Ferns, the second largest group of vascular plants, originated ~400 million years ago (Mya). They became dominant in the ancient Earth landscape before the angiosperms and are still important in current ecosystems. Many ferns have exceptionally high chromosome numbers, possibly resulting from whole‐genome duplications (WGDs). However, WGDs have not been investigated molecularly across fern diversity. Here we detected and dated fern WGDs using a phylogenomic approach and by calculating synonymous substitution rates (Ks). We also investigated a possible correlation between proposed WGDs and shifts in species diversification rates. We identified 19 WGDs: three ancient events along the fern phylogenetic backbone that are shared by 66%–97% of extant ferns, with additional lineage‐specific WGDs for eight orders, providing strong evidence for recurring genome duplications across fern evolutionary history. We also observed similar Ks peak values for more than half of these WGDs, with multiple WGDs occurring close to the Cretaceous (~145–66 Mya). Despite the repeated WGD events, the biodiversity of ferns declined during the Cretaceous, implying that other factors probably contributed to the floristic turnover from ferns to angiosperms. This study provides molecular evidence for recurring WGDs in ferns and offers important clues to the genomic evolutionary history of ferns.
Cultivated hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida var. major) is an important medicinal and edible plant with a long history of use for health protection in China. Herein, we provide a de novo chromosome-level genome sequence of the hawthorn cultivar “Qiu Jinxing.” We assembled an 823.41 Mb genome encoding 40 571 genes and further anchored the 779.24 Mb sequence into 17 pseudo-chromosomes, which account for 94.64% of the assembled genome. Phylogenomic analyses revealed that cultivated hawthorn diverged from other species within the Maleae (apple tribe) at approximately 35.4 Mya. Notably, genes involved in the flavonoid and triterpenoid biosynthetic pathways have been significantly amplified in the hawthorn genome. In addition, our results indicated that the Maleae share a unique ancient tetraploidization event; however, no recent independent whole-genome duplication event was specifically detected in hawthorn. The amplification of non-specific long terminal repeat retrotransposons contributed the most to the expansion of the hawthorn genome. Furthermore, we identified two paleo-sub-genomes in extant species of Maleae and found that these two sub-genomes showed different rearrangement mechanisms. We also reconstructed the ancestral chromosomes of Rosaceae and discussed two possible paleo-polyploid origin patterns (autopolyploidization or allopolyploidization) of Maleae. Overall, our study provides an improved context for understanding the evolution of Maleae species, and this new high-quality reference genome provides a useful resource for the horticultural improvement of hawthorn.
The C-repeat binding factors/dehydration-responsive element binding protein 1s (CBFs/DREB1s) have been identified as major regulators of cold acclimation in many angiosperm plants. However, their origin and evolutionary process associated to cold responsiveness are still lacking. By integrating multi-omics data of genomes, transcriptomes, and CBFs/DREB1s genome-wide binding profiles, we unveil the origin and evolution of CBFs/DREB1s and their regulatory network. Gene collinearity and phylogeny analyses show that CBF/DREB1 is an innovation evolved from tandem duplication-derived DREB III gene. A subsequent event of ε-whole genome duplication led to two CBF/DREB1 archetypes (Clades I and II) in ancient angiosperms. In contrast to cold-insensitivity of Clade I and their parent DREB III genes, Clade II evolved a further innovation in cold-sensitive response and was stepwise expanded in eudicots and monocots by independent duplications. In geological time, the duplication events were mainly enriched around the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary and/or in the Late Cenozoic Ice Age, when the global average temperature significantly decreased. Consequently, the duplicated CBF/DREB1 genes contributed to the rewiring of CBFs/DREB1s-regulatory network for cold tolerance. Altogether, our results highlight an origin and convergent evolution of CBFs/DREB1s and their regulatory network probably for angiosperms adaptation to global cooling.
The dominant species of a biome can be regarded as its genuine indicator. Evergreen broadleaved forests (EBLFs) in subtropical East Asia harbor high levels of species biodiversity and endemism and are vital to regional carbon storage and cycling. However, the historical assembly of this unique biome is still controversial. Fagaceae is the most essential family in East Asian subtropical EBLFs and its dominant species are vital for the existence of this biome. Here, we used the dominant Fagaceae species to shed light on the dynamic process of East Asian subtropical EBLFs over time. Our results indicate high precipitation in summer and low temperature in winter are the most influential climatic factors for the distribution of East Asian subtropical EBLFs. Modern East Asian subtropical EBLFs did not begin to appear until 23 Ma, subsequently experienced a long-lasting development in the Miocene and markedly deteriorated at about 4 Ma, driven jointly by orogenesis and paleoclimate. We also document that there is a lag time between when one clade invaded the region and when its members become dominant species within the region. This study may improve our ability to predict and mitigate the threats to biodiversity of East Asian subtropical EBLFs and points to a new path for future studies involving multidisciplinary methods to explore the assembly of regional biomes.