Nitrogen uptake and utilization

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    Efficient iron plaque formation on tea (Camellia sinensis) roots contributes to acidic stress tolerance
    Xianchen Zhang, Honghong Wu, Lingmu Chen, Yeyun Li and Xiaochun Wan
    J Integr Plant Biol    2019, 61 (2): 155-167.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12702
    Accepted: 23 July 2018
    Online available: 23 July 2018

    Abstract240)            English Version    Save
    Tea plants grow in acidic soil, but to date, their intrinsic mechanisms of acidic stress tolerance have not been elucidated. Here, we assessed the tea plant response to growth on NH4+ nutrient media having different pH and iron levels. When grown in standard NH4+ nutrient solution (iron insufficient, 0.35 mg L-1 Fe2+), tea roots exhibited significantly lower nitrogen accumulation, plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity, and protein levels; net H+ efflux was lower at pH 4.0 and 5.0 than at pH 6.0. Addition of 30 mg L-1 Fe2+ (iron sufficient, mimicking normal soil Fe2+ concentrations) to the NH4+ nutrient solution led to more efficient iron plaque formation on roots and increased root plasma membrane H+-ATPase levels and activities at pH 4.0 and 5.0, compared to the pH 6.0 condition. Furthermore, plants grown at pH 4.0 and 5.0, with sufficient iron, exhibited significantly higher nitrogen accumulation than those grown at pH 6.0. Together, these results support the hypothesis that efficient iron plaque formation, on tea roots, is important for acidic stress tolerance. Furthermore, our findings establish that efficient iron plaque formation is linked to increased levels and activities of the tea root plasma membrane H+-ATPase, under low pH conditions.
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    Streptomyces lydicus A01 affects soil microbial diversity, improving growth and resilience in tomato
    Qiong Wu, Caige Lu, Mi Ni, Hongli Wang, Weicheng Liu and Jie Chen
    J Integr Plant Biol    2019, 61 (2): 182-196.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12724
    Accepted: 25 September 2018
    Online available: 25 September 2018

    Abstract366)            English Version    Save
    The actinomycete Streptomyces lydicus A01 promotes tomato seedling growth; however, the underlying mechanism is unclear. In this study, we investigated whether changes in soil microbial diversity, following Streptomyces lydicus A01 treatment, were responsible for the increased tomato seedling growth. Eukaryotic 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequencing showed that S. lydicus A01-treated and untreated soil shared 193 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), whereas bacterial 16S rDNA sequencing identified 1,219 shared OTUs between the treated and untreated soil. Of the 42 dominant eukaryotic OTUs, eight were significantly increased and six were significantly decreased after A01 treatment. Of the 25 dominant bacterial OTUs, 12 were significantly increased and eight were significantly decreased after A01 treatment. Most of the eukaryotes and bacteria that increased in abundance exhibited growth promoting characteristics, which were mainly predicted to be associated with mineralization of nitrogen and phosphorus, phosphate solubilization, nutrient accumulation, and secretion of auxin, whereas some were related to plant protection, such as the degradation of toxic and hazardous substances. Soil composition tests showed that S. lydicus A01 treatment enhanced the utilization of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in tomato seedlings. Thus, microbial fertilizers based on S. lydicus A01 may improve plant growth, without the detriment effects of chemical fertilizers.
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    Effects of tillage managements and maize straw returning on soil microbiome using 16S rDNA sequencing
    Xinyao Xia, Piaopiao Zhang, Linlin He, Xingxing Gao, Weijun Li, Yuanyuan Zhou, Zongxin Li, Hui Li and Long Yang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2019, 61 (6): 765-777.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12802
    Accepted: 26 March 2019
    Online available: 26 March 2019

    Abstract342)      PDF (2026KB)(210)       English Version    Save
    Agricultural practices could affect bacterial diversity and community structure by altering soil physical and chemical properties. Straw returning and tillage practices are widely used in agriculture, however, the effects of these agricultural practices on microbiomes are still unclear. In the present study, we compared the 18 bacterial communities of soil with different straw returning and tillage treatment combinations. The V3-V4 regions of the 16S ribosomal RNA were amplified and analyzed by high-throughput sequencing technology. The results showed that the bacterial communities were consistently dominated by Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Chloroflexi. Short-term straw returning and tillage practices significantly altered the diversity, relative abundance and functions of the soil microbiome. Soil subjected to rotary tillage and straw returning (RTS) combination possessed the highest bacterial diversity and lowest ratio of G+/G- bacteria, indicating that RTS could be an efficient integrated management system to improve microbiome in the short term. Double verifications based on relative abundance and network analysis, revealed close relationships of Mycobacterium and Methylibium with RTS, indicating they could serve as biomarkers for RTS. Investigating microbial changes under different agricultural practices will provide valuable foundations for land sustainable utilization and increase crop yields.
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    Genetic variation in eggplant for Nitrogen Use Efficiency under contrasting NO3- supply
    Antonio Mauceri, Laura Bassolino, Antonio Lupini, Franz Badeck, Fulvia Rizza, Massimo Schiavi, Laura Toppino, Maria R. Abenavoli, Giuseppe L. Rotino and Francesco Sunseri
    J Integr Plant Biol    2020, 62 (4): 487-508.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12823
    Accepted: 14 May 2019
    Online available: 14 May 2019

    Abstract247)      PDF (1916KB)(338)       English Version    Save

    Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) yield is highly sensitive to N fertilization, the excessive use of which is responsible for environmental and human health damage. Lowering N input together with the selection of improved Nitrogen‐Use‐Efficiency (NUE) genotypes, more able to uptake, utilize, and remobilize N available in soils, can be challenging to maintain high crop yields in a sustainable agriculture. The aim of this study was to explore the natural variation among eggplant accessions from different origins, in response to Low (LN) and High (HN) Nitrate (NO3) supply, to identify NUE‐contrasting genotypes and their NUE‐related traits, in hydroponic and greenhouse pot experiments. Two eggplants, AM222 and AM22, were identified as N‐use efficient and inefficient, respectively, in hydroponic, and these results were confirmed in a pot experiment, when crop yield was also evaluated. Overall, our results indicated the key role of N‐utilization component (NUtE) to confer high NUE. The remobilization of N from leaves to fruits may be a strategy to enhance NUtE, suggesting glutamate synthase as a key enzyme. Further, omics technologies will be used for focusing on C‐N metabolism interacting networks. The availability of RILs from two other selected NUE‐contrasting genotypes will allow us to detect major genes/quantitative trait loci related to NUE.

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    Phosphorylation at Ser28 stabilizes the Arabidopsis nitrate transporter NRT2.1 in response to nitrate limitation
    Xue Zou, Meng‐Yuan Liu, Wei‐Hua Wu and Yang Wang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2020, 62 (6): 865-876.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12858
    Accepted: 24 July 2019
    Online available: 24 July 2019

    Abstract379)      PDF (2653KB)(325)       English Version    Save
    Nitrate is one of the main inorganic nitrogen sources for plants. Nitrate absorption from soils is achieved through the combined activities of specific nitrate transporters. Nitrate transporter 2.1 (NRT2.1) is the major component of the root high‐affinity nitrate transport system in Arabidopsis thaliana. Studies to date have mainly focused on transcriptional control of NRT2.1. Here, we show that NRT2.1 protein stability is also regulated in response to nitrogen nutrition availability. When seedlings were transferred to nitrate‐limited conditions, the apparent half‐life of NRT2.1 in roots increased from 3 to 9 h. This stabilization of NRT2.1 protein occurred rapidly, even prior to the transcriptional stimulation of NRT2.1. Furthermore, we revealed that phosphorylation at serine 28 (Ser28) of NRT2.1 is involved in regulating the stability of this protein. Substitution of Ser28 by alanine resulted in unstable NRT2.1, and this loss‐of‐phosphorylation mutant (NRT2.1S28A) failed to complement the growth‐restricted phenotype of the nrt2.1 mutant when a low concentration of nitrate was the sole nitrogen source. These results demonstrate that phosphorylation at Ser28 is crucial for NRT2.1 protein stabilization and accumulation in response to nitrate limitation.
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    The nodulation and nyctinastic leaf movement is orchestrated by clock gene LHY in Medicago truncatula
    Yiming Kong, Lu Han, Xiu Liu, Hongfeng Wang, Lizhu Wen, Xiaolin Yu, Xiaodong Xu, Fanjiang Kong, Chunxiang Fu, Kirankumar S. Mysore, Jiangqi Wen and Chuanen Zhou
    J Integr Plant Biol    2020, 62 (12): 1880-1895.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12999
    Accepted: 30 July 2020
    Online available: 30 July 2020

    As sessile organisms, plants perceive, respond, and adapt to the environmental changes for optimal growth and survival. The plant growth and fitness are enhanced by circadian clocks through coordination of numerous biological events. In legume species, nitrogen‐fixing root nodules were developed as the plant organs specialized for symbiotic transfer of nitrogen between microsymbiont and host. Here, we report that the endogenous circadian rhythm in nodules is regulated by MtLHY in legume species Medicago truncatula. Loss of function of MtLHY leads to a reduction in the number of nodules formed, resulting in a diminished ability to assimilate nitrogen. The operation of the 24‐h rhythm in shoot is further influenced by the availability of nitrogen produced by the nodules, leading to the irregulated nyctinastic leaf movement and reduced biomass in mtlhy mutants. These data shed new light on the roles of MtLHY in the orchestration of circadian oscillator in nodules and shoots, which provides a mechanistic link between nodulation, nitrogen assimilation, and clock function.

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    HBI1‐TCP20 interaction positively regulates the CEPs‐mediated systemic nitrate acquisition
    Xiaoqian Chu, Mingzhe Li, Shujuan Zhang, Min Fan, Chao Han, Fengning Xiang, Genying Li, Yong Wang, Cheng‐Bin Xiang, Jia‐Gang Wang and Ming‐Yi Bai
    J Integr Plant Biol    2021, 63 (5): 902-912.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13035
    Accepted: 19 November 2020
    Online available: 19 November 2020

    Abstract318)            English Version    Save
    Nitrate is the main source of nitrogen for plants but often distributed heterogeneously in soil. Plants have evolved sophisticated strategies to achieve adequate nitrate by modulating the root system architecture. The nitrate acquisition system is triggered by the short mobile peptides C‐TERMINALLY ENCODED PEPTIDES (CEPs) that are synthesized on the nitrate‐starved roots, but induce the expression of nitrate transporters on the other nitrate‐rich roots through an unclear signal transduction pathway. Here, we demonstrate that the transcription factors HBI1 and TCP20 play important roles in plant growth and development in response to fluctuating nitrate supply. HBI1 physically interacts with TCP20, and this interaction was enhanced by the nitrate starvation. HBI1 and TCP20 directly bind to the promoters of CEPs and cooperatively induce their expression. Mutation in HBIs and/or TCP20 resulted in impaired systemic nitrate acquisition response. Our solid genetic and molecular evidence strongly indicate that the HBI1‐TCP20 module positively regulates the CEPs‐mediated systemic nitrate acquisition.
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    Potassium and phosphorus transport and signaling in plants
    Yi Wang, Yi-Fang Chen and Wei-Hua Wu
    J Integr Plant Biol    2021, 63 (1): 34-52.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13053
    Accepted: 15 December 2020
    Online available: 15 December 2020

    Abstract672)            English Version    Save
    Nitrogen (N), potassium (K), and phosphorus (P) are essential macronutrients for plant growth and development, and their availability affects crop yield. Compared with N, the relatively low availability of K and P in soils limits crop production and thus threatens food security and agricultural sustainability. Improvement of plant nutrient utilization efficiency provides a potential route to overcome the effects of K and P deficiencies. Investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying how plants sense, absorb, transport, and use K and P is an important prerequisite to improve crop nutrient utilization efficiency. In this review, we summarize current understanding of K and P transport and signaling in plants, mainly taking Arabidopsis thaliana and rice (Oryza sativa) as examples. We also discuss the mechanisms coordinating transport of N and K, as well as P and N.
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    Abscisic acid signaling negatively regulates nitrate uptake via phosphorylation of NRT1.1 by SnRK2s in Arabidopsis
    Hang Su, Tian Wang, Chuanfeng Ju, Jinping Deng, Tianqi Zhang, Mengjiao Li, Hui Tian and Cun Wang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2021, 63 (3): 597-610.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13057
    Accepted: 17 December 2020
    Online available: 17 December 2020

    Abstract606)            English Version    Save
    Nitrogen (N) is a limiting nutrient for plant growth and productivity. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) has been suggested to play a vital role in nitrate uptake in fluctuating N environments. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the involvement of ABA in N deficiency responses are largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrated that ABA signaling components, particularly the three subclass III SUCROSE NON‐FERMENTING1 (SNF1)‐RELATED PROTEIN KINASE 2S (SnRK2) proteins, function in root foraging and uptake of nitrate under N deficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana. The snrk2.2snrk2.3snrk2.6 triple mutant grew a longer primary root and had a higher rate of nitrate influx and accumulation compared with wild‐type plants under nitrate deficiency. Strikingly, SnRK2.2/2.3/2.6 proteins interacted with and phosphorylated the nitrate transceptor NITRATE TRANSPORTER1.1 (NRT1.1) in vitro and in vivo. The phosphorylation of NRT1.1 by SnRK2s resulted in a significant decrease of nitrate uptake and impairment of root growth. Moreover, we identified NRT1.1Ser585 as a previously unknown functional site: the phosphomimetic NRT1.1S585D was impaired in both low‐ and high‐affinity transport activities. Taken together, our findings provide new insight into how plants fine‐tune growth via ABA signaling under N deficiency.
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    Functional assembly of root-associated microbial consortia improves nutrient efficiency and yield in soybean
    Cunhu Wang, Yanjun Li, Mingjia Li, Kefei Zhang, Wenjing Ma, Lei Zheng, Hanyu Xu, Baofeng Cui, Ran Liu, Yongqing Yang, Yongjia Zhong and Hong Liao
    J Integr Plant Biol    2021, 63 (6): 1021-1035.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13073
    Accepted: 25 January 2021
    Online available: 25 January 2021

    Abstract496)            English Version    Save
    Root-associated microbes are critical for plant growth and nutrient acquisition. However, scant information exists on optimizing communities of beneficial root-associated microbes or the mechanisms underlying their interactions with host plants. In this report, we demonstrate that root-associated microbes are critical influencers of host plant growth and nutrient acquisition. Three synthetic communities (SynComs) were constructed based on functional screening of 1,893 microbial strains isolated from root-associated compartments of soybean plants. Functional assemblage of SynComs promoted significant plant growth and nutrient acquisition under both N/P nutrient deficiency and sufficiency conditions. Field trials further revealed that application of SynComs stably and significantly promoted plant growth, facilitated N and P acquisition, and subsequently increased soybean yield. Among the tested communities, SynCom1 exhibited the greatest promotion effect, with yield increases of up to 36.1% observed in two field sites. Further RNA-seq implied that SynCom application systemically regulates N and P signaling networks at the transcriptional level, which leads to increased representation of important growth pathways, especially those related to auxin responses. Overall, this study details a promising strategy for constructing SynComs based on functional screening, which are capable of enhancing nutrient acquisition and crop yield through the activities of beneficial root-associated microbes.
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    Root developmental responses to phosphorus nutrition
    Dong Liu
    J Integr Plant Biol    2021, 63 (6): 1065-1090.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13090
    Accepted: 12 March 2021
    Online available: 12 March 2021

    Abstract423)            English Version    Save
    Phosphorus is an essential macronutrient for plant growth and development. Root system architecture (RSA) affects a plant's ability to obtain phosphate, the major form of phosphorus that plants uptake. In this review, I first consider the relationship between RSA and plant phosphorus-acquisition efficiency, describe how external phosphorus conditions both induce and impose changes in the RSA of major crops and of the model plant Arabidopsis, and discuss whether shoot phosphorus status affects RSA and whether there is a universal root developmental response across all plant species. I then summarize the current understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing root developmental responses to phosphorus deficiency. I also explore the possible reasons for the inconsistent results reported by different research groups and comment on the relevance of some studies performed under laboratory conditions to what occurs in natural environments.
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    MiR319-targeted OsTCP21 and OsGAmyb regulate tillering and grain yield in rice
    Rongna Wang, Xiuyan Yang, Shuang Guo, Zhaohui Wang, Zhanhui Zhang and Zhongming Fang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2021, 63 (7): 1260-1272.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13097
    Accepted: 10 April 2021
    Online available: 10 April 2021

    Abstract418)            English Version    Save
    Multiple genes and microRNAs (miRNAs) improve grain yield by promoting tillering. MiR319s are known to regulate several aspects of plant development; however, whether miR319s are essential for tillering regulation remains unclear. Here, we report that miR319 is highly expressed in the basal part of rice plant at different development stages. The miR319 knockdown line Short Tandem Target Mimic 319 (STTM319) showed higher tiller bud length in seedlings under low nitrogen (N) condition and higher tiller bud number under high N condition compared with the miR319a-overexpression line. Through targets prediction, we identified OsTCP21 and OsGAmyb as downstream targets of miR319. Moreover, OsTCP21 and OsGAmyb overexpression lines and STTM319 had increased tiller bud length and biomass, whereas both were decreased in OsTCP21 and OsGAmyb knockout lines and OE319a. These data suggest that miR319 regulates rice tiller bud development and tillering through targeting OsTCP21 and OsGAmyb. Notably, the tiller number and grain yield increased in STTM319 and overexpression lines of OsTCP21 and OsGAmyb but decreased in OE319a and knockout lines of OsTCP21 and OsGAmyb. Taken together, our findings indicate that miR319s negatively affect tiller number and grain yield by targeting OsTCP21 and OsGAmyb, revealing a novel function for miR319 in rice.
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    GTPase ROP6 negatively modulates phosphate deficiency through inhibition of PHT1;1 and PHT1;4 in Arabidopsis thaliana
    Huiling Gao, Tian Wang, Yanting Zhang, Lili Li, Chuanqing Wang, Shiyuan Guo, Tianqi Zhang and Cun Wang
    J Integr Plant Biol    2021, 63 (10): 1775-1786.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13153
    Accepted: 20 July 2021
    Online available: 20 July 2021

    Abstract384)            English Version    Save
    Phosphorus, an essential macroelement for plant growth and development, is a major limiting factor for sustainable crop yield. The Rho of plant (ROP) GTPase is involved in regulating multiple signal transduction processes in plants, but potentially including the phosphate deficiency signaling pathway remains unknown. Here, we identified that the rop6 mutant exhibited a dramatic tolerant phenotype under Pi-deficient conditions, with higher phosphate accumulation and lower anthocyanin content. In contrast, the rop6 mutant was more sensitive to arsenate (As(V)) toxicity, the analog of Pi. Immunoblot analysis displayed that the ROP6 protein was rapidly degraded through ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway under Pi-deficient conditions. In addition, pull-down assay using GST-RIC1 demonstrated that the ROP6 activity was decreased obviously under Pi-deficient conditions. Strikingly, protein–protein interaction and two-voltage clamping assays demonstrated that ROP6 physically interacted with and inhibited the key phosphate uptake transporters PHT1;1 and PHT1;4 in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, genetic analysis showed that ROP6 functioned upstream of PHT1;1 and PHT1;4. Thus, we conclude that GTPase ROP6 modulates the uptake of phosphate by inhibiting the activities of PHT1;1 and PHT1;4 in Arabidopsis.
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    CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and natural variation analysis demonstrate the potential for HvARE1 in improvement of nitrogen use efficiency in barley
    Sakura D. Karunarathne, Yong Han, Xiao‐Qi Zhang and Chengdao Li
    J Integr Plant Biol    2022, 64 (3): 756-770.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13214
    Accepted: 11 January 2022
    Online available: 11 January 2022

    Abstract300)            English Version    Save

    Nitrogen is a major determinant of grain yield and quality. As excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer leads to environmental pollution and high production costs, improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is fundamental for a sustainable agriculture. Here, we dissected the role of the barley abnormal cytokinin response1 repressor 1 (HvARE1) gene, a candidate for involvement in NUE previously identified in a genome-wide association study, through natural variation analysis and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9)-mediated gene editing. HvARE1 was predominantly expressed in leaves and shoots, with very low expression in roots under low nitrogen conditions. Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of immature embryos (cv. Golden Promise) with single guide RNAs targeting HvARE1 generated 22 T0 plants, from which four T1 lines harbored missense and/or frameshift mutations based on genotyping. Mutant are1 lines exhibited an increase in plant height, tiller number, grain protein content, and yield. Moreover, we observed a 1.5- to 2.8-fold increase in total chlorophyll content in the flag leaf at the grain filling stage. Delayed senescence by 10–14 d was also observed in mutant lines. Barley are1 mutants had high nitrogen content in shoots under low nitrogen conditions. These findings demonstrate the potential of ARE1 in NUE improvement in barley.

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    Cited: WebOfScience(17)
    Interplay between ethylene and nitrogen nutrition: How ethylene orchestrates nitrogen responses in plants
    Biao Ma, Tian Ma, Wenhao Xian, Bin Hu and Chengcai Chu
    J Integr Plant Biol    2023, 65 (2): 399-407.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13355
    Accepted: 02 September 2022
    Online available: 02 September 2022

    Abstract289)            English Version    Save
    The stress hormone ethylene plays a key role in plant adaptation to adverse environmental conditions. Nitrogen (N) is the most quantitatively required mineral nutrient for plants, and its availability is a major determinant for crop production. Changes in N availability or N forms can alter ethylene biosynthesis and/or signaling. Ethylene serves as an important cellular signal to mediate root system architecture adaptation, N uptake and translocation, ammonium toxicity, anthocyanin accumulation, and premature senescence, thereby adapting plant growth and development to external N status. Here, we review the ethylene-mediated morphological and physiological responses and highlight how ethylene transduces the N signals to the adaptive responses. We specifically discuss the N-ethylene relations in rice, an important cereal crop in which ethylene is essential for its hypoxia survival.
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    Cited: WebOfScience(6)
    GmYSL7 controls iron uptake, allocation, and cellular response of nodules in soybean
    Xinying Wu, Yongliang Wang, Qiaohan Ni, Haizhen Li, Xuesong Wu, Zhanxin Yuan, Renhao Xiao, Ziyin Ren, Jingjing Lu, Jinxia Yun, Zhijuan Wang, Xia Li
    J Integr Plant Biol    2023, 65 (1): 167-187.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13364
    Accepted: 15 September 2022
    Online available: 15 September 2022

    Abstract301)            English Version    Save
    Iron (Fe) is essential for DNA synthesis, photosynthesis and respiration of plants. The demand for Fe substantially increases during legumes-rhizobia symbiotic nitrogen fixation because of the synthesis of leghemoglobin in the host and Fe-containing proteins in bacteroids. However, the mechanism by which plant controls iron transport to nodules remains largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that GmYSL7 serves as a key regulator controlling Fe uptake from root to nodule and distribution in soybean nodules. GmYSL7 is Fe responsive and GmYSL7 transports iron across the membrane and into the infected cells of nodules. Alterations of GmYSL7 substantially affect iron distribution between root and nodule, resulting in defective growth of nodules and reduced nitrogenase activity. GmYSL7 knockout increases the expression of GmbHLH300, a transcription factor required for Fe response of nodules. Overexpression of GmbHLH300 decreases nodule number, nitrogenase activity and Fe content in nodules. Remarkably, GmbHLH300 directly binds to the promoters of ENOD93 and GmLbs, which regulate nodule number and nitrogenase activity, and represses their transcription. Our data reveal a new role of GmYSL7 in controlling Fe transport from host root to nodule and Fe distribution in nodule cells, and uncover a molecular mechanism by which Fe affects nodule number and nitrogenase activity.
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    Cited: WebOfScience(4)
    PuHox52 promotes coordinated uptake of nitrate, phosphate, and iron under nitrogen deficiency in Populus ussuriensis
    Ming Wei, Mengqiu Zhang, Jiali Sun, Ying Zhao, Solme Pak, Miaomiao Ma, Yingxi Chen, Han Lu, Jingli Yang, Hairong Wei, Yuhua Li and Chenghao Li
    J Integr Plant Biol    2023, 65 (3): 791-809.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13389
    Accepted: 13 October 2022
    Online available: 13 October 2022

    Abstract270)            English Version    Save
    It is of great importance to better understand how trees regulate nitrogen (N) uptake under N deficiency conditions which severely challenge afforestation practices, yet the underlying molecular mechanisms have not been well elucidated. Here, we functionally characterized PuHox52, a Populus ussuriensis HD-ZIP transcription factor, whose overexpression greatly enhanced nutrient uptake and plant growth under N deficiency. We first conducted an RNA sequencing experiment to obtain root transcriptome using PuHox52-overexpression lines of P. ussuriensis under low N treatment. We then performed multiple genetic and phenotypic analyses to identify key target genes of PuHox52 and validated how they acted against N deficiency under PuHox52 regulation. PuHox52 was specifically induced in roots by N deficiency, and overexpression of PuHox52 promoted N uptake, plant growth, and root development. We demonstrated that several nitrate-responsive genes (PuNRT1.1, PuNRT2.4, PuCLC-b, PuNIA2, PuNIR1, and PuNLP1), phosphate-responsive genes (PuPHL1A and PuPHL1B), and an iron transporter gene (PuIRT1) were substantiated to be direct targets of PuHox52. Among them, PuNRT1.1, PuPHL1A/B, and PuIRT1 were upregulated to relatively higher levels during PuHox52-mediated responses against N deficiency in PuHox52-overexpression lines compared to WT. Our study revealed a novel regulatory mechanism underlying root adaption to N deficiency where PuHox52 modulated a coordinated uptake of nitrate, phosphate, and iron through ‘PuHox52-PuNRT1.1’, ‘PuHox52-PuPHL1A/PuPHL1B’, and ‘PuHox52-PuIRT1’ regulatory relationships in poplar roots.
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    Cited: WebOfScience(3)
    Enhancing maize's nitrogen-fixing potential through ZmSBT3, a gene suppressing mucilage secretion
    Jingyang Gao, Peijiang Feng, Jingli Zhang, Chaopei Dong, Zhao Wang, Mingxiang Chen, Zhongliang Yu, Bowen Zhao, Xin Hou, Huijuan Wang, Zhaokun Wu, Razia Sultana Jemim, Haidong Yu, Doudou Sun, Pei Jing, Jiafa Chen, Weibin Song, Xuecai Zhang, Zijian Zhou and Jianyu Wu,
    J Integr Plant Biol    2023, 65 (12): 2645-2659.   DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13581
    Accepted: 06 November 2023
    Online available: 06 November 2023

    Abstract195)            English Version    Save
    Maize (Zea mays) requires substantial amounts of nitrogen, posing a challenge for its cultivation. Recent work discovered that some ancient Mexican maize landraces harbored diazotrophic bacteria in mucilage secreted by their aerial roots. To see if this trait is retained in modern maize, we conducted a field study of aerial root mucilage (ARM) in 258 inbred lines. We observed that ARM secretion is common in modern maize, but the amount significantly varies, and only a few lines have retained the nitrogen-fixing traits found in ancient landraces. The mucilage of the high-ARM inbred line HN5-724 had high nitrogen-fixing enzyme activity and abundant diazotrophic bacteria. Our genome-wide association study identified 17 candidate genes associated with ARM across three environments. Knockouts of one candidate gene, the subtilase family gene ZmSBT3, confirmed that it negatively regulates ARM secretion. Notably, the ZmSBT3 knockout lines had increased biomass and total nitrogen accumulation under nitrogen-free culture conditions. High ARM was associated with three ZmSBT3 haplotypes that were gradually lost during maize domestication, being retained in only a few modern inbred lines such as HN5-724. In summary, our results identify ZmSBT3 as a potential tool for enhancing ARM, and thus nitrogen fixation, in maize.
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