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广西植物 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 207-215.DOI: 10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202302037

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张文娟1, 丁伟2, 付宇新2, 张志红3, 周光2, 李火根1, 杨春霞2*   

  1. 1. 南京林业大学 林木遗传与生物技术教育部重实验室/南方现代林业协同创新中心, 南京210037;2. 江西省林业科学院林木遗传育种与栽培研究所, 南昌 330032;3. 峡江县林木良种场, 江西 吉安 331409
  • 发布日期:2024-08-14

Evaluation and analysis of pine resin components of Pinus elliottii clones

ZHANG Wenjuan, DING Wei, FU Yuxin, ZHANG Zhihong, ZHOU Guang, LI Huogen, YANG Chunxia   

  • Published:2024-08-14
  • Contact: 国家重研发计划子课题(2022YFD2200204-4); 院青年科技人才培养项目(2023522901)。

摘要: 为从湿地松种子园现有的速生材用无性系中选择产脂力强、松脂品质高的优良无性系,并高效利用湿地松良种资源。该研究以湿地松第一代种子园内36个无性系为材料,测定其松脂质量流速以及胸径生长量,进一步采用GC-MS分析其松脂组分,并基于上述指标利用相关性分析、聚类分析对参试的36个无性系进行综合评价。结果表明:(1)共鉴别出了21种松脂成分,包括8种单萜成分和13种二萜成分。(2)相关性分析显示,树脂质量流速(RMR)与单萜含量显著正相关,与枞酸型树脂酸呈弱的负相关,与海松酸型树脂酸无明显关联。(3)从松节油含量、松脂质量流速、枞酸型树脂酸、海松酸型树脂酸4个维度对参试无性系进行聚类分析,可将36个无性系分为三大类,并且各类型间差异显著,第1类的表现要远好于其他两类。(4)在产脂力高的基础上, 6-44、4-11-1、1-38、3-64四个无性系单萜含量高,4-11-1、3-64、2-0420、3-468四个无性系海松酸型树脂酸含量高,而无性系2-173枞酸型树脂酸含量较高。该研究定性分析了湿地松的松脂组分,定量评估了36个无性系的产脂力与组分含量,为湿地松脂用无性系的选择奠定了基础。

关键词: 湿地松, 松脂组分, 相关性, 聚类分析, 产脂力

Abstract: In order to select superior clones with strong resin-producing capacity and high resin-quality from the existing fast-growing timber clones in seed orchard of Pinus elliottii, and to make high use of crop germplasm resource, 36 clones in the first generation of slash pine seed orchard were used as materials to determine their resin yield, resin mass flow rate and DBH growth, and to analyze their resin composition by GC-MS. Based on the above indicators, correlation analysis and cluster analysis was used to comprehensively evaluate the production and quality of resin among 36 clones. The results were as follows:(1)There were a total of 21 pine resin components, including 8 monoterpenes and 13 diterpenes.(2)Correlation analysis showed that the resin mass flow rate(RMR)had significant and positive correlation with the total content of monoterpene, weakly negatively correlates to abietic-type resin acid, and not significantly correlated to pimaric-type resin acid.(3)Based on the cluster analysis results integrating four types of indicators as the total monoterpene content, resin mass flow rate, abietic-type resin acid and pimaric-type resin acid, 36 clones could be divided into three categories and the difference between each type was significant. The performance of Class 1 was much better than that of the other two categories.(4)There were 17 high-resin yield pine clones(ERM≥15.15)among 36 clones, and on the basis of this, four clones(6-44, 4-11-1, 1-38, 3-64)display higher monoterpenes content, while four clones(4-11-1, 3-64, 2-0420, 3-468)showed higher contents of pimaric-type resin acid. And the content of abietic-type resin acid of clone 2-173 was the highest. In summary, a total of 21 pine resin components of P. elliottii were identified, and 36 clones were evaluated based on four indicators: the total monoterpene content, resin mass flow rate, abietic-type resin acid and pimaric-type resin acid. We not only analyzed qualitatively the resin composition but also evaluated quantitatively the resin-producing capacity of 36 clones in slash pine seed orchard. Our findings provide the scientific references for the targeted breeding of pine resin components and lay a foundation for subsequent heredity breeding and gene improvement of P. elliottii.

Key words: Pinus elliottii, pine resin components, correlation, cluster analysis, resin-producing capacity
