under water deficiency. Scientists have studied how plants sense drought stress, or osmotic stress caused by drought, ever since Charles Darwin, and gradually obtained clues about osmotic stress sensing and signaling in plants. Osmotic stress is a physical stimulus that triggers many physiological changes at the cellular level, including changes in turgor, cell wall stiffness and integrity, membrane tension, and cell fluid volume, and plants may sense some of these stimuli and trigger downstream responses. In this review, we emphasized water potential and movements in organisms, compared putative signal inputs in cell wall-containing and cell wall-free organisms, prospected how plants sense changes in turgor, membrane tension, and cell fluid volume under osmotic stress according to advances in plants, animals, yeasts, and bacteria, summarized multilevel biochemical and physiological signal outputs, such as plasma membrane nanodomain formation, membrane water permeability, root hydrotropism, root halotropism, Casparian strip and suberin lamellae, and finally proposed a hypothesis that osmotic stress responses are likely to be a cocktail of signaling mediated by multiple osmosensors. We also discussed the core scientific questions, provided perspective about the future directions in this field, and highlighted the importance of robust and smart root systems and efficient source-sink allocations for generating future high-yield stress-resistant crops and plants.
    11. Orchestrating seed storage protein and starch accumulation toward overcoming yield–quality trade-off in cereal crops
    Shuanghe Cao, Bingyan Liu, Daowen Wang, Awais Rasheed, Lina Xie, Xianchun Xia and Zhonghu He
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 468-483.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13633
    发布日期: 2024-02-26

    预出版日期: 2024-02-26
    摘要106)      英文版    收藏
    Achieving high yield and good quality in crops is essential for human food security and health. However, there is usually disharmony between yield and quality. Seed storage protein (SSP) and starch, the predominant components in cereal grains, determine yield and quality, and their coupled synthesis causes a yield–quality trade-off. Therefore, dissection of the underlying regulatory mechanism facilitates simultaneous improvement of yield and quality. Here, we summarize current findings about the synergistic molecular machinery underpinning SSP and starch synthesis in the leading staple cereal crops, including maize, rice and wheat. We further evaluate the functional conservation and differentiation of key regulators and specify feasible research approaches to identify additional regulators and expand insights. We also present major strategies to leverage resultant information for simultaneous improvement of yield and quality by molecular breeding. Finally, future perspectives on major challenges are proposed.
    12. Molecular regulation of the key specialized metabolism pathways in medicinal plants
    Min Shi, Siwei Zhang, Zizhen Zheng, Itay Maoz, Lei Zhang and Guoyin Kai
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 510-531.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13634
    发布日期: 2024-03-05

    预出版日期: 2024-03-05
    摘要101)      英文版    收藏
    The basis of modern pharmacology is the human ability to exploit the production of specialized metabolites from medical plants, for example, terpenoids, alkaloids, and phenolic acids. However, in most cases, the availability of these valuable compounds is limited by cellular or organelle barriers or spatio-temporal accumulation patterns within different plant tissues. Transcription factors (TFs) regulate biosynthesis of these specialized metabolites by tightly controlling the expression of biosynthetic genes. Cutting-edge technologies and/or combining multiple strategies and approaches have been applied to elucidate the role of TFs. In this review, we focus on recent progress in the transcription regulation mechanism of representative high-value products and describe the transcriptional regulatory network, and future perspectives are discussed, which will help develop high-yield plant resources.
    13. Functional genomics of Brassica napus: Progresses, challenges, and perspectives
    Zengdong Tan, Xu Han, Cheng Dai, Shaoping Lu, Hanzi He, Xuan Yao, Peng Chen, Chao Yang, Lun Zhao, Qing‐Yong Yang, Jun Zou, Jing Wen, Dengfeng Hong, Chao Liu, Xianhong Ge, Chuchuan Fan, Bing Yi, Chunyu Zhang, Chaozhi Ma, Kede Liu, Jinxiong Shen, Jinxing Tu, Guangsheng Yang, Tingdong Fu, Liang Guo and Hu Zhao
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 484-509.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13635
    发布日期: 2024-03-08

    预出版日期: 2024-03-08
    摘要112)      英文版    收藏
    Brassica napus, commonly known as rapeseed or canola, is a major oil crop contributing over 13% to the stable supply of edible vegetable oil worldwide. Identification and understanding the gene functions in the B. napus genome is crucial for genomic breeding. A group of genes controlling agronomic traits have been successfully cloned through functional genomics studies in B. napus. In this review, we present an overview of the progress made in the functional genomics of B. napus, including the availability of germplasm resources, omics databases and cloned functional genes. Based on the current progress, we also highlight the main challenges and perspectives in this field. The advances in the functional genomics of B. napus contribute to a better understanding of the genetic basis underlying the complex agronomic traits in B. napus and will expedite the breeding of high quality, high resistance and high yield in B. napus varieties.