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    Phylogenetic and taxonomic relationships between morphotypes related to Elymus caninus (Poaceae) based on sequence of a nuclear gene GBSS1 (waxy) and sexual hybridization
    Alexander V. Agafonov, Elena V. Shabanova, Maria V. Emtseva, Sergey V. Asbaganov, Igor V. Morozov, Alexander A. Bondar, and Olga V. Dorogina
    J Syst Evol    2024, 62 (3): 520-533.   DOI: 10.1111/jse.13006
    Accepted: 31 July 2023
    Online available: 31 July 2023

    Abstract59)            English Version    Save
    We represent a comparative analysis of GBSS1 gene fragment sequences for a number of species related to Elymus caninus: Elymus prokudinii, Elymus viridiglumis, Elymus goloskokovii, as well as a number of morphologically deviating biotypes, inhabiting Russia and Kazakhstan. Microevolutionary relationships between species were assessed from dendrograms derived from sequences of exons and introns. In all taxa, the St subgenome was represented by St2 variants, rather typical of the North American ancestral line of Pseudoroegneria spicata than of the Asian line descending from Pseudoroegneria strigosa. All putative relatives of E. caninus had H1 subgenome variants linked around the Asian diploid carrier of the H genome from Hordeum jubatum and were divided into two subclades. One of them (H1-1) contained most of the closely related E. caninus clones, including Elymus uralensis. Another subclade (H1-2) consisted of five variants phylogenetically related to Elymus mutabilis. We have also studied reproductive relationships between species E. goloskokovii, E. prokudinii, and E. viridiglumis and the degree of their integration into the E. caninus complex. Biotypes included in sexual hybridization formed a single recombination gene pool, within which slight differences in reproductive compatibility were observed. A comprehensive study of microevolutionary differentiation of taxa showed the expediency of taxonomic revision. The species mentioned should probably be relegated to the infraspecific rank within E. caninus s. l.
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    Heat Shock Factor A1s are required for phytochrome-interacting factor 4-mediated thermomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis
    Bingjie Li, Shimeng Jiang, Liang Gao, Wenhui Wang, Haozheng Luo, Yining Dong, Zhihua Gao, Shuzhi Zheng, Xinye Liu and Wenqiang Tang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (1): 20-35.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13579
    Accepted: 31 October 2023
    Online available: 31 October 2023

    Abstract167)            English Version    Save
    Thermomorphogenesis and the heat shock (HS) response are distinct thermal responses in plants that are regulated by PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR 4 (PIF4) and HEAT SHOCK FACTOR A1s (HSFA1s), respectively. Little is known about whether these responses are interconnected and whether they are activated by similar mechanisms. An analysis of transcriptome dynamics in response to warm temperature (28℃) treatment revealed that 30 min of exposure activated the expression of a subset of HSFA1 target genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Meanwhile, a loss-of-function HSFA1 quadruple mutant (hsfa1-cq) was insensitive to warm temperature-induced hypocotyl growth. In hsfa1-cq plants grown at 28℃, the protein and transcript levels of PIF4 were greatly reduced, and the circadian rhythm of many thermomorphogenesis-related genes (including PIF4) was disturbed. Additionally, the nuclear localization of HSFA1s and the binding of HSFA1d to the PIF4 promoter increased following warm temperature exposure, whereas PIF4 overexpression in hsfa1-cq partially rescued the altered warm temperature-induced hypocotyl growth of the mutant. Taken together, these results suggest that HSFA1s are required for PIF4 accumulation at a warm temperature, and they establish a central role for HSFA1s in regulating both thermomorphogenesis and HS responses in Arabidopsis.
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    Temporal control of the Aux/IAA genes BnIAA32 and BnIAA34 mediates Brassica napus dual shade responses
    Yafei Li, Yiyi Guo, Yue Cao, Pengguo Xia, Dongqing Xu, Ning Sun, Lixi Jiang and Jie Dong
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (5): 928-962.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13582
    Accepted: 06 November 2023
    Online available: 06 November 2023

    Abstract214)            English Version    Save
    Precise responses to changes in light quality are crucial for plant growth and development. For example, hypocotyls of shade-avoiding plants typically elongate under shade conditions. Although this typical shade-avoidance response (TSR) has been studied in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the molecular mechanisms underlying shade tolerance are poorly understood. Here we report that B. napus (Brassica napus) seedlings exhibit dual shade responses. In addition to the TSR, B. napus seedlings also display an atypical shade response (ASR), with shorter hypocotyls upon perception of early-shade cues. Genome-wide selective sweep analysis indicated that ASR is associated with light and auxin signaling. Moreover, genetic studies demonstrated that phytochrome A (BnphyA) promotes ASR, whereas BnphyB inhibits it. During ASR, YUCCA8 expression is activated by early-shade cues, leading to increased auxin biosynthesis. This inhibits hypocotyl elongation, as young B. napus seedlings are highly sensitive to auxin. Notably, two non-canonical AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (Aux/IAA) repressor genes, BnIAA32 and BnIAA34, are expressed during this early stage. BnIAA32 and BnIAA34 inhibit hypocotyl elongation under shade conditions, and mutations in BnIAA32 and BnIAA34 suppress ASR. Collectively, our study demonstrates that the temporal expression of BnIAA32 and BnIAA34 determines the behavior of B. napus seedlings following shade-induced auxin biosynthesis.
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    Trade-offs between the accumulation of cuticular wax and jasmonic acid-mediated herbivory resistance in maize
    Jiong Liu, Lu Li, Zhilong Xiong, Christelle A.M. Robert, Baozhu Li, Shan He, Wenjie Chen, Jiasheng Bi, Guanqing Zhai, Siyi Guo, Hui Zhang, Jieping Li, Shutang Zhou, Xi Zhang and Chun‐Peng Song
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (1): 143-159.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13586
    Accepted: 17 November 2023
    Online available: 17 November 2023

    Abstract168)            English Version    Save
    Plants have evolved complex physical and chemical defense systems that allow them to withstand herbivory infestation. Composed of a complex mixture of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) and their derivatives, cuticular wax constitutes the first physical line of defense against herbivores. Here, we report the function of Glossy 8 (ZmGL8), which encodes a 3-ketoacyl reductase belonging to the fatty acid elongase complex, in orchestrating wax production and jasmonic acid (JA)-mediated defenses against herbivores in maize (Zea mays). The mutation of GL8 enhanced chemical defenses by activating the JA-dependent pathway. We observed a trade-off between wax accumulation and JA levels across maize glossy mutants and 24 globally collected maize inbred lines. In addition, we demonstrated that mutants defective in cuticular wax biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana and maize exhibit enhanced chemical defenses. Comprehensive transcriptomic and lipidomic analyses indicated that the gl8 mutant confers chemical resistance to herbivores by remodeling VLCFA-related lipid metabolism and subsequent JA biosynthesis and signaling. These results suggest that VLCFA-related lipid metabolism has a critical role in regulating the trade-offs between cuticular wax and JA-mediated chemical defenses.
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    Gibberellin promotes cambium reestablishment during secondary vascular tissue regeneration after girdling in an auxin-dependent manner in Populus
    Yufei Zhang, Lingyan Wang, Yuexin Wu, Donghui Wang and Xin‐Qiang He
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (1): 86-102.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13591
    Accepted: 05 December 2023
    Online available: 05 December 2023

    Abstract102)            English Version    Save
    Secondary vascular tissue (SVT) development and regeneration are regulated by phytohormones. In this study, we used an in vitro SVT regeneration system to demonstrate that gibberellin (GA) treatment significantly promotes auxin-induced cambium reestablishment. Altering GA content by overexpressing or knocking down ent-kaurene synthase (KS) affected secondary growth and SVT regeneration in poplar. The poplar DELLA gene GIBBERELLIC ACID INSENSITIVE (PtoGAI) is expressed in a specific pattern during secondary growth and cambium regeneration after girdling. Overexpression of PtoGAI disrupted poplar growth and inhibited cambium regeneration, and the inhibition of cambium regeneration could be partially restored by GA application. Further analysis of the PtaDR5:GUS transgenic plants, the localization of PIN-FORMED 1 (PIN1) and the expression of auxin-related genes found that an additional GA treatment could enhance the auxin response as well as the expression of PIN1, which mediates auxin transport during SVT regeneration. Taken together, these findings suggest that GA promotes cambium regeneration by stimulating auxin signal transduction.
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    TaRLK-6A promotes Fusarium crown rot resistance in wheat
    Haijun Qi, Xiuliang Zhu, Wenbiao Shen, Xia Yang, Chaozhong Zhang, Genying Li, Feng Chen, Xuening Wei and Zengyan Zhang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (1): 12-16.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13596
    Accepted: 16 December 2023
    Online available: 16 December 2023

    Abstract116)            English Version    Save
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    Designing salt stress-resilient crops: Current progress and future challenges
    Xiaoyan Liang, Jianfang Li, Yongqing Yang, Caifu Jiang and Yan Guo
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 303-329.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13599
    Accepted: 18 December 2023
    Online available: 18 December 2023

    Abstract167)            English Version    Save
    Excess soil salinity affects large regions of land and is a major hindrance to crop production worldwide. Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms of plant salt tolerance has scientific importance and practical significance. In recent decades, studies have characterized hundreds of genes associated with plant responses to salt stress in different plant species. These studies have substantially advanced our molecular and genetic understanding of salt tolerance in plants and have introduced an era of molecular design breeding of salt-tolerant crops. This review summarizes our current knowledge of plant salt tolerance, emphasizing advances in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of osmotic stress tolerance, salt-ion transport and compartmentalization, oxidative stress tolerance, alkaline stress tolerance, and the trade-off between growth and salt tolerance. We also examine recent advances in understanding natural variation in the salt tolerance of crops and discuss possible strategies and challenges for designing salt stress-resilient crops. We focus on the model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and the four most-studied crops: rice (Oryza sativa), wheat (Triticum aestivum), maize (Zea mays), and soybean (Glycine max).
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    TaSRO1 interacts with TaVP1 to modulate seed dormancy and pre-harvest sprouting resistance in wheat
    Shupeng Liu, Li Li, Wenlong Wang, Guangmin Xia and Shuwei Liu
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (1): 36-53.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13600
    Accepted: 18 December 2023
    Online available: 18 December 2023

    Abstract106)            English Version    Save
    Dormancy is an adaptive trait which prevents seeds from germinating under unfavorable environmental conditions. Seeds with weak dormancy undergo pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) which decreases grain yield and quality. Understanding the genetic mechanisms that regulate seed dormancy and resistance to PHS is crucial for ensuring global food security. In this study, we illustrated the function and molecular mechanism of TaSRO1 in the regulation of seed dormancy and PHS resistance by suppressing TaVP1. The tasro1 mutants exhibited strong seed dormancy and enhanced resistance to PHS, whereas the mutants of tavp1 displayed weak dormancy. Genetic evidence has shown that TaVP1 is epistatic to TaSRO1. Biochemical evidence has shown that TaSRO1 interacts with TaVP1 and represses the transcriptional activation of the PHS resistance genes TaPHS1 and TaSdr. Furthermore, TaSRO1 undermines the synergistic activation of TaVP1 and TaABI5 in PHS resistance genes. Finally, we highlight the great potential of tasro1 alleles for breeding elite wheat cultivars that are resistant to PHS.
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    Reactive oxygen species: Multidimensional regulators of plant adaptation to abiotic stress and development
    Pengtao Wang, Wen‐Cheng Liu, Chao Han, Situ Wang, Ming‐Yi Bai and Chun‐Peng Song
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 330-367.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13601
    Accepted: 20 December 2023
    Online available: 20 December 2023

    Abstract217)            English Version    Save
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced as undesirable by-products of metabolism in various cellular compartments, especially in response to unfavorable environmental conditions, throughout the life cycle of plants. Stress-induced ROS production disrupts normal cellular function and leads to oxidative damage. To cope with excessive ROS, plants are equipped with a sophisticated antioxidative defense system consisting of enzymatic and non-enzymatic components that scavenge ROS or inhibit their harmful effects on biomolecules. Nonetheless, when maintained at relatively low levels, ROS act as signaling molecules that regulate plant growth, development, and adaptation to adverse conditions. Here, we provide an overview of current approaches for detecting ROS. We also discuss recent advances in understanding ROS signaling, ROS metabolism, and the roles of ROS in plant growth and responses to various abiotic stresses.
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    Environmentally adaptive reshaping of plant photomorphogenesis by karrikin and strigolactone signaling
    Young-Joon Park, Bo Eun Nam and Chung-Mo Park
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (5): 865-882.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13602
    Accepted: 20 December 2023
    Online available: 20 December 2023

    Abstract106)            English Version    Save
    Coordinated morphogenic adaptation of growing plants is critical for their survival and propagation under fluctuating environments. Plant morphogenic responses to light and warm temperatures, termed photomorphogenesis and thermomorphogenesis, respectively, have been extensively studied in recent decades. During photomorphogenesis, plants actively reshape their growth and developmental patterns to cope with changes in light regimes. Accordingly, photomorphogenesis is closely associated with diverse growth hormonal cues. Notably, accumulating evidence indicates that light-directed morphogenesis is profoundly affected by two recently identified phytochemicals, karrikins (KARs) and strigolactones (SLs). KARs and SLs are structurally related butenolides acting as signaling molecules during a variety of developmental steps, including seed germination. Their receptors and signaling mediators have been identified, and associated working mechanisms have been explored using gene-deficient mutants in various plant species. Of particular interest is that the KAR and SL signaling pathways play important roles in environmental responses, among which their linkages with photomorphogenesis are most comprehensively studied during seedling establishment. In this review, we focus on how the phytochemical and light signals converge on the optimization of morphogenic fitness. We also discuss molecular mechanisms underlying the signaling crosstalks with an aim of developing potential ways to improve crop productivity under climate changes.
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    Nitrogen addition alters aboveground C:N:P stoichiometry of plants but not for belowground in an Inner Mongolia grassland
    Ziqi Wang, Jie Wang, Honghui Wu, Tian Yang, Yixin An, Yunlong Zhang, Jianlin Bian, Ying Li, Haiyan Ren, Ariuntsetseg Lkhagva, Xu Wang, Qiang Yu
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (1): 0-rtad041.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtad041
    Online available: 05 December 2023

    Abstract69)      PDF (782KB)(50)       Save
    Nitrogen (N) deposition exhibits significant impacts on ecosystem functions and processes. Previous studies have indicated that N addition has an impact on the stoichiometry of plant leaf C:N:P ratios. However, few studies have focused on effects of N addition on belowground systems. This study aims to examine the impact of 7 years of N addition on above- and belowground C:N:P stoichiometry at plant community level in a temperate grassland located in Inner Mongolia. A 7-year field N addition experiment was conducted, which included six treatments: Cont: control; N1: 0.4 mol·m-2 N; N2: 0.8 mol·m-2 N; N3: 1.6 mol·m-2 N; N4: 2.8 mol·m-2 N; N5: 4 mol·m-2 N with six replicates. Above- and belowground plant biomass and C:N:P stoichiometry were measured and analyzed. Our results showed that N addition resulted in a reduction of aboveground C concentration, but an increase in aboveground N and P concentrations, with a decrease in C:N and C:P ratios and an increase in N:P ratio. Furthermore, the aboveground C, N, and P pools all exhibited an increase as a result of N addition. However, N addition did not have any significant effect on belowground C, N, P concentrations, ratios, pools, or stoichiometric characteristics in the soil layers of 0-10, 10-30, 30-50, and 50-100 cm. These results suggest that increasing levels of N deposition significantly alter the aboveground C:N:P stoichiometry at the plant community level, which may affect functions and processes in the grassland ecosystem, but have little effect on belowground C:N:P stoichiometry.
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    Leaf stoichiometry of common species along altitude gradients in the Qilian Mountains, China
    Shuyan Hong, Jie Chen, Asim Biswas, Jianjun Cao, Xiaogang Dong
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (1): 0-rtad044.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtad044
    Online available: 09 December 2023

    Abstract91)      PDF (1394KB)(67)       Save
    Investigating the variations in leaf stoichiometry among plant common species at different altitudes, along with the factors that influence these variations and the adaptative strategies employed, is of significant importance for understanding biogeochemical cycles amidst global environmental changes. In this research, we measured soil organic carbon and nutrient concentrations, as well as leaf stoichiometry for plant common species at five altitudes (2400-3200 m with an interval of 200 m) within the Qilian Mountains of Northwest China. This study aims to enhance our understanding of how plant common species in mountainous regions exhibit adaptable responses to altitude variations and how potential environmental changes in the future may influence their leaf functions. Results showed that the leaf C:N:P stoichiometry of plant common species varied with increasing altitude. Across altitudes, mean annual temperature (MAT), soil total phosphorus, mean annual precipitation (MAP), soil water content, and soil nitrate nitrogen were the main factors influencing leaf element concentrations of plant common species. However, leaf stoichiometric ratios were mainly determined by MAT, MAP, and soil total nitrogen. The effects of MAT and MAP on both leaf element concentrations and leaf stoichiometric ratios of plant common species were found to be significant. Plant growth in the study area was mainly limited by P. The results not only highlight the adaptive strategies employed by plants, but also contribute to understanding of leaf stoichiometry, and establishing connections between individual plant species and broader plant community composed of these common species.
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    Independent genetic differentiation between upland and lowland rice ecotypes within japonica and indica subspecies during their adaptations to different soil-nitrogen conditions
    Heng-Ling Zhou, Lei Wang, Yun-Xia Yue, Zhi Luo, Shun-Jie Wang, Li-Guo Zhou, Li-Jun Luo, Hui Xia, and Ming Yan
    J Syst Evol    2024, 62 (5): 915-927.   DOI: 10.1111/jse.13046
    Accepted: 25 January 2024
    Online available: 25 January 2024

    Abstract142)            English Version    Save
    The soil-nitrogen condition, which differs greatly between paddy fields (mainly in the form of ammonium, NH4+) and dry fields (mainly in the form of nitrate, NO3-), is a main environmental factor that drives the adaptive differentiation between upland and lowland rice ecotypes. However, the adaptive differentiation in terms of the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) between upland and lowland rice has not been well addressed. In this study, we evaluated NUE-related traits among rice landraces as well as the genetic differentiation between NUE- associated genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The japonica upland and lowland rice ecotypes showed large differences in their NUE-related traits such as the absorption ability for NH4+ and NO3-. The indica upland and lowland rice exhibited similar performances when cultivated in solutions containing NH4+ or NO3- or when planted in paddy or dry fields. However, the indica upland rice possessed a greater ability to absorb NO3-. We identified 76 QTLs for 25 measured traits using genome-wide association analysis. The highly differentiated NUE- associated genes or QTLs between ecotypes were rarely shared by japonica and indica subspecies, indicating an independent genetic basis for their soil-nitrogen adaptations. We suggested four genes in three QTLs as the candidates contributing to rice NUE during the ecotypic differentiation. In summary, the soil-nitrogen condition drives the adaptive differentiation of NUE between upland and lowland rice independently within the japonica and indica subspecies. These findings can strengthen our understanding of rice adaptation to divergent soil-nitrogen conditions and have implications for the improvement of NUE.
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    Nutrient resorption exacerbates nitrogen-phosphorus imbalances in plants under increasing nitrogen addition in a saline-alkaline grassland
    Yuan Su, Shuaikai Wu, Jie Hao, Huajie Diao, Kuanhu Dong, Changhui Wang
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (1): 0-rtad049.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtad049
    Accepted: 04 January 2024
    Online available: 04 January 2024

    Abstract77)      PDF (907KB)(26)       Save
    Reabsorbing nutrients from senescent tissues before leaf falling has been recognized as a strategy to adapt to nutrient deficiency. However, how nutrient resorption modulates the nitrogen (N)-phosphorus (P) balance inside plants remains unclear, especially under increased soil N availability. We examined the impacts of N addition at varying rates (0-32 g N m-2 yr-1) on nutrient resorption and the performance of nutrient resorption on controlling the internal N-P balance in the leaf and stem of a dominant grass species, Leymus secalinus, in a saline-alkaline grassland in northern China. After 6 years of N addition, N concentration and N:P ratio in green and senesced tissues (leaf and stem) rose with increasing N addition. The P concentration in green tissues decreased, but did not significantly change in senesced tissues with increasing N addition. The N resorption efficiency (NRE), P resorption efficiency (PRE), and NRE:PRE ratio significantly decreased along the N addition gradient. Moreover, we found more sensitive responses of N:P ratio in senesced tissues than in green tissues; such exacerbation of plant internal N-P imbalances mainly resulted from a disproportionate reduction in nutrient resorption, especially NRE. Overall, our study suggested that differences in NRE and PRE further exacerbated the internal N-P imbalances in plant litters.
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    Methyl-salicylate: A surveillance system for triggering immunity in neighboring plants
    Saumya Jaiswal, Durgesh Kumar Tripathi, Ravi Gupta, Jing He, Zhong‐Hua Chen and Vijay Pratap Singh
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (2): 163-165.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13621
    Accepted: 05 February 2024
    Online available: 05 February 2024

    Abstract89)            English Version    Save
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    Integrative regulatory mechanisms of stomatal movements under changing climate
    Jingbo Zhang, Xuexue Chen, Yajing Song and Zhizhong Gong
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 368-393.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13611
    Accepted: 06 February 2024
    Online available: 06 February 2024

    Abstract98)            English Version    Save
    Global climate change-caused drought stress, high temperatures and other extreme weather profoundly impact plant growth and development, restricting sustainable crop production. To cope with various environmental stimuli, plants can optimize the opening and closing of stomata to balance CO2 uptake for photosynthesis and water loss from leaves. Guard cells perceive and integrate various signals to adjust stomatal pores through turgor pressure regulation. Molecular mechanisms and signaling networks underlying the stomatal movements in response to environmental stresses have been extensively studied and elucidated. This review focuses on the molecular mechanisms of stomatal movements mediated by abscisic acid, light, CO2, reactive oxygen species, pathogens, temperature, and other phytohormones. We discussed the significance of elucidating the integrative mechanisms that regulate stomatal movements in helping design smart crops with enhanced water use efficiency and resilience in a climate-changing world.
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    PIF4 interacts with ABI4 to serve as a transcriptional activator complex to promote seed dormancy by enhancing ABA biosynthesis and signaling
    Xiaofeng Luo, Yujia Dai, Baoshan Xian, Jiahui Xu, Ranran Zhang, Muhammad Saad Rehmani, Chuan Zheng, Xiaoting Zhao, Kaitao Mao, Xiaotong Ren, Shaowei Wei, Lei Wang, Juan He, Weiming Tan, Junbo Du, Weiguo Liu, Shu Yuan and Kai Shu
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (5): 909-927.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13615
    Accepted: 08 February 2024
    Online available: 08 February 2024

    Abstract137)            English Version    Save
    Transcriptional regulation plays a key role in the control of seed dormancy, and many transcription factors (TFs) have been documented. However, the mechanisms underlying the interactions between different TFs within a transcriptional complex regulating seed dormancy remain largely unknown. Here, we showed that TF PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR4 (PIF4) physically interacted with the abscisic acid (ABA) signaling responsive TF ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE4 (ABI4) to act as a transcriptional complex to promote ABA biosynthesis and signaling, finally deepening primary seed dormancy. Both pif4 and abi4 single mutants exhibited a decreased primary seed dormancy phenotype, with a synergistic effect in the pif4/abi4 double mutant. PIF4 binds to ABI4 to form a heterodimer, and ABI4 stabilizes PIF4 at the protein level, whereas PIF4 does not affect the protein stabilization of ABI4. Subsequently, both TFs independently and synergistically promoted the expression of ABI4 and NCED6, a key gene for ABA anabolism. The genetic evidence is also consistent with the phenotypic, physiological and biochemical analysis results. Altogether, this study revealed a transcriptional regulatory cascade in which the PIF4–ABI4 transcriptional activator complex synergistically enhanced seed dormancy by facilitating ABA biosynthesis and signaling.
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    Maize gets an iron boost: Biofortification breakthrough holds promise to combat iron deficiency
    Sunil Kumar Sahu
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (4): 635-637.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13623
    Accepted: 13 February 2024
    Online available: 13 February 2024

    Abstract161)            English Version    Save
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    Effects of water extract from Cornus controversa on the expression levels of DiSOC1-b and DiCCoAOMT1 genes related with the growth of dove tree seedlings
    Xiaoyan Chen, Zhengchuan Liang, Yun Long, Jihong Pan, Tingfa Dong, Qinsong Liu, Xiao Xu
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (2): 0-rtae009.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtae009
    Online available: 14 February 2024

    Abstract70)      PDF (1524KB)(25)       Save
    Although characterization of plant interactions has become a research hotspot to assess the adaptability of endangered plants, the underlying molecular basis remains elusive. Dove tree (Davidia involucrata) seedlings were watered with distilled water (CK), leaf water extract (0.025 g mL-1) and branch water extract (0.1 g mL-1) from Cornus controversa, respectively. Subsequently, the morphology, biomass and gene expression levels of DiSOC1-b and DiCCoAOMT1 were analyzed. The results showed that morphological traits and biomass accumulation of D. involucrata seedlings were decreased by the addition of leaf water extracts, and increased by branch water extracts. Moreover, the gene expression level of DiSOC1-b was significantly down-regulated, while the gene expression level of DiCCoAOMT1 was significantly up-regulated in the stems and roots of D. involucrata upon treatment with leaf water extracts of C. controversa. In contrast, the gene expression level of DiSOC1-b was significantly up-regulated in the leaves and stems, while the gene expression level of DiCCoAOMT1 was significantly down-regulated in the roots of D. involucrata upon treatment with branch water extracts of C. controversa. In addition, the expression level of DiSOC1-b was positively correlated with most of morphological traits and total biomass (Pβ<β0.05), while DiCCoAOMT1 was negatively correlated with the majority of morphological traits in D. involucrata seedlings (Pβ<β0.05). Taken together, these results suggest that water extracts from the leaves and branches of the C. controversa exhibit opposite allelopathic effects and affect the expression levels of genes related to growth (DiSOC1-b) and environmental adaptability (DiCCoAOMT1) in D. involucrata seedlings.
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    Fitness of the first backcross generations from the second to the sixth progenies of glyphosate-resistant transgenic Brassica napus and wild Brassica juncea in absence of the herbicide
    Lei Huang, Zi-Cheng Shao, Ling-Ling Dai, Ai-Qin Zheng, Qing-Ling Zhang, Xiao-Lei Wang, Sheng Qiang, Xiao-Ling Song
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (1): 0-rtad030.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtad030
    Online available: 11 November 2023

    Abstract45)      PDF (1626KB)(16)       Save
    Successful introgression of a transgene from a transgenic crop into a wild or weedy relative is determined by the fitness of backcross generations carrying the transgene. To provide insight for ecological risk assessment of gene flow between transgenic Brassica napus and wild Brassica juncea, this study investigated the fitness of the first backcross generations from the second to the sixth progenies (BC1F2R-BC1F6R) between glyphosate-resistant transgenic B. napus and wild B. juncea at low density (5 plants/m2) and high density (10 plants/m2), and monoculture and mixed planting (wild B. juncea: BC1F2R-BC1F6R = 1:1). Correlations between the fitness components of backcross progeny, planting density and planting patterns were analyzed. In the monoculture at low density, compared with B. juncea, earlier generations BC1F2R and BC1F3R had low composite fitness, while later generations from BC1F4R to BC1F6R were more fit. At high density, whatever monoculture or mixed planting, all backcrossed generations had lower composite fitness than B. juncea. Correlation analysis indicated that both planting density and pattern significantly affected the fitness components of the first backcross generations from the second to the sixth progenies (BC1F2R-BC1F6R). These results indicate that the probability of transgene introgression from cultivated B. napus to weedy B. juncea is likely to be highly contingent on the specific growing conditions of their backcross descendants.
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    IbNIEL-mediated degradation of IbNAC087 regulates jasmonic acid-dependent salt and drought tolerance in sweet potato
    Xu Li, Zhen Wang, Sifan Sun, Zhuoru Dai, Jun Zhang, Wenbin Wang, Kui Peng, Wenhao Geng, Shuanghong Xia, Qingchang Liu, Hong Zhai, Shaopei Gao, Ning Zhao, Feng Tian, Huan Zhang and Shaozhen He
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (2): 176-195.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13612
    Accepted: 31 January 2024
    Online available: 31 January 2024

    Abstract87)            English Version    Save
    Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam.) is a crucial staple and bioenergy crop. Its abiotic stress tolerance holds significant importance in fully utilizing marginal lands. Transcriptional processes regulate abiotic stress responses, yet the molecular regulatory mechanisms in sweet potato remain unclear. In this study, a NAC (NAM, ATAF1/2, and CUC2) transcription factor, IbNAC087, was identified, which is commonly upregulated in salt- and drought-tolerant germplasms. Overexpression of IbNAC087 increased salt and drought tolerance by increasing jasmonic acid (JA) accumulation and activating reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging, whereas silencing this gene resulted in opposite phenotypes. JA-rich IbNAC087-OE (overexpression) plants exhibited more stomatal closure than wild-type (WT) and IbNAC087-Ri plants under NaCl, polyethylene glycol, and methyl jasmonate treatments. IbNAC087 functions as a nuclear transcriptional activator and directly activates the expression of the key JA biosynthesis-related genes lipoxygenase (IbLOX) and allene oxide synthase (IbAOS). Moreover, IbNAC087 physically interacted with a RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase NAC087-INTERACTING E3 LIGASE (IbNIEL), negatively regulating salt and drought tolerance in sweet potato. IbNIEL ubiquitinated IbNAC087 to promote 26S proteasome degradation, which weakened its activation on IbLOX and IbAOS. The findings provide insights into the mechanism underlying the IbNIEL-IbNAC087 module regulation of JA-dependent salt and drought response in sweet potato and provide candidate genes for improving abiotic stress tolerance in crops.
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    Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on carbon assimilation and ecological stoichiometry of maize under combined abiotic stresses
    Qiong Ran, Songlin Zhang, Muhammad Arif, Xueting Yin, Shanshan Chen, Guangqian Ren
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (2): 0-rtae010.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtae010
    Online available: 23 February 2024

    Abstract113)      PDF (1371KB)(25)       Save
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) enhance plant tolerance to abiotic stresses like salinity and improve crop yield. However, their effects are variable, and the underlying cause of such variation remains largely unknown. This study aimed to assess how drought modified the effect of AMF on plant resistance to high calcium-saline stress. A pot experiment was performed to examine how AMF inoculation affects the growth, photosynthetic activity, nutrient uptake and carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stoichiometric ratio (C:N:P) of maize under high calcium stress and contrasting water conditions. The results showed that high calcium stress significantly reduced mycorrhizal colonization, biomass accumulation, C assimilation rate and C:N stoichiometric ratio in plant tissues. Besides, the adverse effects of calcium stress on photosynthesis were exacerbated under drought. AMF inoculation profoundly alleviated such reductions under drought and saline stress. However, it barely affected maize performance when subjected to calcium stress under well-watered conditions. Moreover, watering changed AMF impact on nutrient allocation in plant tissues. Under well-watered conditions, AMF stimulated P accumulation in roots and plant growth, but did not induce leaf P accumulation proportional to C and N, resulting in increased leaf C:P and N:P ratios under high calcium stress. In contrast, AMF decreased N content and the N:P ratio in leaves under drought. Overall, AMF inoculation improved maize resistance to calcium-salt stress through enhanced photosynthesis and modulation of nutrient stoichiometry, particularly under water deficit conditions. These results highlighted the regulatory role of AMF in carbon assimilation and nutrient homeostasis under compound stresses, and provide significant guidance on the improvement of crop yield in saline and arid regions.
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    Orchestrating seed storage protein and starch accumulation toward overcoming yield–quality trade-off in cereal crops
    Shuanghe Cao, Bingyan Liu, Daowen Wang, Awais Rasheed, Lina Xie, Xianchun Xia and Zhonghu He
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (3): 468-483.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13633
    Accepted: 26 February 2024
    Online available: 26 February 2024

    Abstract106)            English Version    Save
    Achieving high yield and good quality in crops is essential for human food security and health. However, there is usually disharmony between yield and quality. Seed storage protein (SSP) and starch, the predominant components in cereal grains, determine yield and quality, and their coupled synthesis causes a yield–quality trade-off. Therefore, dissection of the underlying regulatory mechanism facilitates simultaneous improvement of yield and quality. Here, we summarize current findings about the synergistic molecular machinery underpinning SSP and starch synthesis in the leading staple cereal crops, including maize, rice and wheat. We further evaluate the functional conservation and differentiation of key regulators and specify feasible research approaches to identify additional regulators and expand insights. We also present major strategies to leverage resultant information for simultaneous improvement of yield and quality by molecular breeding. Finally, future perspectives on major challenges are proposed.
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    OsWRKY78 regulates panicle exsertion via gibberellin signaling pathway in rice
    Enyang Mei, Mingliang He, Min Xu, Jiaqi Tang, Jiali Liu, Yingxiang Liu, Zhipeng Hong, Xiufeng Li, Zhenyu Wang, Qingjie Guan, Xiaojie Tian and Qingyun Bu
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (4): 771-786.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13636
    Accepted: 12 March 2024
    Online available: 12 March 2024

    Abstract232)            English Version    Save
    Panicle exsertion is one of the crucial agronomic traits in rice (Oryza sativa). Shortening of panicle exsertion often leads to panicle enclosure and severely reduces seed production. Gibberellin (GA) plays important roles in regulating panicle exsertion. However, the underlying mechanism and the relative regulatory network remain elusive. Here, we characterized the oswrky78 mutant showing severe panicle enclosure, and found that the defect of oswrky78 is caused by decreased bioactive GA contents. Biochemical analysis demonstrates that OsWRKY78 can directly activate GA biosynthesis and indirectly suppress GA metabolism. Moreover, we found OsWRKY78 can interact with and be phosphorylated by mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase OsMAPK6, and this phosphorylation can enhance OsWRKY78 stability and is necessary for its biological function. Taken together, these results not only reveal the critical function of OsWRKY78, but also reveal its mechanism via mediating crosstalk between MAPK and the GA signaling pathway in regulating panicle exsertion.
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    Arbuscular mycorrhizae status of host plant affects offspring's phenotype and transcriptome expression in a low-phosphorus environment
    Shijun Liu, Jing Xu, Hong Huang, Jianjun Tang, Xin Chen
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (2): 0-rtae014.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtae014
    Accepted: 15 March 2024
    Online available: 04 March 2024

    Abstract52)      PDF (4344KB)(37)       Save
    Although the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on host plants have been well documented, whether the effects of AMF on parental generations affect offspring performance is not fully clear. We conducted a common garden experiment to determine whether AMF status of host plants (Medicago truncatula) affects phenotype and transcriptome expression of their offspring. Seeds from four type parental treatments (low-phosphorus (P) soil without AMF, low-P soil with AMF, high-P soil without AMF and high-P soil with AMF) were grown under low-P (LPS) and normal-P soil (OHS) conditions. The flowering pattern of LP offspring was similar to their parents, such that plants with AMF flowered earlier than those without AMF under OHS condition but were opposite under LPS condition. The transcriptome differential analysis showed that some differential transcripts (45 for parental plants growing under low-P condition and 3 for parental plants growing under high-P condition) expression patterns between offspring were comparable, and that only affected by parental AMF status regardless of the P environment that offspring was grown. Others (146 for parental plants growing under low-P condition and 2 for parental plants growing under high-P condition), however, were affected both by the parental AMF status and the offspring P environment. In addition, the number of differential transcripts between offspring whose parental plants grew under high-P condition was far less than under low-P condition. These results indicate that AMF may not only affect the current generation of host plants but also affect the offspring especially when their parents have experienced a stressful environment.
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    Nitrogen addition increased resistance of resident plant community to Solidago canadensis invasion by altering allelopathic effect
    Jing-Fang Cai, Kai Sun, Lin Li, Si-Ha A, Yi-Luan Shen, Hong-Li Li
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (2): 0-rtae015.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtae015
    Accepted: 15 March 2024
    Online available: 07 March 2024

    Abstract69)      PDF (1161KB)(38)       Save
    Allelopathy plays an important role in the interaction between invasive and resident plants. Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has become a global problem, but it is unclear whether N enrichment affects the interaction between invasive and resident plants by affecting their allelopathy. Thus, we performed a greenhouse experiment in which the resident plant community was grown under two levels of invasion by S. canadensis (invasion vs. no invasion) and fully crossed with two levels of allelopathy (with or without adding activated carbon) and two levels of N addition (with or without). The resident plant communities were constructed with eight herbaceous species that often co-occur with S. canadensis. The results showed that both allelopathy of S. canadensis and the resident plants had obvious positive effects on their own growth. Nitrogen addition had more obvious positive effects on the resident plants under invasion than those that were not invaded. Moreover, N addition also altered the allelopathy of resident plants. Specifically, N addition improved the allelopathy of resident plants when they were invaded but decreased the allelopathy of resident plants when they grew alone. Although nitrogen addition had no obvious effect on S. canadensis, it reduced the allelopathy of S. canadensis. These results suggest that N addition could improve the resistance of resident plants to invasion by improving the allelopathy of resident plants and reducing the allelopathy of S. canadensis. These findings provide a scientific basis to manage and control the S. canadensis invasion.
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    The RING zinc finger protein LbRZF1 promotes salt gland development and salt tolerance in Limonium bicolor
    Zongran Yang, Ziwei Zhang, Ziqi Qiao, Xueying Guo, Yixuan Wen, Yingxue Zhou, Chunliang Yao, Hai Fan, Baoshan Wang and Guoliang Han
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (4): 787-809.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13641
    Accepted: 13 March 2024
    Online available: 13 March 2024

    Abstract85)            English Version    Save
    The recretohalophyte Limonium bicolor thrives in high-salinity environments because salt glands on the above-ground parts of the plant help to expel excess salt. Here, we characterize a nucleus-localized C3HC4 (RING-HC)-type zinc finger protein of L. bicolor named RING ZINC FINGER PROTEIN 1 (LbRZF1). LbRZF1 was expressed in salt glands and in response to NaCl treatment. LbRZF1 showed no E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. The phenotypes of overexpression and knockout lines for LbRZF1 indicated that LbRZF1 positively regulated salt gland development and salt tolerance in L. bicolor. lbrzf1 mutants had fewer salt glands and secreted less salt than did the wild-type, whereas LbRZF1-overexpressing lines had opposite phenotypes, in keeping with the overall salt tolerance of these plants. A yeast two-hybrid screen revealed that LbRZF1 interacted with LbCATALASE2 (LbCAT2) and the transcription factor LbMYB113, leading to their stabilization. Silencing of LbCAT2 or LbMYB113 decreased salt gland density and salt tolerance. The heterologous expression of LbRZF1 in Arabidopsis thaliana conferred salt tolerance to this non-halophyte. We also identified the transcription factor LbMYB48 as an upstream regulator of LbRZF1 transcription. The study of LbRZF1 in the regulation network of salt gland development also provides a good foundation for transforming crops and improving their salt resistance.
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    Potassium transporter OsHAK9 regulates seed germination under salt stress by preventing gibberellin degradation through mediating OsGA2ox7 in rice
    Peng Zeng, Ting Xie, Jiaxin Shen, Taokai Liang, Lu Yin, Kexin Liu, Ying He, Mingming Chen, Haijuan Tang, Sunlu Chen, Sergey Shabala, Hongsheng Zhang and Jinping Cheng
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (4): 731-748.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13642
    Accepted: 14 March 2024
    Online available: 14 March 2024

    Abstract132)            English Version    Save
    Soil salinity has a major impact on rice seed germination, severely limiting rice production. Herein, a rice germination defective mutant under salt stress (gdss) was identified by using chemical mutagenesis. The GDSS gene was detected via MutMap and shown to encode potassium transporter OsHAK9. Phenotypic analysis of complementation and mutant lines demonstrated that OsHAK9 was an essential regulator responsible for seed germination under salt stress. OsHAK9 is highly expressed in germinating seed embryos. Ion contents and non-invasive micro-test technology results showed that OsHAK9 restricted K+ efflux in salt-exposed germinating seeds for the balance of K+/Na+. Disruption of OsHAK9 significantly reduced gibberellin 4 (GA4) levels, and the germination defective phenotype of oshak9a was partly rescued by exogenous GA3 treatment under salt stress. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis demonstrated that the disruption of OsHAK9 improved the GA-deactivated gene OsGA2ox7 expression in germinating seeds under salt stress, and the expression of OsGA2ox7 was significantly inhibited by salt stress. Null mutants of OsGA2ox7 created using clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated nuclease 9 approach displayed a dramatically increased seed germination ability under salt stress. Overall, our results highlight that OsHAK9 regulates seed germination performance under salt stress involving preventing GA degradation by mediating OsGA2ox7, which provides a novel clue about the relationship between GA and OsHAKs in rice.
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    FKF1b controls reproductive transition associated with adaptation to geographical distribution in maize
    Suhui Chen, Shan Gao, Dongyang Wang, Jie Liu, Yingying Ren, Zhihan Wang, Xin Wei, Qin Wang and Xuehui Huang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (5): 943-955.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13639
    Accepted: 19 March 2024
    Online available: 19 March 2024

    Abstract93)            English Version    Save
    Maize (Zea mays subspecies mays) is an important commercial crop across the world, and its flowering time is closely related to grain yield, plant cycle and latitude adaptation. FKF1 is an essential clock-regulated blue-light receptor with distinct functions on flowering time in plants, and its function in maize remains unclear. In this study, we identified two FKF1 homologs in the maize genome, named ZmFKF1a and ZmFKF1b, and indicated that ZmFKF1a and ZmFKF1b independently regulate reproductive transition through interacting with ZmCONZ1 and ZmGI1 to increase the transcription levels of ZmCONZ1 and ZCN8. We demonstrated that ZmFKF1b underwent artificial selection during modern breeding in China probably due to its role in geographical adaptation. Furthermore, our data suggested that ZmFKF1bHap_C7 may be an elite allele, which increases the abundance of ZmCONZ1 mRNA more efficiently and adapt to a wider range of temperature zone than that of ZmFKF1bHap_Z58 to promote maize floral transition. It extends our understanding of the genetic diversity of maize flowering. This allele is expected to be introduced into tropical maize germplasm to enrich breeding resources and may improve the adaptability of maize at different climate zones, especially at temperate region.
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    The below-ground biomass contributes more to wetland soil carbon pools than the above-ground biomass—a survey based on global wetlands
    Yueyan Pan, Jiakai Liu, Mingxiang Zhang, Peisheng Huang, Matt Hipesy, Liyi Dai, Ziwen Ma, Fan Zhang, Zhenming Zhang
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (5): 1-12.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtae017
    Accepted: 23 March 2024
    Online available: 18 March 2024

    Abstract89)      PDF (2517KB)(53)       Save
    The biomass of wetland plants is highly responsive to environmental factors and plays a crucial role in the dynamics of the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool. In this study, we collected and analyzed global data on wetland plant biomass from 1980 to 2021. By examining 1134 observations from 182 published papers on wetland ecosystems, we created a comprehensive database of wetland plant above-ground biomass (AGB) and below-ground biomass (BGB). Using this database, we analyzed the biomass characteristics of different climate zones, wetland types and plant species globally. Based on this, we analyzed the differences between the biomass of different plant species and the linkage between AGB and BGB and organic carbon. Our study has revealed that wetland plant AGB is greater in equatorial regions but BGB is highest in polar areas, and lowest in arid and equatorial zones. For plant species, the BGB of the Poales is higher than the AGB but Caryophyllales, Cyperales and Lamiales have higher AGB. Moreover, our findings indicate that BGB plays a more significant role in contributing to the organic carbon pool compared to AGB. Notably, when BGB is less than 1 t C ha−1, even slight changes in biomass can have a significant impact on the organic carbon pool. And we observed that the SOC increases by 5.7 t C ha−1 when the BGB content is low, indicating that the SOC is more sensitive to changes in biomass under such circumstances. Our study provides a basis for the global response of AGB and BGB of wetland plants to organic carbon.
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    Effects of the conversion of natural tropical rainforest to monoculture rubber plantations on soil hydrological processes
    Qiaoyan Chen, Ruiyu Fu, Siyuan Cheng, Dong Qiao, Zhongmin Hu, Zijia Zhang, Licong Dai
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (2): 0-rtae021.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtae021
    Accepted: 28 March 2024
    Online available: 26 March 2024

    Abstract55)      PDF (5387KB)(19)       Save
    Rubber plantations have increased significantly under unprecedented economic growth in tropical areas, which leads to soil degradation and thereby alters soil hydrological processes. However, our understanding of how forest conversion affects soil hydrological processes remains unclear. Here, we collected soil samples from secondary forests (SF) and rubber plantations (RP) to determine the soil hydrological characteristics. We found the topsoil (0-20 cm) water retention in SF was higher than that of RP but displayed the contrast pattern in a deeper soil layer (20-60 cm). Meanwhile, the soil infiltration rates among the two vegetation types decreased significantly with infiltration time, with higher stable soil infiltration rates in SF than those in RP. Moreover, soil properties were also impacted by the forest conversion, such as the topsoil capillary porosity (CP) and total porosity (TP) in SF were higher than those of RP but contrasted in a deep soil layer. In comparison, the topsoil bulk density (BD) in SF was lower than that of RP, but contrasted in the deep soil layer and reached a significant level in the 0-10 and 40-50 cm (P<0.05). Overall, the soil water retention was mainly determined by the CP, which could explain 31.56% of the total variance in soil water retention, followed by TP (26.57%) and soil BD (26.47%), whereas soil texture exerts a weak effect on soil water retention. Therefore, we can conclude that the conversion of tropical rainforest into rubber plantations may accelerate soil erosion owing to its lower topsoil water retention and soil infiltration rates.
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    RACK1A promotes hypocotyl elongation by scaffolding light signaling components in Arabidopsis
    Yajuan Fu, Wei Zhu, Yeling Zhou, Yujing Su, Zhiyong Li, Dayan Zhang, Dong Zhang, Jinyu Shen and Jiansheng Liang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (5): 956-972.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13651
    Accepted: 01 April 2024
    Online available: 01 April 2024

    Abstract84)            English Version    Save
    Plants deploy versatile scaffold proteins to intricately modulate complex cell signaling. Among these, RACK1A (Receptors for Activated C Kinase 1A) stands out as a multifaceted scaffold protein functioning as a central integrative hub for diverse signaling pathways. However, the precise mechanisms by which RACK1A orchestrates signal transduction to optimize seedling development remain largely unclear. Here, we demonstrate that RACK1A facilitates hypocotyl elongation by functioning as a flexible platform that connects multiple key components of light signaling pathways. RACK1A interacts with PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR (PIF)3, enhances PIF3 binding to the promoter of BBX11 and down-regulates its transcription. Furthermore, RACK1A associates with ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5) to repress HY5 biochemical activity toward target genes, ultimately contributing to hypocotyl elongation. In darkness, RACK1A is targeted by CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC (COP)1 upon phosphorylation and subjected to COP1-mediated degradation via the 26?S proteasome system. Our findings provide new insights into how plants utilize scaffold proteins to regulate hypocotyl elongation, ensuring proper skoto- and photo-morphogenic development.
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    Dense infraspecific sampling reveals cryptic differentiation in the enigmatic hemiparasitic love vine Cassytha filiformis (Lauraceae)
    Zhi-Fang Liu, Shi-Fang Zhang, Alex D. Twyford, Xiu-Qin Ci, Lang Li, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Jian-Lin Hu, Jia-Chuan Tan, Guang-Da Tang, Sheng-Yuan Qin, Ling Hu, Xin Ding, Hong-Hu Meng, Li-Na Dong, Ting Huang, Hui Ma, Jian-Hua Xiao, Chao-Nan Cai, John G. Conran, Qi Wang, Peter M. Hollingsworth, and Jie Li
    J Syst Evol    2024, 62 (6): 1238-1254.   DOI: 10.1111/jse.13069
    Accepted: 31 March 2024
    Online available: 31 March 2024

    Abstract50)            English Version    Save
    Species delimitation remains a challenge worldwide, especially in highly diverse tropical and subtropical regions. Here, we use an integrative approach that combines morphology, phylogenomics, and species distribution modeling (SDM) to clarify the cryptic differentiation within the enigmatic hemiparasitic love vine Cassytha filiformis (Lauraceae) in China and adjacent regions. We generated complete plastid genomes and nuclear ribosomal sequences for diverse samples from across the species range and compared results with previously published plastid data, recovering two well-supported monophyletic clades. Further, the analysis revealed significant differences in two morphological characters and SDM, indicating distinct environmental factors influencing their distributions. Fossil-calibrated analyses to estimate the origins and diversification patterns for the cryptic species gave divergence age estimates corresponding to the Oligo-Miocene; a period of new ecological opportunities associated with the prevailing East Asian monsoon. Multivariate analyses support the conclusion that southern China and adjacent regions have a different, previously unknown, cryptic lineage of C. filiformis. Our study highlights the importance of using multivariate approach to characterize plant species, as well as the significant role that past climatic changes have played in driving speciation in parasitic plants in tropical and subtropical zones.
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    Soil macropores induced by plant root as a driver for vertical hydrological connectivity in Yellow River Delta
    Lumeng Xie, Jiakai Liu, Yi Li, Peisheng Huang, Matt Hipsey, Mingxiang Zhang, Zhenming Zhang
    J Plant Ecol    2024, 17 (5): 1-12.   DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtae019
    Accepted: 04 April 2024
    Online available: 04 April 2024

    Abstract62)      PDF (2848KB)(45)       Save
    The protection and management of the wetland should consider the changes in hydrological connectivity (HC) caused by the structural modifications of the soil macropores. The main purpose of our work is to clarify and quantify the influence of the soil macropores volume on the vertical soil hydrodynamic process mechanically and statistically by taking the form of a case study in Yellow River Delta (YRD), and further reveal the vertical hydrological connectivity in this area. Based on X-ray computed tomography and constant head permeability test, the results showed a highly spatial heterogeneity of the soil structure in the YRD, hydraulic parameter (Ks) was negatively correlated with bulk density and positively with soil macropore volume, soil aeration and maximum water capacity. Using Hydrus 1-D software and the Green–Ampt model, we estimated the characteristics of the hydrodynamic process in the soil without macropores, then evaluated the effect of the soil macropore on soil hydrodynamic process by comparing the experimental results with the simulation results. We found that increasing soil microporosity improved the convenience of water movement, which would enhance the HC of the region. The results will further help to reveal the eco-hydrological process at a vertical scale in soil and provide a theoretical guide for wetland conservation and restoration.
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    CsRAXs negatively regulate leaf size and fruiting ability through auxin glycosylation in cucumber
    Jiacai Chen, Liu Liu, Guangxin Chen, Shaoyun Wang, Ye Liu, Zeqin Zhang, Hongfei Li, Liming Wang, Zhaoyang Zhou, Jianyu Zhao and Xiaolan Zhang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (5): 1024-1037.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13655
    Accepted: 05 April 2024
    Online available: 05 April 2024

    Abstract111)            Save
    Leaves are the main photosynthesis organ that directly determines crop yield and biomass. Dissecting the regulatory mechanism of leaf development is crucial for food security and ecosystem turn-over. Here, we identified the novel function of R2R3-MYB transcription factors CsRAXs in regulating cucumber leaf size and fruiting ability. Csrax5 single mutant exhibited enlarged leaf size and stem diameter, and Csrax1/2/5 triple mutant displayed further enlargement phenotype. Overexpression of CsRAX1 or CsRAX5 gave rise to smaller leaf and thinner stem. The fruiting ability of Csrax1/2/5 plants was significantly enhanced, while that of CsRAX5 overexpression lines was greatly weakened. Similarly, cell number and free auxin level were elevated in mutant plants while decreased in overexpression lines. Biochemical data indicated that CsRAX1/5 directly promoted the expression of auxin glucosyltransferase gene CsUGT74E2. Therefore, our data suggested that CsRAXs function as repressors for leaf size development by promoting auxin glycosylation to decrease free auxin level and cell division in cucumber. Our findings provide new gene targets for cucumber breeding with increased leaf size and crop yield.
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    The miR159a-DUO1 module regulates pollen development by modulating auxin biosynthesis and starch metabolism in citrus
    Yanhui Xu, Wenxiu Tian, Minqiang Yin, Zhenmei Cai, Li Zhang, Deyi Yuan, Hualin Yi, Juxun Wu
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (7): 1351-1369.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13656
    Accepted: 05 April 2024
    Online available: 05 April 2024

    Abstract152)            English Version    Save
    Achieving seedlessness in citrus varieties is one of the important objectives of citrus breeding. Male sterility associated with abnormal pollen development is an important factor in seedlessness. However, our understanding of the regulatory mechanism underlying the seedlessness phenotype in citrus is still limited. Here, we determined that the miR159a-DUO1 module played an important role in regulating pollen development in citrus, which further indirectly modulated seed development and fruit size. Both the overexpression of csi-miR159a and the knocking out of DUO1 in Hong Kong kumquat (Fortunella hindsii) resulted in small and seedless fruit phenotypes. Moreover, pollen was severely aborted in both transgenic lines, with arrested pollen mitotic I and abnormal pollen starch metabolism. Through additional cross-pollination experiments, DUO1 was proven to be the key target gene for miR159a to regulate male sterility in citrus. Based on DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-seq), RNA-seq, and verified interaction assays, YUC2/YUC6, SS4 and STP8 were identified as downstream target genes of DUO1, those were all positively regulated by DUO1. In transgenic F. hindsii lines, the miR159a-DUO1 module down-regulated the expression of YUC2/ YUC6, which decreased indoleacetic acid (IAA) levels and modulated auxin signaling to repress pollen mitotic I. The miR159a-DUO1 module reduced the expression of the starch synthesis gene SS4 and sugar transport gene STP8 to disrupt starch metabolism in pollen. Overall, this work reveals a new mechanism by which the miR159a- DUO1 module regulates pollen development and elucidates the molecular regulatory network underlying male sterility in citrus.
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    Knockout of miR396 genes increases seed size and yield in soybean
    Hongtao Xie, Fei Su, Qingfeng Niu, Leping Geng, Xuesong Cao, Minglei Song, Jinsong Dong, Zai Zheng, Rui Guo, Yang Zhang, Yuanwei Deng, Zhanbo Ji, Kang Pang, Jian-Kang Zhu and Jianhua Zhu
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (6): 1148-1157.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13660
    Accepted: 10 April 2024
    Online available: 10 April 2024

    Abstract166)            English Version    Save
    Yield improvement has long been an important task for soybean breeding in the world in order to meet the increasing demand for food and animal feed. miR396 genes have been shown to negatively regulate grain size in rice, but whether miR396 family members may function in a similar manner in soybean is unknown. Here, we generated eight soybean mutants harboring different combinations of homozygous mutations in the six soybean miR396 genes through genome editing with clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated nuclease (Cas) 12SF01 in the elite soybean cultivar Zhonghuang 302 (ZH302). Four triple mutants (mir396aci, mir396acd, mir396adf, and mir396cdf), two quadruple mutants (mir396-abcd and mir396acfi), and two quintuple mutants (mir396abcdf and mir396bcdfi) were characterized. We found that plants of all the mir396 mutants produced larger seeds compared to ZH302 plants. Field tests showed that mir396adf and mir396cdf plants have significantly increased yield in growth zones with relatively high latitude which are suited for ZH302 and moderately increased yield in lower latitude. In contrast, mir396abcdf and mir396bcdfi plants have increased plant height and decreased yield in growth zones with relatively high latitude due to lodging issues, but they are suited for low latitude growth zones with increased yield without lodging problems. Taken together, our study demonstrated that loss-of-function of miR396 genes leads to significantly enlarged seed size and increased yield in soybean, providing valuable germplasms for breeding high-yield soybean.
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    AtVQ25 promotes salicylic acid-related leaf senescence by fine-tuning the self-repression of AtWRKY53
    Qi Tan, Mingming Zhao, Jingwei Gao, Ke Li, Mengwei Zhang, Yunjia Li, Zeting Liu, Yujia Song, Xiaoyue Lu, Zhengge Zhu, Rongcheng Lin, Pengcheng Yin, Chunjiang Zhou and Geng Wang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (6): 1126-1147.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13659
    Accepted: 17 April 2024
    Online available: 17 April 2024

    Abstract137)            English Version    Save
    Most mechanistic details of chronologically ordered regulation of leaf senescence are unknown. Regulatory networks centered on AtWRKY53 are crucial for orchestrating and integrating various senescence-related signals. Notably, AtWRKY53 binds to its own promoter and represses transcription of AtWRKY53, but the biological significance and mechanism underlying this self-repression remain unclear. In this study, we identified the VQ motif-containing protein AtVQ25 as a cooperator of AtWRKY53. The expression level of AtVQ25 peaked at mature stage and was specifically repressed after the onset of leaf senescence. AtVQ25-overexpressing plants and atvq25 mutants displayed precocious and delayed leaf senescence, respectively. Importantly, we identified AtWRKY53 as an interacting partner of AtVQ25. We determined that interaction between AtVQ25 and AtWRKY53 prevented AtWRKY53 from binding to W-box elements on the AtWRKY53 promoter and thus counteracted the self-repression of AtWRKY53. In addition, our RNA-sequencing data revealed that the AtVQ25-AtWRKY53 module is related to the salicylic acid (SA) pathway. Precocious leaf senescence and SA-induced leaf senescence in AtVQ25-overexpressing lines were inhibited by an SA pathway mutant, atsid2, and NahG transgenic plants; AtVQ25-overexpressing/atwrky53 plants were also insensitive to SA-induced leaf senescence. Collectively, we demonstrated that AtVQ25 directly attenuates the self-repression of AtWRKY53 during the onset of leaf senescence, which is substantially helpful for understanding the timing of leaf senescence onset modulated by AtWRKY53.
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    OsATL32 ubiquitinates the reactive oxygen species-producing OsRac5–OsRbohB module to suppress rice immunity
    Yuqing Yan, Hui Wang, Yan Bi, Jiajing Wang, Muhammad Noman, Dayong Li, Fengming Song
    J Integr Plant Biol    2024, 66 (7): 1459-1480.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13666
    Accepted: 17 April 2024
    Online available: 17 April 2024

    Abstract140)            English Version    Save
    Ubiquitination-mediated protein degradation is integral to plant immunity, with E3 ubiquitin ligases acting as key factors in this process. Here, we report the functions of OsATL32, a plasma membrane-localized Arabidopsis Tóxicos En Levadura (ATL)-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, in rice (Oryza sativa) immunity and its associated regulatory network. We found that the expression of OsATL32 is downregulated in both compatible and incompatible interactions between rice and the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. The OsATL32 protein level declines in response to infection by a compatible M. oryzae strain or to chitin treatment. OsATL32 negatively regulates rice resistance to blast and bacterial leaf blight diseases, as well as chitin-triggered immunity. Biochemical and genetic studies revealed that OsATL32 suppresses pathogen-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation by mediating ubiquitination and degradation of the ROS- producing OsRac5–OsRbohB module, which enhances rice immunity against M. oryzae. The protein phosphatase PHOSPHATASE AND TENSIN HOMOLOG enhances rice blast resistance by dephosphorylating OsATL32 and promoting its degradation, preventing its negative effect on rice immunity. This study provides insights into the molecular mechanism by which the E3 ligase OsATL32 targets a ROS-producing module to undermine rice immunity.
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    Genetic diversity and evolution of the plastome in allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium spp.)
    Xin-Lin Yan, Sheng-Long Kan, Mei-Xia Wang, Yong-Yao Li, Luke R. Tembrock, Wen-Chuang He, Li-Yun Nie, Guan-Jing Hu, Dao-Jun Yuan, Xiong-Feng Ma, and Zhi-Qiang Wu
    J Syst Evol    2024, 62 (6): 1118-1136.   DOI: 10.1111/jse.13070
    Accepted: 16 April 2024
    Online available: 16 April 2024

    Abstract49)            English Version    Save
    Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is a vital global source of renewable fiber and ranks among the world's most important cash crops. While extensive nuclear genomic data of Gossypium has been explored, the organellar genomic resources of allotetraploid cotton, remain largely untapped at the population level. The plastid genome (plastome) is well suited for studying plant species relationships and diversity due to its nonrecombinant uniparental inheritance. Here, we conducted de novo assembly of 336 Gossypium plastomes, mainly from domesticated cultivars, and generated a pan-plastome level resource for population structure and genetic diversity analyses. The assembled plastomes exhibited a typical quadripartite structure and varied in length from 160 103 to 160 597 bp. At the species level, seven allotetraploid species were resolved into three clades, where Gossypium tomentosum and Gossypium mustelinum formed an early diverging clade rooted by diploids, followed by splitting two sister clades of Gossypium darwiniiGossypium barbadense and Gossypium hirsutumGossypium ekmanianumGossypium stephensii. Within the G. hirsutum clade the resolution of cultivated accessions was less polyphyletic with landrace and wild accessions than in G. barbadense suggesting some selection on plastome in the domestication of this adaptable species of cotton. The nucleotide diversity of G. hirsutum was higher than that of G. barbadense. We specifically compared the plastomes of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense to find mutational hotspots within each species as potential molecular markers. These findings contribute a valuable resource for exploring cotton evolution as well as in the breeding of new cotton cultivars and the preservation of wild and cultivated germplasm.
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