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    An updated species checklist and taxonomic synopsis of Cyperaceae in China
    Bangze Li, Shuren Zhang
    Biodiv Sci    2024, 32 (7): 24106.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024106
    Accepted: 24 June 2024

    Abstract347)   HTML26)    PDF (1892KB)(238)       Save

    Aims: In recent years, with the development of molecular systematics research, there have been many changes in the names and taxonomic status of tribes, genera and species in the family Cyperaceae in China. Therefore it is necessary to review these changes in order to comprehensively understand the taxonomic status of Chinese Cyperaceae and provide a taxonomic basis for related scientific research.

    Methods: By reviewing the taxonomic literature of Cyperaceae in China and abroad, combined with examining the specimen data from field surveys and online databases (Chinese Virtual Herbarium, Global Biodiversity Information Facility), we summarized and updated the species checklist and taxonomic synopsis of Cyperaceae in China.

    Results: The statistical results indicated that there were 932 species of Cyperaceae in 2 subfamilies, comprising of 19 tribes and 32 genera in China (of the 5,719 species of 2 subfamilies, comprising of 24 tribes and 95 genera worldwide, excluding infraspecies). Compared with the Catalogue of Life China 2023 Annual Checklist, all species in Courtoisina, Kyllinga, Lipocarpha, Pycreus and Remirea were combined into Cyperus; some species in the genera Schoenoplectus, Fimbristylis and Tricostularia undulata were reclassified according to the results of the latest molecular phylogenetic analyses; and here we combined Fimbristylis longistipitata into Abildgaardia. The species diversity of Chinese Cyperaceae is relatively higher in the subtropical region of southern China, both at the genus and species levels; Carex and Cyperus had the largest number of species, accounting for 67.8% and 9.0% of Cyperaceae species in China, with 632 and 84 species, respectively; 8 genera had only one species distributed in China, accounting for 25.0% of Cyperaceae genera in China; 67 species had no specimen record in domestic or foreign specimen data platforms, and further research was needed to confirm their distribution status.

    Conclusion: This paper integrates the latest taxonomic research results of Cyperaceae, gives a list and taxonomic outline of the existing sedge plants in China, and makes a preliminary analysis of the distribution of them, which will lay the data foundation for taxonomic, phylogenetic, and evolutionary research of the sedge family in China.

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    A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China
    Bohan Zheng, Xinyao Chen, Jian Ni
    Biodiv Sci    2024, 32 (7): 23468.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023468
    Accepted: 24 June 2024

    Abstract677)   HTML27)    PDF (435KB)(406)       Save

    Plant growth form and life form are important morphological traits for understanding the response and adaptation of plants to environmental changes and are of great significance for the study of the relationship between plants and their environment and ecosystem functions. They are also vital traits in understanding of the geographic distribution pattern of plants and the mechanism of the formation and maintenance of biodiversity. According to the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae and Flora of China, the descriptions of plant growth form and life form in the current edition of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae are characterized by non-uniform classification standards, in which some of the information is missing, incorrect or ambiguous. In this paper, based on the information of plant traits in national and local flora literature and field surveys, we revised the growth form and life form traits of vascular plants, and established a dataset of the growth form and life form of vascular plants in China. The dataset consists of 35,329 vascular plant species, including plant names, growth form and life form traits, and their data sources. The plant names included names both from the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, Flora of China, and from the Catalogue of Life China: 2023 Annual Checklist, to allow the readers to cross-check the differences between both taxonomic systems. Based on the degree of stem lignification, plants were classified into two groups: woody plants (12,600 species, 35.7%) and herbaceous plants (22,729 species, 64.3%). The woody plants were primarily dominated by medium shrub growth form (2,917 species, 23.2%) and evergreen life form (7,107 species, 56.4%). The herbaceous plants were dominated by the forb growth form (19,900 species, 87.6%) and the perennial life form (19,554 species, 86.0%). Among the woody plants, tree species were dominated by the families Lauraceae and Fagaceae, and of shrub species by Ericaceae, Fabaceae, and Rosaceae; evergreen species were dominated by Ericaceae and deciduous species primarily consisted of Rosaceae. Among herbaceous growth form, the forbs were dominated by Asteraceae, and the grasses by Poaceae. The annual herbaceous plants were dominated by Poaceae, biennial species by Boraginaceae, and perennial species by Asteraceae. This dataset covers all the vascular plant species and their growth form and life form in China, and can provide a data foundation for the study of plant traits in future research endeavors.

    Database/Dataset Profile

    Title A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China
    Data author(s) Bohan Zheng, Xinyao Chen, Jian Ni
    Data corresponding author Jian Ni (
    Time range 1959-2023
    Geographical scope China
    File size 7.58 MB
    Data volume Number of records in two file: 35,329
    Data format *.xlsx
    Data link
    Database/Dataset composition The dataset consists of one data file and one data description file, data file including two work sheets: 1. A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China (Chinese version); 2. A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China (English version).
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A plot-based dataset of plant communities on the Qaidam Basin, China
DONG Shao-Qiong, HOU Dong-Jie, QU Xiao-Yun, GUO Ke
Chin J Plant Ecol    2024, 48 (4): 534-540.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0024
Accepted: 08 June 2023

Abstract823)   HTML137)    PDF (1386KB)(447)       Save

Located in the northeast of the Qingzang Plateau, the Qaidam Basin is a huge plateau-type closed basin. The vegetation is dominated by desert, including swamp wetlands, halophytic meadows and montane grasslands. In order to show the species composition, community characteristics and distribution pattern of vegetation on the Qaidam Basin in more details, this study used the field data of the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research of 2022 and the Comprehensive Scientific Investigation of the Data-scarce Area of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of 2014, including 157 sample plots and 458 sample plots, which are integrated into the sample data set of plant communities in Qaidam Basin. Through the collation and compilation of data, a total of 185 species information was obtained, among which the families with the largest number of species were Asteraceae (39 species), Poaceae (33 species), Fabaceae (17 species), Amaranthaceae (16 species) and Brassicaceae (10 species), and the genera with the largest number of species were Stipa, Artemisia, Astragalus, Oxytropis and Saussurea. The composition of plant life forms is dominated by herbs, accounting for 78.37%. The species of middle Asia account for 41.62% of the geographical composition of the flora. Based on the phytocoenological-ecological principles, 157 sample plots can be classified into 4 Vegetation Formation Groups, 7 Vegetation Formations, 11 Vegetation Subformations and 40 Alliances. This data set can provide the most original basic data for the in-depth exploration of vegetation characteristics in the Qaidam Basin, the compilation and research of the Vegegraphy of China, and the mapping of the Qingzang Plateau and the national vegetation map.

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Species diversity and geographical distribution of marine benthic shell-bearing mollusks around Donghai Island and Naozhou Island, Guangdong Province
Qiyu Kuang, Liang Hu
Biodiv Sci    2024, 32 (5): 24065.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024065
Accepted: 28 April 2024

Abstract355)   HTML26)    PDF (2349KB)(274)       Save

Aims: Marine benthic shell-bearing mollusks are one of the most important components of marine benthic fauna and one of the key groups influencing marine ecosystem and sediments. The west coast of Guangdong is located in the Northern South China Sea (NSCS) and is rich in marine benthic shell fauna. However, it is also the area with a great lack of surveys of the marine benthic shell fauna, which seriously hinders the development of geographical divisions of offshore benthic fauna. Donghai Island and Naozhou Island have been well studied in terms of marine benthic mollusks. They are also the key areas to reveal the geographical pattern of benthic animals in the NSCS. Here we aim to report on the species diversity and geographical distribution of benthic mollusks found on the coast of the two islands and adjacent waters.

Methods: Based on historical records from previous studies, historical specimens preserved in the collection of the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, and more than 2,600 specimens collected in 2021-2023 by the School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, an up-to-date checklist of known marine benthic shell-bearing mollusks living around Donghai Island and Naozhou Island was compiled. The geographical distribution patterns of all species were analysed based on their northern limits in the East Asian continental shelf.

Results: A total of 207 species from 144 genera and 73 families were identified in the field collections. Thirty-eight of these were new to the area. So far, a total of 602 benthic mollusks from 330 genera and 115 families have been recorded in the waters around Donghai Island and Naozhou Island, making this area the most species-rich area on the continental coast of the NSCS in terms of marine benthic shell-bearing mollusks. Of the 602 benthic mollusk species, 26.2% were tropical warm-water species, 49.3% were tropical-subtropical warm-water species and 24.4% were eurythermal species. The number of species that were also recorded in the nearshore waters of Hainan, Beibu Gulf and Eastern Guangdong accounted for 89.0%, 80.2% and 80.2% of the total species, respectively.

Conclusion: The results show that the coast of Donghai Island, Naozhou Island and the adjacent waters are rich in marine benthic shell-bearing mollusks. The shell fauna here has typical tropical characteristics and is most closely related to that of Hainan Island. It is recommended that these two areas could be placed in the same ecoregion with regard to the bioregionalization of the coastal and shelf benthic fauna. The present work enriches the benthic shell-bearing mollusks in the sea east of Leizhou Peninsula and provides up-to-date data to support the bioregionalization of benthic fauna in the NSCS.

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Mammal and avian diversity in Beijicun National Nature Reserve, Heilongjiang Province, China
Qifan Wang, Xiaohui Liu, Ziwei Zhu, Lei Liu, Xinxue Wang, Xuyang Ji, Shaochun Zhou, Zidong Zhang, Hongyu Dong, Minghai Zhang
Biodiv Sci    2024, 32 (4): 24024.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024024
Accepted: 28 April 2024

Abstract323)   HTML21)    PDF (1427KB)(290)       Save

Aims: Species diversity constitutes a fundamental component of biodiversity in both structural and functional aspects that plays a unique and irreplaceable role in the protection of rare and endangered species. This study undertook an initial assessment of avian and mammal diversity in the Beijicun National Nature Reserve, filling the gap of biodiversity in the reserve, and providing a basic reference for the in-depth study and conservation management of wildlife in the reserve.

Method: Between January 2022 and June 2023, 127 camera traps were deployed in the Beijicun National Nature Reserve, Heilongjiang, China. Collectively, these cameras were functionally operational for a total of 19,881 days and obtained a total of 1,704 independent images. Additionally, 30 sample lines spanning 4 km each were estabished to carry out a fixed transect surveys throughout both the cold season of 2022 and the warm season of 2023. The integration of these methodologies facilitated a preliminary exploration into the avian and mammal diversity in the reserve.

Results: The survey recorded a total of 94 species of avian and mammal in the study area, including 19 mammal species (distributed across 4 orders, 10 families and 18 genera) and 75 avian species (12 orders, 24 families and 49 genera). Notably, seven species were identified as first-class National Protected Wildlife in China, including Amur tiger, which was previously extirpated in the area since the 1960s and is the first time it has been detected in half a century. The top three species of mammals captured by camera traps were Lynx lynx, Capreolus pygargus, and Sus scrofa. The top three species of avian captured by camera traps were Corvus corone, C. corax, and Garrulus glandarius. In the transect survey results, the most abundant mammal species was Martes zibeuina, followed by Capreolus pygargus, Cervus elaphus, Alces alces, and Lepus timidus.

Conclusion: This study showed that the combination of camera traps and transect surveys was effective in monitoring the diversity of birds and mammals within the reserve. Ungulates were abundant and widely distributed in the study area, while top predators such as wolves were scarce. The emergence of Amur tigers was of great significance for the basic ecological research of mammals in the area.

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The updated checklist of reptiles in Guizhou Province, China
Hui Ran, Tianyou Yang, Xiaoqi Mi
Biodiv Sci    2024, 32 (4): 23348.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023348
Accepted: 26 April 2024

Abstract455)   HTML14)    PDF (480KB)(398)       Save

Aim: Species inventory is a fundamental task in biodiversity research and conservation practices, and detailed species catalogue is of great significance for biodiversity research and conservation. This study aims to update the list of reptiles in Guizhou Province to promote scientific research and protection efforts.

Method: Based on the reptile checklist of Reptilian Fauna of Guizhou, combining with bibliographies on reptile taxonomy in Guizhou Province published in the past 38 years since the publication of the above monograph, this paper revise and update the list of reptiles in Guizhou Province.

Results: As of June 30, 2023, a total of 120 species distributed across 2 orders, 21 families, and 57 genera were recorded in Guizhou Province. It comprised 5 species in 5 genera and 3 families of Testudines, and 115 species in 52 genera and 18 families of Squamata (including 27 species in 12 genera and 6 families of Lacertilia, and 88 species in 40 genera and 12 families of Serpentes). The resulting reptilian diversity was the same as Sichuan Province, which were both ranked at the fifth in China, only following Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian Province. For species listed in the Reptilian Fauna of Guizhou, the taxonomy or Chinese common names of 78 taxa were updated or revised accordingly. Furthermore, the provincial records of 3 species were removed, while 23 species were added to the previous checklist (including 5 new species and 18 new provincial records of Guizhou). The composition of the reptile fauna in Guizhou Province was mainly composed of the Oriental Realm (105 species), the remaining 15 species were considered to have a widespread distribution, with no species represented from the Palaearctic Realm. Of the recorded diversity, 11 species were listed as Class II nationally protected, 29 species were considered as threatened based on China’s Red List of Biodersity∙Vertebrates, 27 species were endemic to China, and the type localities of 5 species were in Guizhou, including Gekko liboensis, Hemiphyllodactylus dushanensis, H. huishuiensis, Protobothrops maolanensis, and Goniurosaurus liboensis.

Conclusion: This article and its data can be used for understanding the changes and distributions of reptile species in Guizhou Province, providing basic data support for the protection of reptile resources in Guizhou Province. It is recommended to increase the research on the classification and distribution of reptiles in Guizhou Province, which will further clarify the reptile resources in Guizhou Province.

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Community structure and characteristics of plain valley forests in main tributaries of Ertix River Basin, China
XUE Zhi-Fang, LIU Tong, WANG Li-Sheng, SONG Ji-Hu, CHEN Hong-Yang, XU Ling, YUAN Ye
Chin J Plant Ecol    2024, 48 (3): 390-402.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0125
Accepted: 27 November 2023

Abstract469)   HTML64)    PDF (1757KB)(235)       Save

The valley forest in the Ertix River Basin is the germplasm bank of Salicaceae species and has important genetic diversity value of Altay, Xinjiang, China. It is of great significance for the protection and utilization of precious resources to study the distribution of plant species and vegetation types under the current human activities such as climate change, hydropower project and grazing. In this study, 80 squares of 20 plots were investigated at 4-8 km intervals in the Burqin River, Haba River and Bilizik River. The constructive species, quantitative characteristics and diameter class structure of the community were analyzed, and the community types were classified. The results showed that: (1) 121 species, 92 genera and 34 families of plants were investigated in the main tributaries of the Ertix River Basin, with a large number of perennial herbaceous plants. (2) Betula pendula and Populus laurifolia were constructive species in the Burjin River and Haba River, while P. alba was constructive species in the Bilizik River. P. nigra, Populus × berolinensis var. jrtyschensis, and P. canescens are associated species, while Salix alba is mainly distributed alone along the riparian edge and rarely mixed with poplar species. (3) The number of individuals of the dominant tree species Betula pendula reached the maximum at the middle altitude of the three tributaries, while the number of individuals of Populus laurifolia was smaller at the middle altitude. (4) The diameter class structure of tree layer species was greatly affected by grazing in summer, and the individuals of large diameter class were the most, and the number of saplings and seedlings were less. (5) The valley forest communities were divided into 6 formations and 34 associations.

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Species diversity of powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphaceae) and their host plants in Northeast Asia
Yujie Chi, Xintian Zhang, Zhixuan Tian, Chengshuai Guan, Xinzhi Gu, Zhihui Liu, Zhanbin Wang, Jinjie Wang
Biodiv Sci    2024, 32 (4): 23443.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023443
Accepted: 28 March 2024

Abstract290)   HTML11)    PDF (4696KB)(163)       Save

Aims: The systematic inventory and classification of fungi in various geographical regions are the core focus of biodiversity research. Powdery mildew fungi are a kind of obligate parasitic and pathogenic fungi that are widely distributed worldwide and can cause powdery mildew diseases in forest trees, fruit trees, garden flowers, crops, vegetables, and herbaceous plants. This study aims to comprehend the diversity of powdery mildew fungi and their hosts in Northeast China and other regions of Northeast Asia.

Method: Based on literature collection, data analysis, combined with the authors’ field specimen collection and specimen examination from 2022 to 2023, we provided inventories of powdery mildew fungi according to the latest classification and inventories of their host plants, and geographic distribution information in Northeast China and other regions of Northeast Asia.

Results: We found 159 powdery mildew fungi (including 142 species and 17 varieties) in Northeast China, belonging to 1 family, 5 tribes, 10 teleomorphic genera and 1 anamorph genus of Erysiphaceae, distributed on 572 species of host plants (including 37 varieties) in 243 genera and 64 families. A total of 304 powdery mildew fungi (including 258 species and 46 varieties) belonging to 1 family, 5 tribes, 12 teleomorphic genera and 2 anamorph genera were distributed on 1,171 species of host plants (including 163 varieties) in 449 genera and 108 families in Japan. In Republic of Korea, there were 165 powdery mildew fungi (including 150 species and 15 varieties) belonging to 1 family, 5 tribes, 11 teleomorphic genera and 1 anamorph genus, distributed on 515 species of host plants (including 53 varieties) in 255 genera and 79 families. A total of 111 powdery mildew fungi (including 89 species and 22 varieties) belonging to 1 family, 5 tribes, 8 teleomorphic genera and 2 anamorph genera in Russian Far East were recorded. There were 50 shared powdery mildew fungi in Northeast China, Japan, Republic of Korea, and Russian Far East, and they belong to eight common teleomorphic genera (Blumeria, Podosphaera, Sawadaea, Erysiphe, Golovinomyces, Neoërysiphe, Leveillula, and Phyllactinia) and were distributed on the same or closely related host plants. Japan and Republic of Korea had the most shared species of powdery fungi (136 species). In Northeast China, Japan and Republic of Korea, 28, 116, and 17 species were endemic, respectively. There were a total of 1,760 species (including 263 varieties) of host plants belonging to 112 families and 541 genera in Northeast Asia.

Conclusions: There are 318 species and 53 varieties of powdery mildews in Northeast China, Japan, Republic of Korea, and Russian Far East, accounting for 40.33% of the global total, while Northeast Asia only accounts for about 8% of the global land area. Therefore, Northeast Asia is a key area and mycobiota unit for the study of powdery mildew diversity. This study provides a data support for establishing profiles of diversity and mycobiota studies, phylogenetic relationships, and host diversity of powdery mildew fungi in Northeast Asia.

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Main vegetation types and characteristics in Dongtou National Marine Park, Zhejiang, China
DENG Wen-Jie, WU Hua-Zheng, LI Tian-Xiang, ZHOU Li-Na, HU Ren-Yong, JIN Xin-Jie, ZHANG Yong-Pu, ZHANG Yong-Hua, LIU Jin-Liang
Chin J Plant Ecol    2024, 48 (2): 254-268.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0126
Accepted: 28 June 2023

Abstract481)   HTML96)    PDF (1068KB)(275)       Save

Dongtou National Marine Park (DNMP) locates at the southeast coast of China, and the climax vegetation belongs to the subtropical evergreen broadleaf forests. However, we are still unclear about the vegetation types on most islands in DNMP. The objective of this study is to investigate vegetation types and characteristics across islands in DNMP. We conducted vegetation survey by setting up 90 sampling plots on the islands in DNMP. Species composition and habitat information in each plot were recorded and vegetation type classification and naming were referred according to the Vegegraphy of China. A total of 3 Vegetation Formation Groups, 8 Vegetation Formations, 34 Alliances, and 80 Associations were found in DNMP. The widely distributed vegetation types included Pinus thunbergii evergreen needleleaf forest, Casuarina equisetifolia evergreen broadleaf forest, Acacia confuse evergreen broadleaf forest, Eurya emarginata evergreen broadleaf shrubland, and Eurya japonica evergreen broadleaf shrubland. Our finding provides basic and detail information of vegetation structure and composition in these continental islands in eastern China.

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Beetle data set collected by pitfall trapping in the gobi desert of the Hexi Corridor
Jialong Ren, Yongzhen Wang, Yilin Feng, Wenzhi Zhao, Qihan Yan, Chang Qin, Jing Fang, Weidong Xin, Jiliang Liu
Biodiv Sci    2024, 32 (2): 23375.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023375
Accepted: 16 January 2024

Abstract473)   HTML23)    PDF (1025KB)(262)       Save

The diversity of beetles in the gobi desert is highly sensitive to climate change and human disturbance, the number, diversity, and functional traits of beetles can be used to evaluate the health and stability of the gobi desert ecosystem. The accumulation of monthly dynamic changes in the distribution and diversity of beetles in the gobi desert can provide data support for the study of animal diversity protection and maintenance mechanisms in desert ecosystems. The central part of the Hexi Corridor is one of the main distribution areas of the gobi desert. In 2012, we established a long-term monitoring set for the distribution and diversity of ground beetles in the north of Linze state desertification land blocking reserve, Gansu Province, located in the central part of the Hexi Corridor. This dataset mainly accumulates information on ground beetle species composition, beetle species photos, activity rhythms, quantity, and functional traits in the gobi desert. This dataset can be used for the identification of typical desert beetle species, the comparison of functional traits of typical beetle species and their spatial and temporal distribution patterns in response to climate change and anthropogenic perturbations.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title Beetle data set collected by pitfall trapping in the gobi desert of the Hexi Corridor
Authors Jialong Ren, Yongzhen Wang, Yilin Feng, Wenzhi Zhao, Qihan Yan, Chang Qin, Jing Fang, Weidong Xin, Jiliang Liu
Corresponding authors Jiliang Liu (
Time range 2014.05.01-2020.12.31
Geographical scope the North Linze County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province (100°10° E, 39°41° N)
File size 101 MB
Data format *.zip
Data link
Database/Dataset composition

This dataset consists of six parts: (1) Monthly precipitation and average temperature information in the gobi desert; (2) Collection of specimens and ecological photos of typical beetle species in the gobi desert; (3) Information on the composition and functional traits of beetle species in the gobi desert; (4) Composition of ground beetle fauna in the gobi desert; (5) Statistics of monthly activity rhythm of ground beetles in the gobi desert; (6) The number of individual ground beetles at 72 uniform grid points in the gobi desert from May 2014 to December 2020.
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Characteristics of main plant communities on uninhabited islands in Bohai Sea, China
XIAO Lan, DONG Biao, ZHANG Lin-Ting, DENG Chuan-Yuan, LI Xia, JIANG De-Gang, LIN Yong-Ming
Chin J Plant Ecol    2024, 48 (1): 127-134.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0246
Accepted: 06 April 2023

Abstract412)   HTML69)    PDF (2012KB)(295)       Save

Nine uninhabited islands with different sizes, laying on the coast of Bohai Sea, were selected as research objects for a further understanding and study of the characteristics of plant communities. By using the method of sample plot survey, we investigated a total of 66 sample plots, covering the study of species composition, and the number of individuals, height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of woody plants, etc. 140 species of vascular plants belonging to 38 families and 98 genera were investigated through sampling plot method. The results showed that Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae were the most abundant families in the communities. Moreover, the native forest vegetation has been replaced by secondary ones dominated by Robinia pseudoacacia, Pinus thunbergii, Ailanthus altissima, and Ulmus macrocarpa, respectively. Meanwhile, temperate deciduous shrubland became zonal vegetation type in this area, and the representative communities are dominated by Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa, Periploca sepium, Flueggea suffruticosa, Celastrus orbiculatus, respectively. And representative herbaceous alliances are dominated by Artemisia argyi, Suaeda salsa, A. capillaris, and Themeda triandra, respectively. In general, the species diversity of island plant communities is relatively low, belonging to vulnerable vegetation.

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A dataset describing the community characteristics and geographic distribution of Krascheninnikovia compacta
Jiahe Cui, Zhiyong Li, Yuchi Wang, Qiang Sun, Na Sha, Zijing Li, Yantao Wu, Yabo Shi, Ying Han, Mingle Li, Lixin Wang, Liqing Zhao, Cunzhu Liang
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (10): 23172.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023172
Accepted: 30 November 2023

Abstract293)   HTML20)    PDF (504KB)(211)       Save

The Krascheninnikovia compacta community is primarily distributed in extremely cold and arid high-altitude environments typically inaccessible to humans. It represents the most common and widely distributed type of vegetation in the alpine deserts of the Qingzang Plateau. Most investigations into this community take the form of qualitative descriptions, which fail to provide precious sample data. In order to generate a community dataset of K. compacta, this paper recorded and organized the spatial distribution, community characteristics and structure, and climate characteristics of this species based on field survey data collected in 2018, 2019, and 2022, along with a description of the relevant literature. The results showed that: (1) Krascheninnikovia compacta community was mainly found in the Central Kunlun Mountains of the Qingzang Plateau, the Northern Tianshan Mountains, the Altun Mountains, and the Dangjin Mountains Pass. (2) Krascheninnikovia compacta community had the relatively low values in community height, coverage, biomass and species richness. Our study identified 29 species of seed plants belonging to 11 families and 22 genera distributed among 22 typical plots. Hemicryptophytes were the dominant life form, with a total of 18 species, which accounted for 62.07% of all plants and primarily consisted of perennial grasses and perennial weeds. (3) The community structure was relatively simple due to only K. compacta having a consistent presence of more than 50% of all species. There were several subdominant species but mostly companion species and occasional species (93.10%) residing in the shrub layer and herb layer. (4) The vertical structure of the community can be divided into two layers. The first layer consists of a sparse cushioned small semi-shrub dominated by K. compacta, and the second layer consists of a sparse herb layer. (5) The growth environment of this community was characterized by a cold climate and little precipitation that is concentrated in the warmest quarter of the alpine desert climate. This dataset is the only known dataset describing the K. compacta community in China. It represents a valuable resource for studying the species composition and structure of the K. compacta community. The information regarding the geographic climate and community species in the dataset provides basic data for future investigation of Krascheninnikovia compacta community and compilation of Vegegraphy of China.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title A dataset describing the community characteristics and geographic distribution of Krascheninnikovia compacta
Authors Jiahe Cui, Zhiyong Li, Yuchi Wang, Qiang Sun, Na Sha, Zijing Li, Yantao Wu, Yabo Shi, Ying Han, Mingle Li, Lixin Wang, Liqing Zhao, Cunzhu Liang
Corresponding author Cunzhu Liang (
Time range 2018-2022
Geographical scope Xizang, Xinjiang, Gansu
File size 909.64 MB
Data format *.zip
Data link
Database/Dataset composition This dataset consists of two files. File 1: A quadrat photo dataset of Krascheninnikovia compacta community, which is divided into 14 subfiles according to the survey plots. Each subfile includes quadrat photos, environment photos, and sample description of plot. It contains 97 quadrat photos and 14 quadrat descriptions in total. All subfiles are named after plot number and photos are named after plot-quadrat-replicate. File 2: A dataset describing the community characteristics and geographic distribution of Krascheninnikovia compacta, which contains 3 work sheets: 1. Geographic and climatic information of the community plots; 2. Survey data of plots; 3. Species diversity information of the community.
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A fossil pollen dataset of China
ZHOU Bo-Rui, LIAO Meng-Na, LI Kai, XU De-Yu, CHEN Hai-Yan, NI Jian, CAO Xian-Yong, KONG Zhao-Chen, XU Qing-Hai, ZHANG Yun, Ulrike HERZSCHUH, CAI Yong-Li, CHEN Bi-Shan, CHEN Jing-An, CHEN Ling-Kang, CHENG Bo, GAO Yang, $\boxed{\hbox{HUANG Ci-Xuan}}$ , HUANG Xiao-Zhong, LI Sheng-Feng, LI Wen-Yi, LIU Kam-Biu, LIU Guang-Xiu, LIU Ping-Mei, LIU Xing-Qi, MA Chun-Mei, SONG Chang-Qing, SUN Xiang-Jun, TANG Ling-Yu, WANG Man-Hua, WANG Yong-Bo, $\boxed{\hbox{XIA Yu-Mei}}$ , XU Jia-Sheng, YAN Shun, YANG Xiang-Dong, YAO Yi-Feng, YE Chuan-Yong, ZHANG Zhi-Yong, ZHAO Zeng-You, ZHENG Zhuo, ZHU Cheng
Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (10): 1453-1463.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0316
Accepted: 08 November 2022

Abstract984)   HTML83)    PDF (2044KB)(487)       Save

Fossil pollen and spore records provide highly creditable proxy data to investigate the past environmental changes such as palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate. Pollen database promotes past environmental studies from local to regional and global scales and from qualitative to quantitative reconstructions. This is of great significance on exploring the interactions among past vegetation, climates and anthropogenic disturbances at large spatial scale and long temporal scale, to better understand the evolution of the earth system. In this paper, a fossil pollen dataset of China is compiled, by synthesizing 372 original or digitized fossil pollen records including 790 pollen taxa in China’s land and ocean during the late-Quaternary (since 50 ka BP). The dataset includes site names, latitude, longitude and altitude, pollen data source, sample type, sediment length or span, sample number of each site, dating method and dating number, age span and reference, as well as the fossil pollen percentage of each sampling site. The pollen data, mostly published from late 1980s to present, are concentrated in vegetation regions of temperate and subtropical forests, temperate grasslands, temperate deserts and alpine vegetation on the Qingzang Plateau. Sample sites are distributed at different altitudes from deep sea to high Qingzang Plateau, but the majority of the sites are located between 0-2 000 m. The dataset comprises of 178 raw pollen records (47.8%) and 194 digitized pollen records (52.2%). Pollen samples are mainly from lake sediment (151 sites), alluvial/fluvial sediment (99 sites), and peat (67 sites), accounting for 85.2% of the total sampling sites. Radiocarbon is the main dating method that accounts for 93.8% of total samples, and most of the sites have 2-10 radiocarbon dating data. Each site has an average number of pollen taxa of 19, with the most sites having 4-30 pollen taxa. The temporal and spatial distribution of representative pollen taxa (Pinus, Quercus, Artemisia and Poaceae) reveals increasing trends both in their distributional range and pollen concentration from the last glacial maximum to Holocene, but such trends have various regional patterns in different parts of China. This fossil pollen dataset is a fruitful work of collection of pollen records in most territory of China that conducted by palynologists from China and overseas during the last half century. It consolidates the valuable and fundamental data that can be potentially utilized to explore the evolution of past environments and their driving mechanism of climate change and human disturbance.

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Additions to the seed plant flora in Yunnan, China
Hongbo Ding, Liyan Wang, Dongli Quan, Bin Yang, Mamai Yue, Pingyuan Wang, Yongjingwen Yang, Qiangbang Gong, Shishun Zhou, Li Wang, Jianwu Li, Yunhong Tan
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (10): 23254.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023254
Accepted: 09 October 2023

Abstract888)   HTML25)    PDF (18857KB)(739)       Save

Aim: The study aims to better understand plant diversity in the border areas of Yunnan. These border areas have relatively intact forest ecosystems but are poorly explored.

Methods: In this study, plants were collected and photographed through intensive field investigation, made into specimens, sorted and identified. The voucher specimens for each recorded species were deposited in the Herbarium of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences (HITBC), Herbarium of Institute of Botany of Chinese Academy of Sciences (PE), Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KUN) and Herbarium of Xiamen University (AU).

Results: One new record family, namely Aptandraceae (Anacolosa griffithii), two new record genera, namely Pottingeria (P. acuminata), Cordisepalum (C. phalanthopetalum), thirty new record species, namely Phlogacanthus gomezii, Staurogyne shanica, Hydnocarpus macrocarpus, Alphonsea ventricosa, Huberantha jenkinsii, Miliusa chantaburiana, M. dioeca, Impatiens andersonii, Garcinia lanceifolia, Dillenia parviflora, Parashorea buchananii, Castanopsis birmanica, Heritiera burmensis, Phrynium pubinerve, Bulbophyllum obrienianum, B. sinhoense, Dendrobium dantaniense, D. parcum, Epipactis flava, Eulophia macrobulbon, Micropera mannii, Vanilla borneensis, Phyllanthus discofractus, P. mirabilis, Maesa tomentella, Sabia wardii, Ailanthus integrifolia subsp. calycina, Wikstroemia floribunda, Hedychium gardnerianum, Monolophus linearis, were reported for the flora of China.

Conclusion: The border area of Yunnan possesses one of the richest floras in China, but the floristic survey in this area is still inadequate. Therefore, intensive floristic surveys are needed to be strengthened in the future to obtain reliable information on the flora of the border areas of Yunnan.

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A dataset of ecosystem fluxes in a shrubland ecosystem of Mau Us Sandy Land in Yanchi, Ningxia, China (2012-2016)
HAN Cong, MU Yan-Mei, ZHA Tian-Shan, QIN Shu-Gao, LIU Peng, TIAN Yun, JIA Xin
Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (9): 1322-1332.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0001
Accepted: 13 March 2023

Abstract790)   HTML167)    PDF (1440KB)(431)       Save

Arid and semi-arid ecosystem areas, which constitute an important component of the global land surface, act to regulate the long-term trend and interannual variations in global carbon and water cycles. Previous studies on the mechanisms underlying ecosystem carbon and water cycling and the development of relevant data products focus primarily on forest, grassland, and cropland ecosystems, with few research attention given to semi-arid shrublands. This research gap hinders the evaluation and projection of ecosystem functions at the regional scale. Since 2011, we used the eddy covariance technique to make continuous in situ measurements of carbon, water and heat fluxes in a shrubland ecosystem at Yanchi Research Station, the Mau Us Sandy Land. Data processing steps mainly included data collection, post-processing of raw data, quality control, gap-filling and carbon flux partitioning. We produced flux and micro-meteorological datasets at half-hourly, daily, monthly, and annual temporal resolutions for the years 2012-2016, and analyzed the overall quality of the datasets in terms of the proportion of valid data and the energy balance closure of flux measurements. Results showed: (1) After quality control, the proportion of valid data for half-hour net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), latent heat flux (LE), and sensible heat flux (Hs) was 56.23%-62.19%, 79.40%-94.12%, and 77.56%-91.27%, respectively. (2) Annual and monthly energy balance ratio ranged 0.78-0.83 and 0.59-1.19, respectively. (3) The energy balance closure estimated using the “ordinary least squares” regression method showed that the interannual and seasonal variations in the slope of regression curves varied with a range of 0.73-0.79 at interannual scale and 0.73-0.92 at seasonal scale, respectively. These results indicate that our datasets have a high proportion of valid data and a reasonable energy balance closure, and thus can be used in studies related to ecosystem processes and functions at varing spatio-temporal scales.

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Intertidal crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) species diversity and geographical distribution in Donghai Island and Naozhou Island, Guangdong Province
Weinuo Liang, Xu Zhang, Liang Hu
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (9): 23086.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023086
Accepted: 04 September 2023

Abstract530)   HTML22)    PDF (45678KB)(557)       Save

Aim: Intertidal crabs represent significant ecological groups within the nearshore zoobenthic biota. The northern South China Sea is rich in intertidal crabs, but the research progress varies considerably across different regions. Compared with eastern Guangdong, Beibu Gulf, and Hainan Island, our understanding of the intertidal crab fauna in western Guangdong remains relatively limited. To bridge this knowledge gap, it is crucial to explore the intertidal crab fauna on Donghai Island and Naozhou Island, located on eastern side of the Leizhou Peninsula. These islands play a vital role in unveiling the nearshore zoobenthic biogeography of western Guangdong and the northern South China Sea. In this study, we present the findings of a comprehensive field survey and incorporate previous studies to report on the species diversity and distribution patterns of intertidal crabs from these two islands.

Method: During the period of 2021-2022, intertidal crabs were collected from 22 sampling sites located Donghai Island and Naozhou Island. And the taxon recorded in previous studies were revised by literature review. A comprehensive and current checklist of intertidal crabs in the two islands was conducted, and an analysis was conducted to determine the distribution patterns of each species along the coasts of the China seas.

Results: A total of 91 species of brachyuran crabs were collected, representing 26 families and 62 genera during the field survey. Within this collection, 52 species were previously undocumented in the study area. The updated checklist now encompasses 150 intertidal crab species, originating from 33 families and 91 genera. Out of them, 108 species (72.0%) are characterized as the tropical and/or subtropical, with their distribution spanning from the northern South China Sea to the Taiwan Strait or the East China Sea. The remaining 42 species (28.0%) are considered widespread, with each of them being found across from the northern South China Sea to the Yellow and Bohai seas. The intertidal brachyuran fauna of the study area is tightly related to other areas of the South China Sea. Among these 150 species, 136 species (90.7%) have also been documented on Hainan Island, 124 species (82.7%) in the Beibu Gulf, 123 species (82.0%) on Taiwan Island, and 109 species (72.7%) in Southeast Asia.

Conclusions The results indicate a strong connection between the intertidal crab population on the eastern coast of Leizhou Peninsula and the northern coast of Hainan Island. Both regions fall within the Subtropical Provinces in terms of nearshore zoobenthic biota. Interestingly, it appears that neither the Leizhou Peninsula nor the Qiongzhou Strait significantly hinder the dispersal of intertidal crabs. The results offer fresh perspectives on the biogeographical classification of nearshore zoobenthic biota in China, as well as the sustainable utilization and preservation of marine biological resources.

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Species diversity and resource evaluation of macrofungi in Beijing
Weiqi Xu, Yue Li, Haijiao Li, Dongmei Liu, Ning Yang, Qi Zhang, Shuanghui He
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (10): 23196.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023196
Accepted: 18 August 2023

Abstract498)   HTML20)    PDF (3734KB)(518)       Save

Aims: As the main component of ecosystem, macrofungi have important ecological functions and economic values. In this study, we aim to understand the species diversity, compositions, and resources of macrofungi in Beijing by performing comprehensive investigations, identifications, and analyses.

Methods: The macrofungal investigations were carried out in 2020-2022 by using line transect and random sampling methods. Specimens were identified by using morphological and molecular methods, and the complete list of macrofungi in Beijing was obtained based on both identification results and literature surveys. Species composition analyses, floristic geographical component analyses and resource evaluations were carried out based on the list by using statistical methods and literature surveying.

Results: A total of 5,448 specimens were collected, and 608 species were identified. The complete list of macrofungi in Beijing containing 619 species belong to 277 genera, 93 families, 22 orders, 6 classes, 2 phyla. Among all the species, 24 belong to Ascomycota, 595 belong to Basidiomycota, five were records new to China, 120 were new to Beijing. There were 19 dominant families with more than 10 species, accounting for 59.61% of the total species, including Agaricaceae, Polyporaceae, Psathyrellaceae, Russulaceae, Tricholomataceae, and so on. There were 33 dominant genera with more than 5 species, accounting for 38.13% of the total species, including Cortinarius, Gymnopus, Inocybe, Leucoagaricus, Russula, and so on. Cosmopolitan, north temperate, and pantropical genera accounted for 61.37%, 31.05%, and 5.42%, respectively. There were 71 edible, 43 medicinal, 22 poisonous, 45 both edible and medicinal fungi.

Conclusion: The species diversity of macrofungi in Beijing is high, and the economic resources are rich. The geographical composition of the flora reflects typical north temperate distribution characteristics. The species number of macrofungi in Beijing could be increased in the future since some large genera of mushrooms, such as, Cortinarius, Entoloma, Inocybe, Russula have not been sufficiently studied.

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DNA barcode reference dataset for flower-visiting insects in Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve
Xiaoyan Luo, Qiang Li, Xiaolei Huang
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (8): 23236.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023236
Accepted: 08 August 2023

Abstract422)   HTML37)    PDF (695KB)(295)       Save

Flower-visiting and pollinating insects play vital roles in maintaining ecosystem functions, but the biodiversity data of these insect groups has been grossly inadequate in China. As a species identification method based on specific gene sequences, DNA barcoding has important application value in specimen identification, discovery of new species, biodiversity conservation, population genetics and evolutionary research. In this study, a total of 815 mitochondrial COI barcodes of flower-visiting insects from Diptera, Lepidoptera and Coleoptera in Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve were sequenced and analyzed. The distributions of the insect samples at different elevation were also provided in detail. This dataset can help in constructing regional insect DNA barcode databases, discovering cryptic species, studying altitudinal genetic diversity and biodiversity conservation.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title DNA barcode reference dataset for flower-visiting insects in Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve
Author(s) Xiaoyan Luo, Qiang Li, Xiaolei Huang
Corresponding author Xiaolei Huang (
Time range 2021
Geographical scope Dehua County (Fujian), 25°38'-25°43' N, 118°05′-118°20′E
File size 107.63 KB
Data format *.fasta, *.xlsx
Data link
Database/Dataset composition The dataset includes a total of 1 sequence data file and 1 sample information file.
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A photographic dataset of the beetle specimens by three passive acquisition methods in Ma On Shan, Hong Kong
Hao Shen, Yijie Tong, Shuzhe Zhao, Yongjin Han, Xiaoxu Shi, Bei Teng, Xinpu Wang, Ming Bai
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (7): 23021.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023021
Accepted: 12 July 2023

Abstract470)   HTML939)    PDF (13013KB)(415)       Save

Here is a dataset offers the biodiversity information of beetles in the Ma On Shan region of Hong Kong, China. We collected beetles from various areas using three passive collection methods (flight interception trap, Malaise trap and pitfall trap) in different areas. The dataset includes beetles collected at Ma On Shan (Hong Kong) sample site from 27th May to 17th June, 2017. The sample site contains 13 sample points, each with one flight interception trap, one Malaise trap, and ten pitfall traps. In total, we collected 3,011 beetles from 45 families and 325 species. This dataset consists of five parts: (1) the original photos of collected beetles (photographed in 198 images); (2) photographs of beetles with identification results; (3) a statistical table showing the number of beetle specimens collected; (4) a morphological species identification chart; (5) an information table with latitude, longitude, temperature, precipitation and altitude of sample points. By using three passive collection methods, this study provides an effective and feasible approach for collecting insects. This dataset can be used to quantitatively assess the diversity of beetles and contribute to the diversity study of beetles in Hong Kong.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title A photographic dataset of the beetle specimens by three passive acquisition methods in Ma On Shan, Hong Kong
Authors Hao Shen, Yijie Tong, Shuzhe Zhao, Yongjin Han, Xiaoxu Shi, Bei Teng, Xinpu Wang, Ming Bai
Corresponding authors Ming Bai (, Xinpu Wang (
Time range 2017.05.27-06.17
Geographical scope Hong Kong, 114°14′-114°15′ E, 22°22′-22°23′ N
File size 1.16 GB
Data format *.zip
Data link
Database/Dataset composition This dataset consists of five parts: (1) the original photos of collected beetles (photographed in 198 images); (2) photographs of beetles with identification results; (3) a statistical table showing the number of beetle specimens collected; (4) a morphological species identification chart; (5) an information table with latitude, longitude, temperature, precipitation and altitude of sample site.
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A dataset of the morphological, life-history, and ecological traits of snakes in China
Jiang Wang, Yifan Zhao, Yanfu Qu, Caiwen Zhang, Liang Zhang, Chuanwu Chen, Yanping Wang
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (7): 23126.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023126
Accepted: 12 July 2023

Abstract1127)   HTML1733)    PDF (490KB)(1192)       Save

As of January 2023, China has a total of 312 snake species, establishing itself as one of the most diverse countries in terms of snake biodiversity worldwide. The characteristics exhibited by snakes hold significant sway over their survival within their respective environments, making them an important role in the study of their evolutionary biology, ecology, and conservation biology. However, a comprehensive dataset encompassing the morphological, life-history, and ecological traits of Chinese snakes has yet to be established. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive dataset comprising the various traits exhibited by Chinese snakes. To accomplish this goal, we conducted a systematic collection of data from a range of sources, including published snake books, the peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed literatures, as well as the Reptile Database ( Our data compilation encompasses 41 distinctive traits, which were classified into three main types: morphological traits (25 traits such as scales and teeth), life-history traits (11 traits such as body length, diet, foraging mode, reproductive modes, clutch size, egg size, activity time, and venomousness), and ecological traits (5 traits such as Chinese/island endemism, adult habitat, geographical and elevational distributions). Among all these 41 traits, apart from geographical distribution, mental and rostral scales, which are 100% complete, the data on other traits were incomplete to varying degrees, ranging from 7.72% to 99.70%. This dataset is the most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of Chinese snake traits available to date. It provides a unique and invaluable resource for exploring the evolution, biogeography, ecology, and conservation biology of Chinese snakes.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title A dataset of the morphological, life-history and ecological traits of snakes in China
Authors Jiang Wang, Yifan Zhao, Yanfu Qu, Caiwen Zhang, Liang Zhang, Chuanwu Chen, Yanping Wang
Corresponding author Yanping Wang (
Time range Until January 2023
Geographical scope The People's Republic of China, including Taiwan, Hongkong, and Macao
File size 610 KB
Data format .xlsx
Data link
Database/Dataset composition The dataset provided in this study consists of one data file and two descriptive files in total. It comprises 41 distinct species characteristics, covering all 312 snake species found in China.
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Species diversity of intertidal crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) of Dongzhaigang National Nature Reserve, Hainan Province
Erhui Feng, Weinuo Liang, Liang Hu, Xu Zhang
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (9): 23030.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023030
Accepted: 25 May 2023

Abstract573)   HTML194)    PDF (3149KB)(1108)       Save

Aim: Brachyuran crabs are one of the important representatives of large benthic invertebrates in intertidal habitats and also an important component of mangrove wetland ecosystem. Dongzhaigang National Nature Reserve (DZGNNR) in Hainan preserves the most typical mangrove wetland ecosystem in China. It is also one of the key areas in the marine biogeographic division of East Asia. However, limited knowledge on intertidal crab species richness and unclear fauna characteristics in this area. Based on a comprehensive field survey combined with previous studies, we have cataloged an updated checklist of intertidal crabs of DZGNNR.

Method: The field survey was conducted in the intertidal zone of DZGNNR between September and November of 2022. During this time, 16 sampling sites were investigated and a total of 207 specimens were collected and identified. The species recorded in previous documents were reassessed and each taxon was revised according to the recent researches.

Results: During the field survey, we collected a total of 64 species of brachyuran crabs from 17 families and 39 genera. Out of these, 22 species were previously undocumented in DZGNNR, and two species were newly discovered in Hainan Province (Elamena rostrata and Parasesarma ungulatum). The updated checklist of brachyuran fauna of DZGNNR now includes 115 species belonging to 22 families and 63 genera.

Conclusions The intertidal brachyuran fauna of DZGNNR is mainly composed of East Asian warm water species, with Indo-West Pacific warm water elements being the most prevalent. This indicates that the DZGNNR is part of the northern South China Sea Subtropical Provinces in terms of its zoobenthic fauna, similar to the intertidal brachyuran fauna found in Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian. Our study provides new insights on the brachyuran fauna of DZGNNR and north Hainan Island, which improve our understanding of zoobenthic biogeographical patterns in northern South China Sea.

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Developing a dataset on the diversity and dynamic changes of mammals and birds recorded using camera traps in Laojun Mountain National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China
Benping Chen, Jianwu Chen, Zhengwen Ling, Xu Yang, Xin Chen, Shengqiang Li, Biao Yang
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (5): 22566.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022566
Accepted: 19 May 2023

Abstract645)   HTML66)    PDF (646KB)(697)       Save

Species cataloging is the basis of biodiversity research and conservation, and wildlife diversity monitoring is essential for updating local species cataloging data. At present, infrared cameras have become one of the most widely used and effective methods for monitoring large and medium-sized terrestrial mammals and understory birds. The Laojun Mountain National Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province is the first national nature reserve in China to make efforts to protect the Sichuan partridge (Arborophila rufipectus), Phasianidae birds, and evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem. In this study, we used infrared camera monitoring to identify the distribution of mammal and bird species in the reserve from April 2013 to September 2020 and to develop a comprehensive camera-trapping dataset of Laojun Mountain. For each camera site, the dataset includes the geographic coordinates of observations, number of mammals and birds identified, number of independent observations, a list of observed mammal and bird species (including distribution among elevations, area of distribution, grid occupancy and relative abundance index in different years, etc.), and infrared photos of observed species. This dataset is the first comprehensive summary of species distributions in the reserve since the infrared camera monitoring work began. This work provides an important basis for scientific decision-making of targeted conservation and management of China’s natural resources.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title Developing a dataset on the diversity and dynamic changes of mammals and birds recorded using camera traps in Laojun Mountain National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China
Authors Benping Chen, Jianwu Chen, Zhengwen Ling, Xu Yang, Xin Chen, Shengqiang Li, Biao Yang
Corresponding author Shengqiang Li (, Biao Yang (
Time range 2013-2020
Geographical scope 1. Management unit: Laojun Mountain National Nature Reserve, Pingshan County, Sichuan Province. Area: 35 km2; 2. Coordinates: 103º57'-104º04' E, 28º39'-28º43' N; Elevation range of camera stations: 1,196-1,933 m
File size Data file: 918 KB; Representative photograph (zipped file): 56.5 MB
Data format Data file: *.doc; Representative photograph (zipped file): *.rar
Data link
Database/Dataset composition The dataset consists of one Microsoft word file and two zipped files of representative photographs. The word file consists of 7 data sheets and 2 analysis diagrams. The data sheets include: 1. Summary of infrared camera survey; 2. Geographic coordinates of camera traps; 3. Number of independent effective observations; 4. Number of species; 5. Mammal and bird species list; 6. Diversity distribution of mammals and birds in different areas; 7. Relative abundance index of the top 8 species. The analysis diagrams include: 1. Curves of estimating species numbers of mammals and birds with effective camera days; 2. Comparison of the top 15 mammal species and the top 20 bird species based on relative abundance index under different years.
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Bryophytes diversity of Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province
Xing Chen, Shuwen Tu, Zun Dai, Shuang Gao, Youfang Wang, Shichen Xing, Bojia Wei, Luyan Tang, Ruiping Shi, Xiaorui Wang, Yongying Liu, Dongping Zhao, Xia Tang, Xue Yao, Mingshui Zhao, Hanxing Wu, Xiangbin Qi, Jian Zhang, Min Li, Jian Wang
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (4): 22649.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022649
Accepted: 20 April 2023

Abstract739)   HTML50)    PDF (9693KB)(1110)       Save

Aim: Bryophytes are commonly overlooked in field observations and collections due to their small size, making it difficult to obtain an objective and exhaustive checklist of bryophytes in a region. As a result, there are great limitations in the general study and conservation of bryophyte diversity. Taking Tianmushan National Nature Reserve (TNNR) in Zhejiang as an example, this paper aims to investigate the diversity of bryophytes by sampling strategy combining two methods, namely floristic habitat sampling (FHS) method and plot sampling (PS) method.

Methods: Using the two sampling methods (FHS and PS), the study systematically investigated the diversity of bryophytes in different vegetation types along the elevational gradients of the reserve, and compiled a bryophyte checklist in this reserve by combining the current and historical information.

Results: There are 394 species of bryophytes obtained from 143 genera in 56 families, including 103 species of liverworts obtained from 30 genera in 16 families and 291 species of mosses obtained from 113 genera in 40 families, with 5 of these species being endangered. Compared with the historical data of the reserve, 4 families, 31 genera and 182 species were newly added in this study. Among them, 1 family, 8 genera and 33 species were newly records in Zhejiang Province. The FHS and PS methods contributed 81% and 72% of the total number of species, respectively, but when the survey was restricted to epiphytic habitats only, the total number of species and the newly added species obtained by the PS method were higher than those by the FHS method. Although the number of species from the survey of eight plots/tree (represented a high sampling effort) was significantly higher than the results of two plots/tree, the sampling results of only two plots/tree (only sampling from the 0.3 m and 1.5 m of a tree) contributed 75% of the total richness.

Conclusion: The results indicated the sampling strategy in this study obtained a high number of newly-added bryophyte species. Further, since the species composition indicates great differences in the temporal gradient, it is recommended to conduct similar surveys and studies in other nature reserves in an effort to update the bryophytes checklist of each reserve, and to provide the latest detailed information for researching bryophyte conservation.

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Distribution, characteristics and classification of Caryopteris mongholica communities in northern China
YU Xiao, JI Ruo-Xuan, REN Tian-Meng, XIA Xin-Li, YIN Wei-Lun, LIU Chao
Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (8): 1182-1192.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0239
Accepted: 23 February 2023

Abstract468)   HTML103)    PDF (1160KB)(516)       Save

Caryopteris mongholica is a key protected wildflower plant distributed in typical steppe, desertified steppe and desert areas. But there is a lack of research on its community characteristics and classification. This paper aims to study the distribution, characteristics and classification of C. mongholica in northern China and provide a reference for further protection and management. From 2018 to 2021, a total of 40 representative C. mongholica sites were selected in northern China, and their community characteristics were studied using the sample plot survey method. Results showed: (1) Caryopteris mongholica is concentrated in the eastern, central and western of Nei Mongol Plateau, the northern Loess Plateau, Hexi Corridor, Qilian Mountains and other northwest temperate desert or steppe areas in China, and is often the dominant or associated species in the communities. (2) According to the survey of 40 sample sites, a total of 149 species of seed plants were recorded, belonging to 107 genera of 37 families, among which 31 communities with C. mongholica as construction or dominant species and 140 species of seed plants were recorded, mainly Compositae, Leguminosae and Gramineae. Among them, 39 species were shrubs, dwarf- and semi-shrubs, 76 species were perennial herbs and 24 species were annuals and biennials. In the classification of species presence, 87.94% were occasional species with frequency distribution less than 20%. Wide-range xerophytes occupied the advantage (63.12%) in the water ecological types. Middle Asia elements (26.24%) were the major floristic geographic elements. (3) Based on the life form and dominance of species, the 31 C. mongholica communities were divided into 3 association groups, C. mongholica - herb association group, C. mongholica + shrub - herb association group and C. mongholica + shrub association group, which were further subdivided into 19 associations. (4) Longitude and annual precipitation significantly influence the distribution of C. mongholica communities and species diversity.

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Diversity of amphibians and reptiles in Yunnan region of the Yunling Mountains
Dongmin Hou, Hong Hui, Dongru Zhang, Nengwen Xiao, Dingqi Rao
Biodiv Sci    2023, 31 (2): 22316.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022316
Accepted: 15 December 2022

Abstract992)   HTML56)    PDF (3721KB)(799)       Save

Aims: The Yunling Mountains are located in the northwest region of Yunnan Province, southeast of the Tibet Autonomous Region and southwest of Sichuan Province. It’s an important mountain range in the Hengduan Mountains, and it is also in the watershed of the Lancang River and Jinsha River. To better understand the amphibian and reptile biodiversity, potential threats, and promote regional protection, we conducted an assessment of amphibian and reptile diversity in Yunnan region of the Yunling Mountains.

Methods: In 2019 and 2020, amphibians and reptiles were sampled along 239 line-transects and supplemented by other field meander surveys.

Results: In total, 37 species of amphibians, belonging to 22 genera, 10 families, 2 orders, were observed, along with 44 species of reptiles, belonging to 25 genera, 10 families and 2 orders. The results of the diversity analysis showed that the number of species of amphibians and reptiles in Yunnan region of the Yunling Mountains were less than those in hot spots such as Xishuangbanna. In addition, reptiles were more abundant than amphibians, which may be due to elevation restrictions or missing the breeding period. More amphibian and reptile species were recorded at elevation of 2,200-2,300 m, suggesting more diversity of amphibians and reptiles at medium and high elevations. Habitat destruction and human disturbance were the main factors threatening the survival and reproduction of amphibians and reptiles in the non-protected areas of the Yunling Mountains. In addition, the non-native amphibian and reptile species need to be further monitored in order to develop invasion control measures.

Conclusion: This study has documented the number of species of amphibians and reptiles in the Yunnan region of the Yunling Mountains identified population threats, and provided basic data for the protection of amphibian and reptile diversity in the area.

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A dataset on the diversity of forest vascular epiphytes in China
Zixiao Dai, Guoke Chen, Naili Zhang, Keping Ma
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (11): 22332.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022332
Accepted: 15 November 2022

Abstract785)   HTML51)    PDF (607KB)(836)       Save

Vascular epiphytes are abundant in tropical and subtropical forest ecosystems. Vascular epiphytes are often neglected in biodiversity surveys owing to the challenges they pose for investigators. There is no comprehensive national checklist of vascular epiphyte species in China so far. In this study, we reviewed the literature on Chinese vascular epiphytes from 1982 to 2022 and obtained the relevant information for epiphytes. We checked and corrected this information according to the data of Species 2000 China Node. Finally, we obtained the taxonomic and distribution information of 1,739 species of vascular epiphytes, belonging to 246 genera and 49 families. As the first national checklist of Chinese vascular epiphytes, this checklist can provide important data for forest biodiversity conservation, as well as the study of evolutionary biology, biogeography and macroecology, and other life science disciplines.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title A dataset on the diversity of forest vascular epiphytes in China
Authors Zixiao Dai, Guoke Chen, Naili Zhang, Keping Ma
Corresponding author Naili Zhang (
Time range 1982-2022
Geographical scope 3°51ʹ-53°33ʹ N, 73°33ʹ-135°05ʹ E
Spatial resolution District (province)
File size 396.86 KB
Data volume 2,007 records
Data format *.xlsx
Data link
Database/Dataset composition The dataset consists of two subsets in total. The subsets are recorded as (1) The checklist of forest vascular epiphytes in China.xlsx, and the data volume is 1,739; (2) Reference list.xlsx, and the data volume is 268.
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An overview of Collembola species along altitudinal gradients in Changbai Mountains
Zhijing Xie, Yunga Wu, Xin Sun
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (12): 22405.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022405
Accepted: 19 September 2022

Abstract542)   HTML167)    PDF (2121KB)(499)       Save

Aim: This study summarizes the taxa of Collembola along altitudinal gradients in the Changbai Mountains.
Methods: Based on the taxonomic and ecological literature published from 1758‒2022, we overview Collembola along altitudinal gradients in the Changbai Mountains. Moreover, we analyze the biodiversity information provided by the 92 species, such as author contributions, publications, date of publication and distribution of species along altitudinal gradients.
Results: A total of 92 species of 3 orders, 11 families and 46 genera from the Changbai Mountains are summarized. The orders of Entomobryomorpha, Poduromorpha and Symphypleona accounted for 61%, 31% and 8% of Collembolan diversity, respectively. The family Isotomidae (the number of species in this group accounts for all Collembola, 26%), Entomobryidae (16%) and Tomoceridae (16%), and Onychiuridae (26%) are the main taxa in the region. The 92 species were first reported by 36 authors, with Chinese authors making the dominant contribution (33%), followed by Poland (11%), Sweden (11%), Russia (8%) and the United States (8%). Most of the relevant papers were published in international journals, with Zootaxa being the main journal. Species of Tomocerus and Folsomia had the widest distribution along the altitudinal gradients (800‒1,700 m above sea level), and the most species distributed at 800 m (15 species), 1,100 m (20 species) and 1,400 m (14 species).
Conclusion: Based on the above results, we discussed the taxonomic status and development prospects of the taxonomy of Collembola in the Changbai Mountains.

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Additions to the seed plant flora in Xizang, China
Hongbo Ding, Shishun Zhou, Jianwu Li, Jianyong Shen, Xingda Ma, Jian Huang, Yu Song, Xuemei Wen, Ming Lei, Yanli Tu, Yaowu Xing, Yunhong Tan
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (8): 22085.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022085
Accepted: 12 May 2022

Abstract934)   HTML26)    PDF (4211KB)(763)       Save

Aims: The Himalaya contains many V-shaped valleys owing to the steep slopes, these valleys add to the flora and vegetation diversity. To better understand flora diversity and vegetation structure of the south slope of the Himalaya, especially the top five valleys (Yadong Valley, Chentang Valley, Gama Valley, Zhangmu Valley and Gyirong Valley), we conducted the investigation in the top five valleys July to August 2021.

Methods: In this study, 1,490 specimens were collected and photographed through field investigation, made into specimens, and sorted out and identified. The voucher specimens for each reported species were preserved in the Herbarium of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (HITBC), Chinese Academy of Sciences and Herbarium of Tibet Plateau Institute of Biology (XZ).

Results: Eight species, Marsdenia roylei, Trachycarpus takil, Sonerila khasiana, Cissampelos convolvulacea, Herminium edgeworthii, Passiflora napalensis, Hedychium ellipticumand Roscoea brandisii are reported as newly recorded species from the south slope of the Himalaya in China. One genus, Belostemma (Belostemma hirsutum) is reported as newly recorded genus in Xizang Autonomous Region.

Conclusions: The south slope of the Himalaya harbors one of richest floras in Xizang. But the floristic survey in this area is still insufficient, and should be further strengthened in the floristics and specimen collection in the future.

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An updated species checklist of amphibians and reptiles in Fujian Province, China
Chunpeng Guo, Maojun Zhong, Xiaoyi Wang, Shengnan Yang, Ke Tang, Lele Jia, Chunlan Zhang, Junhua Hu
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (8): 22090.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022090
Accepted: 02 July 2022

Abstract1630)   HTML53)    PDF (2752KB)(1477)       Save

Aim: We aim to provide an updated species checklist for extant, native amphibians and reptiles of Fujian Province, China, to meet the conservation needs of the province by integrating previous modifications in herpetological taxonomy and nomenclature, as well as incorporating discoveries of newly recorded or resurrected species.

Methods: The updated species checklist was revised based on the results of 125 sample grids uniformly distributed across Fujian, and an extensive review of the literature up to December 2021. We incorporated any newly-recorded or resurrected species from the literature, excluding historical records that were misidentified or otherwise questioned, and updating scientific names and Chinese common names.

Results: Compared to previous checklists, we added 22 species, excluded 8 previously recorded species, and renamed 64 species. The updated species checklist contained 55 amphibian species, belonging to 29 genera across 9 families and 2 orders, and 126 reptile species, belonging to 72 genera in 25 families and 2 orders. Among them, 4 amphibians and 2 reptiles were endemic to Fujian. Additionally, Fujian represented the type locality of 24 amphibians and 18 reptiles. Six reptiles were listed as national first-class protected wild animals in China. Five amphibians and 25 reptiles were listed as national second-class protected wild animals. Ten amphibians were assessed as threatened species by China’s Red List of Biodiversity, with two Critically Endangered, one Endangered and seven Vulnerable (accounting for 3.64%, 1.82% and 12.73% of the amphibian species in Fujian, respectively); 41 reptiles were assessed as threatened species, with 11 Critically Endangered, 15 Endangered and 15 Vulnerable (accounting for 8.73%, 11.90% and 11.90% of the reptile species in Fujian, respectively).

Conclusions: By validating each species and assessing their threatened and protected status, this study provides up-to-date information for future biodiversity research and conservation in Fujian Province.

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The alien invasive plants in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei
Xia Cui, Quanru Liu, Chaoran Wu, Yufei He, Jinshuang Ma
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (8): 21497.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021497
Accepted: 08 July 2022

Abstract910)   HTML43)    PDF (2088KB)(791)       Save

Aim: To compose a comprehensive research report of alien plants that characterizes the taxonomic work of the last 20 years in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.

Methods: A total of 46 families, composed of 141 genera and 210 species, that were previously reported as alien invasive plants were characterized on the basis of available literature reports, taxonomic studies, and field surveys in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. The primary considerations for the classification of invasive species were: (1) the number of specimens collected, (2) the time point of collection, (3) the amount of relevant literature reports, and (4) the level of national invasion determined through field investigation.

Results: Based on taxonomic classification of the available data, 57 and 153 species were broadly categorized as native and alien, respectively. Of those considered as alien plant species, 82 species were determined to be invasive in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.

Conclusions: Overall, the taxonomic work of the last 20 years in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has demonstrated an inaccurate representation of its resident alien invasive plant populations. This is particularly due to the lack of relevant research and basic knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to launch a more comprehensive investigation on these plant populations to identify alien invasive plants more easily and to implement effective management strategies for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.

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An overview of new taxa of Oribatida all over the world from 2020 to 2021 and new species of China in recent 15 years—Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Chinese Oribatology
Xue Pan, Dong Liu
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (12): 22193.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022193
Accepted: 18 August 2022

Abstract636)   HTML183)    PDF (3441KB)(833)       Save

Aims: Oribatid mites, with large numbers and rich diversity, are one of the three main groups of soil animals. Up to 2020, the recorded oribatid mite species in China represented only 7.6% of all known species in the world. However, the species diversity has generally not been scientifically evaluated, highlighting a big gap between known species and its actual number. To commemorate the 100th anniversary for the birth of Chinese Oribatology, this study aims to summarize the new taxa of Oribatida worldwide from 2020 to 2021, and new species in China from 2007 to 2021.
Methods: We catalogued new Oribatida taxa in the world from 2020 to 2021, and new species of Chinese oribatid mites from 2007 to 2021 based on the described taxa and published literature. We also analyzed the biodiversity information provided by those new taxa, such as geographical distribution, author contributions and publications.
Results: From 2020 to 2021, a total of 238 new taxa of Oribatida were described globally, including 21 new genera and new subgenera, and 217 new species. Hotspots for new taxa discovery were in the Ethiopian, Oriental and Neotropical realms. The new taxa described were contributed by 27 authors, most of whom were non-Chinese scholars. All papers were published in non-Chinese journals, with most publications in the journal Systematic and Applied Acarology. From 2007 to 2021, a total of 183 new species of oribatid mites were described in China, but no new family and new genus were published. The hotspots for new species discovery were in the southeast, southwest and adjacent areas. The new species described were contributed by 24 authors most of whom were Chinese authors. Papers were mainly published in international journals, with Systematic and Applied Acarology and Zootaxa being the main journal.
Conclusions: Based on the above results, it shows the limited research power studying on Oribatida, and highly uneven distribution of newly discovered species among families and regions. Opportunities and challenges will continue to coexist in the development of classical taxonomy.

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Taxonomy, species diversity and distribution patterns of fungus-feeding Phlaeothripidae in China
Jun Wang, Chao Zhao
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (12): 22128.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022128
Accepted: 05 August 2022

Abstract551)   HTML223)    PDF (437KB)(480)       Save

Aims: Fungus-feeding Phlaeothripidae species are important components of soil invertebrates. They will contribute to the studies of biodiversity conservation and utilization, plant protection and zoogeography. Current studies on the taxonomic diversity of these species in China are insufficient, and on influence factors of distribution patterns in large scale are still unclear. Based on the extensive field surveys from China and the taxonomic studies about specimens deposited in some collections of research institutions at home and abroad, we generated a Chinese checklist of known fungus-feeding Phlaeothripidae species with their geographical distribution, summarized the current status and brief history of the taxonomy, analyzed the distribution patterns of species diversity and their drivers.
Progress: A total of 237 species of fungus-feeding Phlaeothripidae thrips were recorded in China, including 156 species from 39 genera in subfamily Phlaeothripinae and 81 species from 22 genera in subfamily Idolothripinae. Four genera were the dominant with each more than 10 species, including Bamboosiella, Psalidothrips, Apelaunothrips and Holothrips. Of these 73 species were endemic to China. More than 60 species were recorded from each province of Guangdong, Taiwan, Hainan and Yunnan, where had both tropical and subtropical humid monsoon climate characteristics and were suitable for survival of these organisms. Relative abundance analysis indicated that they were a common group of soil animals in forest litter layer of tropical and subtropical areas. Annual average temperature, precipitation and foods were the main factors for restricting the geographical distribution of these thrips.
Prospects: The results provide evidences on broadening the research field of soil biodiversity and explaining the position and large-scale spatiotemporal pattern of fungus-feeding thrips.

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Mitochondrial genome data of three aphid species
Congcong Lu, Qian Liu, Xiaolei Huang
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (7): 22204.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022204
Accepted: 24 June 2022

Abstract638)   HTML40)    PDF (1660KB)(838)       Save

The complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) have been widely used in the studies of molecular evolution, genomics and phylogeny. Aphids are important agricultural and forestry pests. Considering the reported complete mitogenomes of aphids are still limited, it will be of great value to obtain more aphid mitogenome data for related researches. This paper reports the complete mitogenome sequences of three aphid species, Greenidea ficicola, Aphis aurantii and Mindarus keteleerifoliae. The data of their detailed annotation, their gene sequence and gene structure, and the codon usage are also presented. These data can benefit future researches such as insect phylogenetic relationships, population divergence patterns as well as insect pest control.


Database/Dataset Profile

Title Mitochondrial genome data of three aphid species
Authors Congcong Lu, Qian Liu, Xiaolei Huang
Corresponding author Xiaolei Huang (
Time range 2015-2017
Geographical scope Quanzhou (Fujian), Fuzhou (Fujian)
File size 48 MB
Data format *.fasta, *.xlsx, *.tif
Data link
Database/Dataset composition The dataset consists of 7 data files in total, containing 3 sequence files, with a data volume of 50 KB; one excel data files, with a data volume of 37 KB; and 3 picture files, with a data volume of 47.4 MB.
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Review of the legacy of Frank Nicholas Meyer by teasing apart his itineraries and introduced plants in Asia and Europe
Renwu Wu, Xinge Nan, Hai Yan, Fan Yang, Yan Shi, Zhiyi Bao
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (11): 22063.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022063
Accepted: 23 June 2022

Abstract520)   HTML199)    PDF (2855KB)(967)       Save

Aim: Historically, the United States has employed “plant hunters” to search for plants around the world for further investigation. Frank Nicholas Meyer is one of the most impactful plant hunters; he embarked on four expeditions between 1905 and 1918, introducing plants from Asia (mainly in China) and Europe. Understanding Meyer’s legacy is important to understanding how a variety of plants have been propagated and become more diverse across the globe. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to document the routes Meyer traveled and species of plants he discovered.

Methods: We conducted an extensive review of the historical archives of Meyer’s expeditions to Asia and Europe. Specifically, we focused on Meyer’s plant introduction records, scientific names of plants specimens, collection locations, and routes travelled in Asia and Europe.

Results: Meyer’s four expeditions took him to a total of 13 countries and regions (mainly in China), where he visited 65 cities in 18 provinces in China. In total, Meyer introduced 3,651 plants. Among these plants, Meyer documented 3,590 belonging to 109 families, 3,567 belonging to 392 genera, and 2,644 belonging to 665 species.

Conclusions: Meyer’s work introduced an abundance of fruits, vegetables, food crops, and ornamental plants. Meyer has had a far-reaching impact on plants throughout the world, promoting the spread of plants globally and diversifying flora in the United States. The archived documentation of his expeditions can provide basic information for future research. Meyer’s work can also serve as a blueprint to guide the conservation of plant diversity in China.

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Species diversity, distribution and composition of polypores occurring in botanical gardens in China
Yingda Wu, Xiaowu Man, Yuan Yuan, Yucheng Dai
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (7): 22213.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022213
Accepted: 21 June 2022

Abstract813)   HTML34)    PDF (407KB)(783)       Save

Aims: Polypores are an important group of wood-decaying fungi with important ecological functions. Previous studies on the diversity and floristic composition of polypores were mostly in natural forests. Studies on the species, distribution and floristic composition of polypores in botanical gardens were largely unknown. This study systematically investigated the species, distribution and floristic composition of polypores in 31 botanical gardens in China, aiming to clarify whether the botanical gardens can effectively protect polypores while protecting plants.
Methods: In this study, investigations on polypores in 31 botanical gardens from 31 Chinese provinces were carried out during 2010-2021. On the basis of species identification, we analyzed the species diversity, composition and distribution of polypores in botanical gardens and forest ecosystems.
Results: A total of 164 polypore species was found based on the specimens collected from these gardens, and identified to 79 genera, 23 families and 6 orders. Among the 31 gardens, the species-richest gardens are Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XTGB) in Yunnan, Danzhou Tropical Botanical Garden in Hainan and Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plant in Guangxi, and 90, 46 and 37 polypores were found, respectively; While the most species-poorest gardens are Lanzhou Botanical Garden in Gansu Province, Xining Botanical Garden in Qinghai Province and Urumqi Botanical Garden in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, where only 4, 3 and 2 polypores were found, respectively. Among the 164 polypores, the three most common species Trametes versicolor, Irpex lacteus and Bjerkandera adusta were found in 24, 18 and 18 botanical gardens, respectively. Other 32 species, like Abundisporus mollissimus, were found in a single botanical garden only. Among the 164 polypores, the common species, occasional species and rare species are respectively 114, 40 and 10. The polypore and rare species in the investigated gardens account for 16% and 3.1% of the total Chinese polypores and the rare ones, respectively. Among the ten rare species, six were found in natural forests in XTBG, four were only found in plantations, and they account for 2.4% of total polypores found in the gardens and 1.3% of total rare Chinese polypores, respectively. Tropical, subtropical, temperate, widely distributed in North Hemisphere and boreal elements were discovered in the garden polypores, and corresponding species are 50, 45, 38, 20 and 11, and they account for 30.5%, 27.4%, 23.2%, 12.2% and 6.7% of the total garden polypores, respectively.
Conclusion: Botanical gardens have less function for conservation of polypores, particularly for rare species. The majority polypores growing in botanical garden in our investigations are the common species. Nature reserves, national park or forest parks are the most important areas for conservation of polypores, especially the rare species.

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A plot-based dataset of plant community on the Qingzang Plateau
JIN Yi-Li, WANG Hao-Yan, WEI Lin-Feng, HOU Ying, HU Jing, WU Kai, XIA Hao-Jun, XIA Jie, ZHOU Bo-Rui, LI Kai, NI Jian
Chin J Plant Ecol    2022, 46 (7): 846-854.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0174
Accepted: 08 June 2022

Abstract2336)   HTML273)    PDF (991KB)(1917)       Save

Plot-based data are an important foundation for studying plant community characteristics and compiling vegetation monographs, vegetation map, and vegegraphy. It is the key data source of studies in vegetation ecology. To understand the species composition, community characteristics, and distribution pattern of special plateau vegetation on the Qingzang Plateau (QZP), this study uses the data of 338 sites including 758 plots in different regions of the QZP from 2018 to 2021 to analyze the species composition, floristic characteristics, and vegetation classification of plateau plant communities. A plot-based dataset of plant community on the QZP is then established. The 758 plots have 837 plant species belonging to 279 genera from 65 families in the alpine and temperate vegetation communities. The largest number of species are found in five families: Asteraceae (134 species), Poaceae (88 species), Fabaceae (75 species), Rosaceae (43 species), and Cyperaceae (40 species), as well as five genera: Artemisia (29 species), Pedicularis (27 species), Saussurea (25 species), Astragalus (23 species), and Poa (23 species). The floristic composition is mainly temperate (145 genera) and cosmopolitan (36 genera). The growth forms of the species are mainly herbs (83.51%) and shrubs (10.87%), and the life forms of herbs and woody plants are mainly perennial herbs (88.23%) and deciduous shrubs (83.67%), respectively. A total of 338 sites can be divided into four vegetation formation groups, 10 vegetation formations, 20 vegetation subformations, 78 alliance groups, and 117 alliances, in which 34 are steppe alliances, 33 are meadow alliances, 33 are desert alliances, 14 are shrubland alliances, and 3 are coniferous forest alliances. This dataset covers most of the alpine shrubland, meadow, steppe, desert, and temperate steppe, desert vegetation regions of the QZP. This work provides a solid foundation for exploring the vegetation characteristics and regularity of vegetation zonal differentiation and determining the impacts of climate change and human disturbances on alpine vegetation and their ecological restoration. The dataset also provides a reference for the updating of the next generation of China's vegetation map.

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Cited: CSCD(1)
Cataloguing vascular plant diversity of karst caves in China
Longfei Fu, Alexandre K. Monro, Yigang Wei
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (7): 21537.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021537
Accepted: 06 June 2022

Abstract783)   HTML36)    PDF (3775KB)(970)       Save

Aim: Caves are widespread geological structures within karst landscapes which is associated with diverse flora. In the last 20 years, dozens of new species from Chinese caves have been described, many of which are not in the current list of the Chinese cave flora. In this study, we aimed to generate an updated list of China’s cave flora to better reflect the species diversity and endemism of the ecosystem and raise attention to its importance for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
Methods: We created a catalogue of all the Chinese cave plants by integrating the published regional lists of cave plants and reviewing the publications describing newly discovered species from Chinese caves. We utilized this information to generate an updated list of China’s cave flora of vascular plants. All accepted names were retained while the repetitive and unidentified names were eliminated based on the database of Plants of the World Online (POWO). The characteristics of the cave flora, the species distribution within caves, and the IUCN status of each species’ were analyzed.
Results: From 2001 to 2020, one new genus and 170 new species (including infraspecific taxa) belonging to 31 genera and 16 families (APG IV and PPG I classifications) of vascular plants were described from karst caves in China. We documented 871 species belonging to 339 genera and 110 families of vascular plants from the karst caves mainly in the provinces of Chongqing, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, and Yunnan. The five most common families identified in caves were Gesneriaceae, Urticaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Begoniaceae, and Rubiaceae, accounting for 39.4% of the total cave plant species. The five most commonly identified genera were Primulina, Elatostema, Polystichum, Begonia, and Pteris, accounting for 25.1% of species diversity. Herbaceous species constitute over half of the cave flora, and 10.7% of species occupy the twilight zone. In comparison with angiosperms, the proportion of lycophytes and ferns in the twilight zone was higher, suggesting that they adapt easier to the extreme habitats of twilight zones. Furthermore, there were high levels of endemism of vascular plants in caves. There were 225 provincial endemic species, accounting for 25.8% of the total cave plant species. Among these, the proportions of non-cave endemism, multiple cave endemism, and single cave endemism were 11.0%, 3.3% and 11.5%, respectively. A total of 115 species (13.0%) were under threat of extinction according to the literature review. The most threatened families were those with newer species published in recent years, including Dryopteridaceae, Gesneriaceae, Urticaceae, Begoniaceae, and Rubiaceae. More detailed investigations should be conducted to refine the IUCN assessments of these taxa. In addition, molecular data are lacking for at least 36% of the species in our list.
Conclusions: Our updated list suggests that caves are important for species discovery in China. Further investigations in caves are needed, particularly in Yunnan, Chongqing, and Hunan. We propose that most cave plant species probably originated from the karst forest understory and are therefore of great significance for the restoration of native karst vegetation and the combatting of desertification. For this reason, China’s cave flora should be further documented and protected.

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A new list of threatened woody species in China under future global change scenarios
Shijia Peng, Yuan Luo, Hongyu Cai, Xiaoling Zhang, Zhiheng Wang
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (5): 21459.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021459
Accepted: 31 May 2022

Abstract1304)   HTML106)    PDF (609KB)(1318)       Save

The world is currently experiencing a biodiversity crisis, and climate and land-cover changes are now recognized as two major threats to biodiversity. China is one of the mega-biodiversity countries and the threatened species list of China’s higher plants was reported in 2017. This list provided important data for biological conservation and protected area planning from regional to global scales. However, it was mainly based on the past and current status of species population and distribution, while future responses of species to climate and land-cover changes were rarely considered. This will lead to an underestimation of future local extinction risks. Using high-resolution species distribution data of woody plants and species distribution models, we evaluated the impacts of climate and land-cover changes on woody species distributions and estimated changes in the extent of occurrence (EOA) for each species. Our results indicate that 12.9%-40.5% of woody species will be threatened under different climate and dispersal scenarios. Based on these results, we updated the list of threatened woody species in China based on the IUCN Red List Criteria. This new list of threatened woody species provides important data for assessing the conservation priorities of woody plants, for the planning of future nature reserve extension, for improving the performance of nature reserves under future global change scenarios, and for updating the list of threatened species of other taxa.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title A new list of threatened woody species in China under future global change scenarios
Authors Shijia Peng, Yuan Luo, Hongyu Cai, Xiaoling Zhang, Zhiheng Wang
Corresponding author Zhiheng Wang (
Time range Current-2070
Geographical scope China
File size 2.06 MB
Data format *.xlsx
Data link
The dataset consists of two data files: (1) The classification of 11,405 woody plant species as threatened or non-threatened under current (Qin et al, 2017) and future climate and dispersal change scenarios in China (1: Threatened species; 0: Non-threatened species); (2) The conservation status of 11,405 woody species under current (Qin et al, 2017) and future climate and dispersal change scenarios (EX: Extinction; CR: Critically Endangered; EN: Endangered; VU: Vulnerable; LC: Least Concern).
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A dataset on catalogue of alien plants in China
Qinwen Lin, Cui Xiao, Jinshuang Ma
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (5): 22127.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022127
Accepted: 19 May 2022

Abstract5075)   HTML465)    PDF (940KB)(5383)       Save

It is an important basis for the research on the prevention and early warning mechanism of alien invasive plants in China to figure out the types of alien plants in China, where they come from, how to enter China, what kind of groups of these alien plants are, as well as their biological and ecological characteristics. The information of alien plants recorded in Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, Flora of China and their records in the Chinese province flora is very limited due to various reasons. At present, there is no any available database including the complete information of alien plants in China. By integrating materials related to alien plants in recent years, and textual research on the origin, then added the habits of alien plants through literature, then using computer network, databases and big data analysis technical means, after information treatment and taxonomic correction, with reconstruction of the classification, this paper finally provided a dataset on catalogue of alien plants in China. There are 14,710 data in this set, with 14,710 taxa of Chinese alien plants belonging to 3,233 genera and 283 families (including 13,401 original species, 332 hybrids, 2 chimeras, 458 subspecies, 503 varieties and 14 forms). Each taxon includes basic information such as taxon, Chinese family name, family name, Chinese genus name, genus name, Chinese name, surname, scientific name, authors, living status, life span, growth habit, native countries or regions, and introduced provinces in China. The data set shows that alien plants have accounted for a considerable proportion in the composition of the Chinese flora (By December 31, 2021, there are 52,177 taxa of vascular plants in China, including 37,464 native taxa and 14,710 alien taxa, the proportion of alien plants is as high as 28.19%). In terms of survival status, cultivated plants account for 91% of all alien plants, escape plants account for 7.36%, naturalized plants account for 6.69% and invasive plants account for 2.66%; The analysis of life forms shows that perennial groups account for the vast majority of alien plants (13,625 species, about 92.6%), and the number of herbs (8,937 species, about 60.8%) is more than that of trees (2,752 species, about 18.7%), shrubs (4,916 species, about 33.4%) as well as the other life forms. Most of the alien plants in China were from North America (4,242 species), Africa (3,707 species), South America (3,645 species), and Asia (3,102 species), but less were from Europe (1,690 species) and Oceania (1,305 species). The top 10 provinces in China with more exotic plants are Taiwan (6,122 species), Beijing (5,244 species), Fujian (3,667 species), Guangdong (3,544 species), Yunnan (3,404 species), Shanghai (2,924 species), Jiangsu (2,183 species), Jiangxi (1,789 species), Zhejiang (1,658 species) and Hubei (973 species). This data set is the first comprehensive and systematic collation of alien plants in China. It can be used as a reference for research related to alien plants, as well as basic data for plant diversity research. It can also be used as a reference dataset for people in agriculture, forestry, prataculture, horticulture, herbal medicine, nature protection and environmental protection, as well as teachers and students in colleges and universities.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title A dataset on catalogue of alien plants in China
Data authors Qingwen Lin, Cui Xiao, Jinshuang Ma
Data corresponding author Jinshuang Ma (
Time range 1959-2021
Geographical scope China
Spatial resolution District (province)
File size 2.77 MB
Data volume Number of records in 1 file: 14,710
Data format *.xlsx
Data link
Database/Dataset composition The dataset consists of 1 data file containing 1 sheet with 14,710 items (rows) and 14 fields (columns) as following: taxon, Chinese family name, family name, Chinese genus name, genus name, Chinese name, surname, scientific name, authors, living status, life span, growth habit, native countries or regions, and introduced provinces in China.
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A dataset on the diversity and geographical distributions of wild Impatiens in China
Taohua Yuan, Meijun Li, Liuyi Ren, Rongxin Huang, Yi Chen, Xinxiang Bai
Biodiv Sci    2022, 30 (5): 22019.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022019
Accepted: 05 May 2022

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Impatiens is distributed mainly in the tropical and subtropical mountains of the Old World and has strict requirements on the growth environment. In-depth analysis of its geographical distribution pattern and characteristics can provide a basis for germplasm resources investigation and utilization. In this study, the species list of wild Impatiens in China was updated through systematic literature retrieval, and the geographical distribution database of wild Impatiens in China was established by integrating their information of distribution, altitude and endemism. Up to March 2022, 352 wild Impatiens species (including 18 varieties, 1 subspecies and 1 form) have been recorded in China, 273 of which are endemic to China. Impatiens is distributed in all provinces of China except Shanghai. There are 165 species in Yunnan, where has the highest species richness and endemism at the provincial level, followed by Sichuan with 119 species, Tibet with 69 species. At the county level, Gongshan County and Tengchong City ranks first in species richness with 51 species, followed by Fugong County with 42 species. In China, the distribution of Impatiens presents a pattern of diffusion from the tropics and subtropics zone to high latitudes and high altitudes. The broad sense Hengduan Mountain area, southern Tibet, Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi karst area and middle-lower Yangtze River Plain are hot spots for the concentrated distribution of Impatiens.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title A dataset on the diversity and geographical distributions of wild Impatiens in China
Data authors Taohua Yuan, Meijun Li, Liuyi Ren, Rongxin Huang, Yi Chen, Xinxiang Bai
Data corresponding author Xinxiang Bai (
Time range 1964-2022
Geographical scope China
Spatial resolution (Optional) Province, city and county at three levels
File size Data file: 0.78 MB
Data volume Number of records in 3 files: 9,836
Data format *.xlsx
Data link
Database/Dataset composition The dataset consists of three data files: (1) The geographical distribution metadata of wild Impatiens in China, and the data volume is 9,045; (2) The diversity dataset of wild Impatiens in China, containing Chinese Impatiens list, integrated geographic distribution points, altitude range and endemism, and the data volume is 352; (3) The list of reference contains type, title, year of publication, author, publisher and other information, and the data volume is 439.
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