Ecological stoichiometry

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    Soil phosphorus availability regulates the response of soil enzyme activity and enzymatic stoichiometry to litter addition in a subtropical forest
    WU Jun-Mei, ZENG Quan-Xin, MEI Kong-Can, LIN Hui-Ying, XIE Huan, LIU Yuan-Yuan, XU Jian-Guo, CHEN Yue-Min
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2024, 48 (2): 242-253.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0430
    Accepted: 20 April 2023

    Abstract536)   HTML123)    PDF (1874KB)(301)       Save

    Aims It is of great significance to explore soil extracellular enzyme activity and its stoichiometry to understand soil nutrient availability and changes in the nutrient requirements of microorganisms. Subtropical forest ecosystems have high net primary productivity, but the availability of phosphorus (P) in soil is low due to severe soil weathering. Under climate change (i.e., warming, elevated CO2 concentration), plant productivity is predicted to increase, which would increase the input of leaf litter. However, it is still unclear whether the effect of increasing litter input on soil enzyme activity and its stoichiometry is affected by soil P availability in the future.

    Methods This study investigated the effects of the addition of three kinds of litters (Pinus massoniana, Michelia macclurei and Liquidambar formosa) with different quality (characterized by different leaf C:N or C:P) and P on soil properties and enzyme activities in subtropical low-P soils. By analyzing the stoichiometric ratio of soil enzymes, vector length (VL), and vector angle (VA), the relative nutrient limitation to soil microorganisms and the key regulatory factors were explored.

    Important findings The results showed that litter addition increased β-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase and acid phosphatase (ACP) activities. The addition of litter significantly increased VL and VA in the order of M. macclurei > L. formosana > P. massoniana. Litter addition could change the status of nutrient limitation to soil microorganisms, with the degree of changes being related to the quality of litter. Compared with the addition of litter alone, the addition of both litter and P significantly increased the content of available P, and reduced ACP activity and VA, suggesting that P addition could help alleviate P limitation to soil microorganisms under the input of litter. Redundancy analysis results showed that the soil carbon/nitrogen ratio, dissolved organic carbon content, and available P content were the main factors affecting enzyme activities and their stoichiometry. In conclusion, our study found that the response of soil microbial nutrient limitation to litter input in subtropical forest was not only affected by litter quality, but also regulated by soil P availability. This study provides a theoretical reference for the response of microbial nutrient acquisition strategies to different litter inputs and P additions in subtropical forests under future climate change, and is conducive to improving our understanding of the soil biogeochemical cycling in subtropical low P forest ecosystems.

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    Effects of nitrogen and water addition on leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of the dominant species in an Artemisia ordosica community
    ZHANG Wen-Jin, SHE Wei-Wei, QIN Shu-Gao, QIAO Yan-Gui, ZHANG Yu-Qing
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2024, 48 (5): 590-600.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0458
    Accepted: 01 June 2023

    Abstract378)   HTML107)    PDF (1541KB)(212)       Save

    Aims Water and nitrogen (N) availability are two of crucial factors affecting the growth of desert plants, and are sensitive to global climate change. With increasing N deposition and precipitation, the understanding of the responses of leaf N and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry of dominant species in sandy semi-shrub community could provide insights into the adaptive strategies of sand-fixing plants in the Mau Us Sandy Land.

    Methods An experiment of N and water addition was conducted in an Artemisia ordosica community in the southern edge of the Mau Us Sandy Land. Soil available N and P concentrations, soil available N:P, leaf N and P concentrations, leaf N:P, and the corresponding homeostasis index of dominant species A. ordosica and Leymus secalinus were measured.

    Important findings (1) Soil N and P availability and species identity jointly influenced the response of leaf N concentration, leaf P concentration, and leaf N:P in A. ordosica and L. secalinus to N and water addition, and the leaf N concentration of A. ordosica and L. secalinus showed different responses to treatments. (2) Both A. ordosica and L. secalinus showed higher stoichiometric homoeostasis indices for leaf P than for leaf N, which was closely related to the fact that the growth of A. ordosica and L. secalinuswere both N-limited. (3) The stoichiometric homoeostasis indices of leaf N concentration, leaf P concentration, and N:P in A. ordosica were relatively higher than those of L. secalinus, and A. ordosica adopted more conservative nutrient utilization strategies, while L. secalinus adopted more flexible nutrient utilization strategies. Therefore, A. ordosica was more competitive than L. secalinus in growth in arid and infertile environments. Under the scenarios of increasing N deposition and precipitation, the species composition of the A. ordosica community may change due to the contrasting competitiveness and nutrient utilization strategies between A. ordosica and L. secalinus.

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    Stoichiometric characteristics of leaf, branch and root in Larix gmelinii in response to climate warming based on latitudinal transplantation
    ZANG Miao-Han, WANG Chuan-Kuan, LIANG Yi-Xian, LIU Yi-Xiao, SHANGGUAN Hong-Yu, QUAN Xian-Kui
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2024, 48 (4): 469-482.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0013
    Accepted: 01 June 2023

    Abstract301)   HTML71)    PDF (1885KB)(206)       Save

    Aims Exploring the impact of climate warming on stoichiometric characteristics of trees is of significance for better understanding the response mechanism of trees to climate change.
    Methods In 2004, we conducted a common garden experiment by transplanting Larix gmelinii trees from four provenances to a common garden near the warm edge of this species’ range in the Mao’ershan Ecological Station of China, in order to measure the concentrations of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in leaves of short branch, leaves of long branch, short branches, long branches, and fine roots at three diameter classes in response to warming.
    Important findings The C, N, and P concentrations in leaves of short branch and roots of all diameter classes, and the N and P concentrations in leaves of old branch significantly differed among provenances. The provenances at high latitude sites were characterized by lower C and N concentrations and higher P concentration compared to those at low latitude sites. Warming treatment significantly increased the C concentration in all organs (except root at 1-2 mm diameter), and also significantly increased the N concentration in leaves, long branches and roots <1 mm diameter, and the P concentration in all organs (except short and long branches). The effect of warming on C and P concentrations decreased with the increasing warming, but increased for N concentration. The C:N, C:P and N:P in all organs (except short and long branches) significantly varied with provenances. The provenances at high latitude sites had higher C:N and lower C:P and N:P compared to those at low latitude sites. Warming treatment significantly decreased the C:N, C:P and N:P in all organs except short and long branches. In summary, the stoichiometric characteristics had evident geographical variations in resource acquisition organs of leaves and roots of L. gmelinii. Warming treatment mainly alleviated the constraints on the demand for N and P in leaves and roots, and simultaneously reduced the C sequestration efficiency of N and P. The impact of climate warming on the stoichiometric characteristics of C and P elements decreased as the increasing warming, except N element.

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    Effects of groundwater depth on carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus ecological stoichiometric and homeostasis characteristics of Populus pruinosa leaves and soil in Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China
    HAN Lu, FENG Yu, LI Yuan-Kai, WANG Yu-Qing, WANG Hai-Zhen
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2024, 48 (1): 92-102.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0510
    Accepted: 07 June 2023

    Abstract417)   HTML135)    PDF (1152KB)(359)       Save

    Aims Populus pruinosa is a key species of desert riparian forest playing an irreplaceable role in eco-environmental protection in Tarim extremely arid region, China. Studies on variation pattern of ecological stoichiometric characteristics and homeostasis of plant and soil were helpful to understand the health status of desert vegetation and also provide insights into ecosystem nutrient cycling, and ecological strategies of organisms to environmental changes. The aim of the present study was to explore the variations of ecological stoichiometry of plant and soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and their stoichiometric homeostasis of P. pruinosa leaves along groundwater depth (GWD) in Tarim basin.

    Methods Through field investigation, we measured C, N, P contents in leaves of P. pruinosa and in soils. The differences between C, N, P contents and their stoichiometric ratios of leaves and soils as well as in stoichiometric homoeostasis were examined among sites with different groundwater depths.

    Important findings With the increase of GWD, the N, P contents of leaves decreased and C content, C:N, C:P, N:P increased. The variation coefficient of all stoichiometric indices was basically low and that of C content was the lowest, but the difference among different GWD was significant. Leaf C content and C:P were significantly negative correlated with leaf N content, and leaf C:P and N:P were significantly negative correlated with leaf P content. Soil C, N, P contents and their stoichiometric ratios all decreased with the increase of GWD, and the variation coefficients of other indices except P content were high and significantly different among different GWDs. Soil P content was positively correlated with soil C and N contents. Moreover, the correlation of C, N, P stoichiometry between leaf and soil in shallow and middle GWD habitats were non-significant, while there were significant correlations between leaf P content, leaf N:P and soil stoichiometry indices in deep GWD habitats, and leaf C:N, C:P were higher in deep GWD habitats than that of other two habitats. It indicated that leaf stoichiometric characteristics were not directly determined by soil nutrient conditions, P. pruinoseimproved nutrient utilization to adapt arid adversity. The N and P stoichiometric homeostasis index (H) of P. pruinosa were ranked in the order of HN > HN:P > HP. Combined with nutrient restriction diagnostic index (N:P), evidence suggested the growth of P. pruinosa was limited by P. Populus pruinosa maintained a relatively stable state of C content, N content, C:N, C:P with homeostasis regulation, adopting the conservative defense strategy to adapt to the increasingly arid environment. Therefore, adequate P supply should be considered during the restoration process in degraded desert riparian forests.

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    Effects of neighborhood tree species diversity on foliar nitrogen-phosphorus stoichiometry of Cunninghamia lanceolata
    RAN Song-Song, YU Zai-Peng, WAN Xiao-Hua, FU Yan-Rong, ZOU Bing-Zhang, WANG Si-Rong, HUANG Zhi-Qun
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (7): 932-942.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0128
    Accepted: 11 October 2022

    Abstract605)   HTML90)    PDF (1308KB)(384)       Save

    Aims Biodiversity loss threatens ecosystem functions. Investigating the effect of biodiversity on the ecological stoichiometry of plant nutrients, therefore, can help reveal the mechanisms of the effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functions.

    Methods Using a tree species diversity experiment in subtropical China, Cunninghamia lanceolatafrom plots with different tree species richness (1, 4, 8, 16, 32) were selected as focal tree species. The effects of neighborhood species richness (NSR), functional trait dissimilarities between neighborhood tree species and the focal tree, neighborhood competition index (NCI) on foliar nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) content and N:P of C. lanceolata were investigated.

    Important findings (1) The results showed that the dissimilarity in specific root length (SRL_diss) between neighborhood trees and focal trees significantly increased the foliar P content of C. lanceolata, while the dissimilarity in root tissue density (RTD_diss) significantly decreased the foliar N content of C. lanceolata. (2) Neighborhood competition significantly decreased the foliar N content and N:P of C. lanceolata. (3) The interaction effects of NCI and SRL_diss, as well as the interaction between NSR and SRL_diss significantly reduced the foliar P content of C. lanceolata. The result indicates that the positive effect of SRL_diss on the foliar P content of C. lanceolata decreased with increasing NSR, and the positive effect of SRL_diss on the foliar P content of C. lanceolata decreased with increasing NCI. (4) The interaction between NSR and phylogenetic dissimilarity (NP_diss) significantly increased foliar N:P of C. lanceolata, demonstrating that the negative effect of NP_diss on the foliar N:P content of C. lanceolata decreased with increasing NSR. Our results indicated that the foliar P content of C. lanceolata was significantly enhanced by mixing with tree species with different trait dissimilarities, while foliar N content of C. lanceolata was decreased by neighborhood competition. Tree species richness can help mitigate the adverse effects of interspecific competition on C. lanceolata through niche complementation when mixing with species that have greater trait dissimilarity.

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    Stoichiometric responses in topsoil and leaf of dominant species to precipitation change and nitrogen addition in an alpine meadow
    LI Hong-Qin, ZHANG Fa-Wei, YI Lü-Bei
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (7): 922-931.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0105
    Accepted: 18 July 2022

    Abstract537)   HTML103)    PDF (1529KB)(588)       Save

    Aims Precipitation regime alteration and increasing nitrogen deposition have substantially altered the structure and function of grassland ecosystems. However, the responses of stoichiometry in soil and vegetation remain elusive, which limits the accuracy in predicting functional changes of alpine meadow.

    Methods Based on a manipulation experiment platform of nitrogen addition (10 g·m-2·a-1) and precipitation change (precipitation reduction by 50% and increase by 50%) in an alpine meadow on the southern foot of Qilian Mountains, organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (SN), total phosphorus (SP) contents in topsoil (0-10 cm), and foliar carbon (LC), nitrogen (LN), phosphorus (LP) and potassium (LK) contents of dominant plant species, including Gentiana straminea, Elymus nutans, Oxytropis ochrocephalaand Kobresia humilis,were continuously surveyed from 2017 to 2020.

    Important findings The soil stoichiometry varied significantly among different years, but was not affected by experimental treatments. The aboveground plant biomass showed inter-annual variations and was significantly affected by nitrogen addition. The responses of leaf stoichiometry were species-specific. Foliar stoichiometry of a resource-conservative species, E. nutans, showed limited variations, while that of the sensitive species, K. humilis, fluctuated significantly. To exclude the impacts of temporal variations, we conducted the analysis based on the relative changes (Δ) between treatment plots and the control plots from the same year and the results showed that nitrogen addition significantly increased ΔPB by 15.6%. Precipitation reduction significantly decreased ΔLC of O. ochrocephala by 6.8% while increased ΔLP of K. humilis by 19.8%. Our findings suggest that only nitrogen addition increased aboveground biomass and precipitation reduction altered LC and LP contents in some plant species. The temporal or species-specific effect, rather than experiment treatments effect, dominated the stoichiometric variations of soil and vegetation, highlighting the complex responses of alpine meadow to precipitation regime alteration and nitrogen addition.

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    Phenological dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium stoichiometry in Chenopodium quinoa in northwest Yunnan, China
    LI Zhao-Guang, YANG Wen-Gao, HE Gui-Qing, XU Tian-Cai, HE Qiong-Ji, HOU Zhi-Jiang, LI Yan, XUE Run-Guang
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (5): 724-732.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0226
    Accepted: 02 November 2022

    Abstract369)   HTML223)    PDF (1173KB)(289)       Save

    Ams Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are key elements for plant growth and development. Exploring the ecological stoichiometry characteristics of N, P and K in different phenological stages is of great significance for understanding the physio-ecological processes such as nutrient limitation, resource absorption and utilization, and biomass allocation of plants.
    Methods Here, we collected root, stem, leaf and spike samples of Chenopodium quinoa in different phenological stages, and measured the concentrations of N, P and K. We compared the differences of N, P, K contents and their ratios among roots, stems, leaves and spikes and among phenological stages, and analyzed their relationships with the biomass allocations.
    Important findings (1) The mean N contents was 9.28, 12.22, 33.68, 31.28 mg·g-1 in the roots, stems, leaves and spikes, respectively. The breakdowns was 2.64, 3.71, 4.98, 5.68 mg·g-1 for P contents, and 25.63, 43.80, 74.08, 56.73 mg·g-1 for K contents, respectively. These resulted in mean N:P of 4.66, 4.20, 7.37, 5.70, N:K of 0.39, 0.31, 0.46, 0.62, and K:P of 13.77, 14.31, 16.82, 9.79 in the roots, stems, leaves and spikes, respectively. (2) The root, stem, and spike N, P and K and the leaf N and P contents decreased significantly with the phenological subsequences, reflecting the obvious dilution effect of biomass. On the contrary, the leaf K contents increased significantly with phenological subsequences, indicating an extremely strong drought resistance mechanism of C. quinoa under drought stress. The allocation ratios of N, P, K and biomass in the roots and stems kept stable, those in the leaves decreased, while those in the spikes increased with the phenological subsequences, indicating that the key resource allocation regulation of leaves and spikes occurred during the flowering stage. As the biomass increased in the filling stage, the nutrient elements gradually transferred to the spikes. (3) The variation source analysis revealed a greater contribution of organs to the variance of N, K contents and N:P, while a less one to the variance of P contents, than the phenological stages. (4) The allocation ratios of N, P, K and biomass were coupled among various organs. Specifically, the allocation ratios of root and leaf biomass showed a positive correlation with those of the root and leaf N, P and K, while a negative correlation with those of the spike N, P and K. The biomass allocation ratio of spike was positively correlated with spike N, P and K allocation ratios, while negatively correlated with root and leaf N, P and K allocation ratios. These results provided theoretical reference for further understanding of crop phenological character and guiding practical production in alpine regions.

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    Leaf and soil ecological stoichiometry of Caragana korshinskii in windy and sandy hilly region of northwest Shanxi, China
    LIU Jing, GOU Qian-Qian, WANG Guo-Hua, ZHAO Feng-Xia
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (4): 546-558.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0066
    Accepted: 15 July 2022

    Abstract527)   HTML47)    PDF (1465KB)(365)       Save

    Aims Caragana korshinskii is the dominant species in the hilly area of northwest Shanxi, which plays very important roles in maintaining community species diversity, ecosystem stability and soil environment restoration.

    Methods In order to investigate the stoichiometric characteristics of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) in the ecosystem of C. korshinskii artificial forest with different ages and their effects on leaf photosynthesis, the plant leaves and soil of C. korshinskii artificial forest with different ages (0, 6, 12, 18, 40, and 50 years) were collected. The variations of C, N, P stoichiometry in plant leaves and soil were analyzed.

    Important findings With the increase of plantation time, the contents of C and N in the leaves of C. korshinskii increased significantly, while the contents of P increased firstly and then decreased. The contents of C, N and P in the leaves ranged from 434.14-452.26, 15.72-28.11 and 1.32-1.95 g·kg-1, the contents of C and N in leaves reached the maximum value after 50 years of plantation, while the content of P in leaves reached the maximum value after 18 years of plantation. Leaf C:N increased first and then decreased, and reached the maximum in 18 years, while N:P increased significantly and reached the maximum in 50 years. The photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid and total chlorophyll) contents of leaves decreased significantly with increasing time of plantation, and leaf C and N contents had a significant effect on the changes of photosynthetic pigments contents. Soil water content increased first and then decreased with increasing time of plantation in the 0 -20 cm soil depth, and decreased significantly after 18 years of plantation. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (STN) contents in the 0-20 cm soil depth profile increased with increasing time, and soil total phosphorus (STP) contents had no significant change with time. Soil C:N, C:P and N:P increased with the increase of forest age. Soil water content of C. korshinskii was significantly positively correlated with SOC and STN contents, and SOC and STN contents were also significantly positively correlated. The N and P contents of C. korshinskii leaves were significantly positively correlated. Leaf C and N contents were significantly positively correlated with SOC, STN and STP contents, and negatively correlated with soil water content. Leaf stoichiometric ratio was significantly positively correlated with corresponding soil stoichiometric ratio. The results of this study are of guiding significance to systematically understand the nutrient changes of artificial C. korshinskii forest ecosystem and to regulate and manage forest nutrients.

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    Effects of straw and biochar addition on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus ecological stoichiometry in Jasminum sambac plant and soil
    LIN Shao-Ying, ZENG Yu, YANG Wen-Wen, CHEN Bin, RUAN Min-Min, YIN Xiao-Lei, YANG Xiang, WANG Wei-Qi
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (4): 530-545.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0398
    Accepted: 22 April 2022

    Abstract539)   HTML55)    PDF (3378KB)(660)       Save

    Aims The contents of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in different plant organs and their ecological stoichiometric characteristics are important for understanding of the relationships among soil nutrients in their cycling process. The purpose of this study was to explore the variations of ecological stoichiometry of plant and soil C, N, and P in a jasmine (Jasminum sambac) plantation and their stoichiometric homeostasis under three different treatments.

    Methods We set up three treatments: control, straw addition and biochar addition, and measured growth characteristic parameters of jasmine and C, N, P contents in different jasmine organs and in the soil and then analyzed their ecological stoichiometric characteristics.

    Important findings Results showed that compared to the control, the straw addition treatment significantly increased the leaf biomass of jasmine by 73.33%, and decreased the soil salinity and soil temperature by 37.04% and 1.41%, respectively. Additionally, the biochar addition treatment significantly increased the plant height, leaf area, leaf and stem biomass of jasmine by 26.11%, 29.42%, 239.59% and 96.04%, while the soil density and soil temperature were significantly lower under the biochar addition treatment than under the control by 18.33% and 1.79%, respectively. Under different treatments, there was no significant difference in leaf or stem C content, or leaf N content. Root and soil C and N contents were significantly higher under biochar addition treatment than under straw addition and control treatments. The P contents of jasmine leaf, stem, root were in the order of biochar addition treatment > control treatment > straw addition treatment, while the soil P content was in the order of biochar addition treatment > straw addition treatment > control treatment. Compared with the control treatment, the biochar addition treatment decreased the C:P of leaf, stem, root and soil, and significantly decreased the N:P of jasmine leaf and stem, while increasing the N:P of root and soil. The overall internal stability of C, N, and P in different organs of jasmine was in the order of C > N > P, and the C:N, C:P and N:P were in the order of N:P > C:P > C:N. In summary, the application of biochar addition increased the absorption and assimilation of N and P by above-ground plants, and further promoted the C sequestration and homeostasis in the plant-soil system.

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    Cited: CSCD(1)
    Soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stoichiometry along an altitude gradient in shrublands in Pailugou watershed, China
    MOU Wen-Bo, XU Dang-Hui, WANG Xie-Jun, JING Wen-Mao, ZHANG Rui-Ying, GU Yu-Ling, YAO Guang-Qian, QI Shi-Hua, ZHANG Long, GOU Ya-Fei
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2022, 46 (11): 1422-1431.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0082
    Accepted: 06 September 2022

    Abstract532)   HTML36)    PDF (1129KB)(766)       Save

    Aims The study of the spatial distribution pattern of soil nutrient stoichiometry along the altitude gradient is helpful to clarify the status of nutrient limitation in the mountainous ecosystems, to reveal the potential influencing factors to nutrient limitation, and to provide a scientific basis for regional ecological protection and vegetation restoration.
    Methods The sampling plots were established along an altitude gradient from 3 100 m to 3 700 m in Pailugou watershed of the Qilian Mountains. Soil samples from 0-10 and 10-20 cm layers were collected separately to analyze the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) contents, and stoichiometric characteristics among different altitude and soil layers. Correlations between these nutrient characteristics and climatic factors, aboveground biomass, and soil pH were analyzed.
    Important findings Results showed that: (1) Soil nutrients were concentrated on the soil surface and decreased with soil depth. The SOC and TN contents increased initially and then decreased as altitude increased. Soil TP content increased with increasing altitude. (2) Soil N:P increased from 3 100 m to 3 400 m, reached the maximum value at 3 400 m, and then decreased with increasing altitude and soil N:P was less than 14, suggesting an increase in N limitation along the altitude gradient. The C:P in soil was lower at high altitude than that at medium or low altitude, while C:N decreased with increasing altitude. (3) SOC content was positively correlated with TN content and negatively correlated with TP content. TN and TP content had no significant correlation. (4) Mean air temperature and total precipitation in the growing season showed positive correlation with SOC content and C:N:P, negative correlation with TP content, and no correlation with TN content. SOC and TN content had positive correlations with the aboveground biomass of shrublands. Soil pH was negatively correlated with TP content, but did not affect SOC and TN content significantly. Our results indicate that the productivity of alpine shrublands in the watershed was mainly limited by N and an appropriate amount of N application could alleviate the limitation.

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    Cited: CSCD(1)
    Plant functional traits and ecological stoichiometric characteristics under water-salt gradient in the lakeshore zone of Bosten Lake
    WANG Jun-Qiang, LIU Bin, CHANG Feng, MA Zi-Jing, FAN Jia-Hui, HE Xiang-Ju, YOU Si-Xue, Aerziguli ABUDUREXITI, YANG Ying-Ke, SHEN Xin-Yan
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2022, 46 (8): 961-970.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0434
    Accepted: 19 April 2022

    Abstract853)   HTML58)    PDF (1205KB)(544)       Save

    Aims In order to explore the effects of different water and salt environments on the plant functional traits and their ecological stoichiometric characteristics at the lakeshore zone of Bosten Lake. The dominant plants and soil environmental factors in this area were selected to clarify the strategy of plant adaptation to the environments in this region.

    Methods Eighteen sample plots were set up to investigate plant diversity. A total of 24 plant species including 8 shrubs and 16 herbaceous species were examined. The relationship between functional traits of plant leaves and soil environmental factors was tested using redundancy analysis method.

    Important findings Our results showed that leaf functional traits varied considerably with the increasing water and salt content. Among plant traits, the chlorophyll content (SPAD), leaf thickness (LT) and specific leaf area (SLA) were the greatest in low water and salt environments, while the leaf water content (LWC), leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and leaf dry mass (LDM) were greater in medium and high water and salt environments. The content of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) of plant leaves and their stoichiometric ratios were highly variable, with the C:N being 9.35-26.51 and the range of C:P being 50.13-228.95. The range of N:P was 2.31-11.99, with the largest variation in C:P. The Leaf C content was significantly and positively correlated with LT, LDMC and LDM, and leaf N content was significantly and positively correlated with SPAD and LT, while leaf P content was significantly and positively correlated with LWC. Whereas, C:N and C:P were both significantly and positively correlated with LDMC, while N:P was not correlated with any of the leaf functional traits. SLA was not correlated with any of the leaf ecological stoichiometric characteristics. The correlation between environmental factors and the functional traits of the dominant plant leaves revealed that the environmental factors affecting the functional traits of plants differed between species.

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    Characteristics of soil extracellular enzyme activities and their stoichiometry during rocky desertification in southwestern Guizhou, China
    SUN Cai-Li, QIU Mo-Sheng, HUANG Chao-Xiang, WANG Yi-Wei
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2022, 46 (7): 834-845.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0430
    Accepted: 15 July 2022

    Abstract581)   HTML58)    PDF (1147KB)(446)       Save

    Aims In this study, we sought to determine changes in soil extracellular enzyme activities and their stoichiometric characteristics during the process of karst rocky desertification and their ecological response to environmental variation.

    Methods Soil ecosystems at five stages of rocky desertification were selected for investigation and we applied the theory and methods of ecological stoichiometry to systematically study the effects of rocky desertification on the activities of six extracellular enzymes (β-1,4-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, β-1,4-xylosidase, β-1,4-N- acetylglucosaminidase, leucine aminopeptidase, and acid phosphatase). We also analyzed correlations between enzyme activities and environmental factors.

    Important findings The results revealed that the extracellular activities of β-1,4-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, β-1,4-xylosidase, and leucine aminopeptidase, in the no, potential, and slight stages of rocky desertification were significantly higher than those in the moderate and severe stages. In contrast, the stoichiometric characteristics of soil extracellular enzymes showed no significant differences among the different stages of rocky desertification. The quality of soil at the different stages of desertification could be roughly divided into three categories, namely, the biochemical properties of non-rocky desertification soil were superior to those at the potential and slight stages, which in turn were superior to those at the moderate and severe stages. In addition, soils at the no, potential, and slight stages of rocky desertification were found to be phosphorus deficient (the enzyme vector angle was greater than 45°), whereas soils at the moderate and severe stages were deficient in nitrogen (the enzyme vector angle was less than 45°). Moreover, we established that during the process of rocky desertification, the changes in soil extracellular enzyme activities and their stoichiometric characteristics were mainly influenced by soil total nitrogen, available phosphorus, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, and litter phosphorus contents. The observed changes in soil extracellular enzyme activities were found to be correlated with changes in nutrient contents, and tended to be limited by litter phosphorus content. On the basis of these findings, as measures to alleviate the associated nutrient limitations, we would recommend supplementation with phosphorus in the potential and slight stages of rocky desertification and the supplementary application of nitrogen in the moderate and severe stages during the restoration of rocky desert ecosystems.

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    Intraspecific variations in plant functional traits of four common herbaceous species under different abandoned years and their relevant driving factors in Lijiang River Basin, China
    CHEN Xue-Chun, LIU Hong, ZHU Shao-Qi, SUN Ming-Yao, YU Zhen-Rong, WANG Qing-Gang
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (4): 559-570.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0188
    Accepted: 05 September 2022

    Abstract513)   HTML29)    PDF (2217KB)(369)       Save

    Aims Exploring intraspecific variations of plant functional traits with abandoned years and the relevant driving factors will deepen our understanding about the vegetation recovery of abandoned lands and thus guide our agricultural management.

    Methods Using the method of substitution of space for time, we set up 42 plots in four types of habitat, i.e., field margin, abandoned grassland, shrub-grassland and forest which represents community succession along a chronosequence of vegetation restoration in Sitang town, Lingui District of Guilin in the middle reaches of Lijiang River watershed. We investigated change of intraspecific variation of five functional traits (i.e., leaf mass per area, leaf dry matter content, leaf nitrogen (N) content, leaf phosphorus (P) content and plant height) for four common herbaceous species (Imperata cylindrica, Paspalum distichum, Bidens pilosa and Alternanthera philoxeroides) with abandoned years. We also investigated the effects of soil properties and woody plant coverage on the intraspecific variation of functional traits.

    Important findings With the increase of abandoned years, soil N and P content decreased significantly, soil N:P increased first and then decreased, and the woody plant coverage increased significantly. Leaf N content of I. cylindrica increased significantly, while leaf P content decreased significantly with the increase of abandoned years. This is because leaf N content decreased significantly and leaf P content increased significantly with the increase of soil P content. Leaf mass per area and leaf dry matter content of P. distichum increased significantly and plant height decreased significantly with the increase of abandoned years. Plant height of B. pilosa decreased significantly with the increase of abandoned years, because plant height of B. pilosa decreased significantly with the increase of woody plant coverage. Leaf mass per area of A. philoxeroides decreased significantly with the increase of abandoned years, because leaf mass per area of A. philoxeroides increased significantly with the increase of soil N:P. In sum, the intraspecific changes of plant functional traits are caused by the changes of soil physical and chemical properties and woody plant coverage with abandoned years.

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    Effect of water level drop on nitrogen and phosphorus reabsorption of Carex muliensis in a herb swamp in Zoigê wetland, China
    HU Zhao-Yi, CHEN Tian-Song, ZHAO Li, XU Pei-Xuan, WU Zheng-Jiang, DONG Li-Qin, ZHANG Kun
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (6): 847-855.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0253
    Accepted: 24 February 2023

    Abstract306)   HTML125)    PDF (3078KB)(367)       Save

    Aims Nutrient reabsorption is one of the important strategies for plants to adapt to the environment. In this study, we investigated the nutrient content of green and senescent leaves and soil in the Carex muliensis herb swamp in August and October, in order to examine soil nutrient content and nutrient reabsorption efficiency, as well as the relationship between them under the water level drop and natural water level based on the simulation experiment.

    Methods Single factor analysis of variance was used to compare the differences of leaf nitrogen (N) content, phosphorus (P) content, soil available N content, soil available P content, leaf N:P and nutrient reabsorption efficiency among different treatments, and the relationship between soil available N, P contents and nutrient reabsorption efficiency was also fitted by univariate linear regression. Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationship of N, P contents, N:P with nutrient reabsorption efficiency in leaves of C. muliensis.

    Important findings The results showed that the soil available N content increased and the available P content decreased after the water level drop, which further led to an increase in the N content and a decrease in the P content of the green leaves, a decrease in the N content and P content of the senescent leaves, and an increase in the N and P reabsorption efficiency of the leaves of C. muliensis. These results indicated that the decreased water level affected the nutrient content of the green leaves of C. muliensis by changing the contents of soil available nutrients, and thus affected the nutrient contents of the senescent leaves by changing the plant nutrient acquisition ability (i.e. root number and root length), and consequently affected the nutrient reabsorption efficiency.

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    Effects of nitrogen addition and extended dry season on non-structural carbohydrates, nutrients and biomass of Dalbergia odorifera seedlings
    SU Wei, CHEN Ping, WU Ting, LIU Yue, SONG Yu-Ting, LIU Xu-Jun, LIU Ju-Xiu
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (8): 1094-1104.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0473
    Accepted: 24 February 2023

    Abstract377)   HTML265)    PDF (1462KB)(322)       Save

    Aims Nitrogen addition and extended dry season can profoundly affect non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs), carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations, and biomass of plants, however, the different responses of various organs (leaf, trunk, stem and root) in the same plants are not clear. We thus explored such responses to N addition and extended dry season to help better predict plant growth under global changes.

    Methods The investigation was conducted with Dalbergia odorifera seedlings through a manipulated N and water experiment. The concentrations of NSCs and C, N, and P and allocation pattern of biomass in different organs of D. odorifera seedling were determined, and then compared among different treatments.

    Important findings (1) N addition significantly increased trunk NSCs concentrations, while the interaction of N addition and extended dry season significantly decreased NSCs concentrations. N addition, extended dry season and their interaction significantly increased root soluble sugar concentrations. (2) N addition significantly increased root N concentrations and decreased C:N, and the interaction of N addition and extended dry season significantly decreased C:P and N:P in trunks. (3) All treatments did not influence the total biomass of D. odorifera, but significantly decreased the ratio of leaf biomass to total biomass, and N addition and extended dry season significantly decreased the ratio of root biomass to shoot biomass but increased the ratio of stem biomass to leaf biomass. Overall, N addition may promote the growth of seedling trunks and improve the economic value of D. odoriferaunder the extended dry season in the future. In order to prevent the growth of D. odorifera from being inhibited under drought stress, it is necessary to replenish an appropriate amount of water in the dry season.

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    Altitudinal patterns of nutrient limiting characteristics of Abies fargesii var. faxoniana forest based on leaf and soil enzyme stoichiometry in western Sichuan, China
    HE Xi, FENG Qiu-Hong, ZHANG Pei-Pei, YANG Han, DENG Shao-Jun, SUN Xiao-Ping, YIN Hua-Jun
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (12): 1646-1657.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0449
    Accepted: 13 March 2023

    Abstract455)   HTML174)    PDF (3508KB)(337)       Save

    Aims Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) nutrient availability is a key factor governing forest productivity and carbon sequestration. However, scientific knowledge on the nutrient limitation in forest ecosystems under variable environments is still lacked. The mountain ecosystems, characterized by the dramatical changes in multiple environmental factors along increasing altitude such as climate, vegetation and soil properties, provide a natural experiment platform for understanding forest nutrient limitation and its drivers.
    Methods In this study, we examined the nutrient limitation of a typical subalpine coniferous forest (Abies fargesii var. faxoniana forest) along an altitudinal gradient (from 2 850 m to 3 200 m) in the southeastern Qingzang Plateau, by simultaneous detection of above-ground leaf N, P status and underground microorganisms extracellular stoichiometry, and analyzing the changes of forest nutrient limitation and the main driving factors along the altitude.
    Important findings The results showed that: 1) as altitude increases, the concentration of leaf N and P decreased, while leaf N:P increased from 12.33 to 15.00, indicating a shift from N limitation to N-P co-limitation and an enhancement of P limitation with increasing altitude. (2) Vector model analysis showed that the vector angles of microbial extracellular enzyme stoichiometry were all exceed 45° at different altitudes, and as altitude increases, the vector angle showed an increasing trend, indicating that microorganisms were limited by P and the P limitation increases with altitude. (3) Temperature is the dominant factor driving nutrient limitation of Abies fargesii var. faxoniana forest. Collectively, both leaf and soil microbial nutrient evidence indicated that an enhancement of P limitation in subalpine coniferous forests with increasing altitudes in western Sichuan. This finding could provide an important theoretical basis for guiding forest nutrient adaptive management in subalpine coniferous ecosystems under the scenarios of global climate change.

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    Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on physiological and morphological characteristics of Sphagnum in wetland, southwestern Hubei Province, China
    YU Yu-Rong, WU Hao, GAO Ya-Fei, ZHAO Yuan-Bo, LI Xiao-Ling, BU Gui-Jun, XUE Dan, LIU Zheng-Xiang, WU Hai-Wen, WU Lin
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2023, 47 (11): 1493-1506.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0426
    Accepted: 08 May 2023

    Abstract431)   HTML52)    PDF (1916KB)(361)       Save

    Aims Sphagnum, as the dominant species in Sphagnum wetland, is the most important carbon (C) sequestration plant. The physiological and morphological characteristics of Sphagnum determine the carbon sink potential of Sphagnum wetland. Nitrogen (N) deposition has a significant effect on the physiological and morphological characteristics of Sphagnum,but the effects of N deposition on such characteristics of Sphagnum in the wetland environment remain controversial. Moreover, there are few reports on the physiological and morphological characteristics of Sphagnum in subtropical wetlands.

    Methods We selected a Sphagnum wetland in southwestern Hubei Province as the study area. Different concentrations of NH4Cl solution were sprayed in situto investigate the effects of simulated N deposition on physiological and morphological characteristics of Sphagnum. Four N concentrations were applied, namely 0 (N0), 3 (N3), 6 (N6) and 12 g·m-2·a-1 (N12), with N0 representing the control (CK).

    Important findings (1) Nitrogen deposition had significant effects on the contents of total C and total N in Sphagnum. Among the treatments, the contents of total C and total N in Sphagnumunder the N3 treatment were the highest, and compared with those of the CK, increased by 3.78% and 88.52%, respectively. (2) Nitrogen deposition had no obvious effect on chlorophyll content and fluorescence activities of Sphagnum. However, N deposition significantly promoted the antioxidant enzyme activities and the contents of osmotic substances in Sphagnum,especially the contents of soluble sugars and peroxidase activity. (3) With the increase in N deposition, the height, branch number, mass per plant, and leaf cell area of Sphagnum tended to initially increase and thereafter decrease. The maximum values were observed in response to N deposition of 3 g·m-2·a-1. (4) Sphagnum was sensitive to N deposition, and there was a certain load value of the effect of N deposition on physiological and morphological characteristics of Sphagnumafter 2 years treatment, which was approximately 3 g·m-2·a-1. When the amount of N deposition is greater than 3 g·m-2·a-1, the effects on morphological indicators of Sphagnum are detrimental and the stress to Sphagnumwill increase significantly. The results of this study indicated that the current natural atmospheric N deposition is beneficial to the growth of Sphagnum in the wetland in southwestern Hubei Province. However, continual or doubled N deposition might be harmful to the growth of Sphagnum.

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    Effects of land degradation on soil and microbial stoichiometry in Qingzang Plateau alpine grasslands
    WU Zan, PENG Yun-Feng, YANG Gui-Biao, LI Qin-Lu, LIU Yang, MA Li-Hua, YANG Yuan-He, JIANG Xian-Jun
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2022, 46 (4): 461-472.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0339
    Accepted: 16 February 2022

    Abstract919)   HTML239)    PDF (2501KB)(968)       Save

    Aims Grassland is an important component of the terrestrial ecosystems in China, and plays a vital role in ecosystem productivity and functioning. During the past decades, 90% of natural grasslands have been degraded as a result of climate change and anthropogenic activities. Grassland degradation altered soil nutrient balance, exerting substantial impacts on ecosystem structure and functions. Our objective was to explore the responses of soil and microbial carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry to grassland degradation across the Qingzang Plateau alpine grasslands.

    Methods We collected soil samples (0-10 cm) along the degradation sequence (i.e., non-degradation, moderate degradation and heavy degradation) from five sites across the “Three-River Source” region. By determination of soil and microbial C, N and P, we examined the changes in their contents and stoichiometric ratios with grassland degradation. We further synthesized data from the whole Qingzang Plateau alpine grasslands to validate the measured results using a meta-analytical approach.

    Important findings Grassland degradation significantly reduced soil organic C, total N and total P contents and their stoichiometric ratios. Although microbial C and N content declined with degradation, change in microbial P content was limited along the degradation gradient. The microbial C:N:P ratios showed minimal responses to degradation. No obvious relationships were observed among soil and microbial C:N:P ratios. The above results indicate that soil microbes have the ability to maintain a given elemental composition despite variation in soil elemental composition following grassland degradation. From a long-term perspective, the nutrient-balance based soil quality promotion technology is able to effectively enhance grassland restoration and improve ecosystem service.

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    Cited: CSCD(4)
    Responses of photosynthetic pigments composition, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometric characteristics of Myriophyllum aquaticum to exogenous ammonium
    XIAN Ying-Nan, ZHANG Ying, LI Bao-Zhen, LUO Pei, XIAO Run-Lin, WU Jin-Shui
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2022, 46 (4): 451-460.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0291
    Accepted: 30 January 2022

    Abstract486)   HTML41)    PDF (1259KB)(258)       Save

    Aims Myriophyllum aquaticum has high tolerance to high concentration of ammonium (NH4+) and thus becomes the preferred species for swine wastewater treatment. It is of great significance to explore the effects of exogenous NH4+ on the photosynthetic pigment composition and the stoichiometric characteristics of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) of the M. aquaticum for improving the purifying efficiency of artificial wetlands system of M. aquaticum.

    Methods Six NH4+ concentration levels (0, 0.1, 1, 5, 15, 30 mmol·L-1) were set up in this study. After 21 days of indoor cultivation, the contents of chlorophyll, N and P of M. aquaticum were measured to analyze their characteristics of changes.

    Important findings The results showed that the relative stem height and biomass increased initially and then decreased, which were well fitted by a curve equation. Moreover, the peak of them appeared at 16.22 and 12.58 mmol·L-1 exogenous NH4+, respectively, via fitting non-linear Gaussian equation. With the increase of exogenous NH4+ concentrations, the chlorophyll content in the leaves decreased significantly, but increased in the stems. In addition, there was a wide variation of chlorophyll a than chlorophyll b. The chlorophyll a/b did not change significantly among different NH4+ treatments, except the value in the stems of 5 mmol·L-1 NH4+ treatment, which was significantly decreased. With the increase of exogenous NH4+ concentrations, the N contents in the leaves and stems were significantly increased by 85%-235% and 127%-373%, respectively, and the P content in the leaves was increased by 49%-51% in comparison to the control (CK). When the concentrations of exogenous NH4+ was no more than 15 mmol·L-1, the N content and N:P ratio of the leaves and stems increased rapidly, so were relative stem height and relative biomass. Correlation analysis showed that the contents of N and P, and N:P ratio were negatively correlated with total chlorophyll content in the leaves, but positively correlated with total chlorophyll content in the stems. In conclusion, M. aquaticum grew well with larger biomass and higher absorption of N and P, when the concentrations of exogenous NH4+ were in the range of 12-16 mmol·L-1. Therefore, the constructed wetlands system planted with M. aquaticum can effectively remove N and P from polluted wastewater and achieve the purpose of efficient water purification.

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    Stoichiometric characteristics of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus along soil depths in response to climatic variables in grasslands on the Mongolia Plateau
    ZHU Yu-He, XIAO Hong, WANG Bing, WU Ying, BAI Yong-Fei, CHEN Di-Ma
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2022, 46 (3): 340-349.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0266
    Accepted: 15 October 2021

    Abstract908)   HTML367)    PDF (1086KB)(911)       Save

    Aims Responses of soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) contents and their stoichiometric ratios to climatic variables (mean annual precipitation (MAP) and mean annual air temperature (MAT)) along soil depths are important for understanding the effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystem functions.
    Methods To explore the responses of soil C, N, and P contents and their stoichiometric ratios along soil profile to MAP and MAT at a regional scale, we investigated these variables for four soil layers (0-20, 20-40, 40-60, and 60-80 cm) at 44 sites in grasslands on the Mongolia Plateau.
    Important findings (1) Soil C and N contents decreased while soil P did not change with increasing soil depth. Soil C:P and N:P decreased while soil C:N was relatively stable with increasing soil depth. (2) Soil C, N, and P contents, as well as C:P and N:P, were positively correlated with MAP, but negatively correlated with MAT. Soil C:N was negatively correlated with MAP but did not correlate with MAT. The correlations between climate variables and soil C, N, and P contents and their stoichiometric ratios were weakened with increasing soil depth. (3) The effect of MAP or MAT on soil C, N, and P contents and their stoichiometric ratios were different among four soil depths. The total interpretation of the variations in soil C, N, and P contents and their stoichiometric ratios explained by MAP or MAT decreased with increasing soil depth. These results indicate that climatic variables had a top-down regulation on soil C, N, P contents and their stoichiometric ratios, and the effect of MAP was more important than that of MAT on soil C, N, P contents and their stoichiometric ratios in grasslands on the Mongolia Plateau.

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    Cited: CSCD(6)
    Soil extracellular enzyme activities and their stoichiometric ratio in the alpine treeline ecotones in Gongga Mountain, China
    LI Dong, TIAN Qiu-Xiang, ZHAO Xiao-Xiang, LIN Qiao-Ling, YUE Peng-Yun, JIANG Qing-Hu, LIU Feng
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2022, 46 (2): 232-242.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0215
    Accepted: 15 October 2021

    Abstract724)   HTML381)    PDF (2143KB)(896)       Save

    Aims Soil extracellular enzymes and enzyme stoichiometry are indicators of soil nutrient availability and microbial substrate limitation. Subalpine treeline ecotones are special areas which are sensitive to global change. However, the patterns in soil enzyme activities and stoichiometry, and their key drivers remain unclear in the subalpine treeline ecotones.

    Methods In this study, soils from a subalpine treeline ecotone in Gongga Mountain in Southeast of Qingzang Plateau were collected. The activities of five hydrolases (β-1,4-glucosidase (BG), cellobiohydrolase (CBH), xylosidase (XYL), β-N-acetyl glucosaminidase (NAG), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP)) and two oxidases (polyphenol oxidase (POX), catalase (CAT)) were detected. The stoichiometric ratios of soil extracellular enzyme activities (carbon and nitrogen enzyme activity ratio and carbon quality index) were calculated.

    Important findings Our results showed that LAP, POX and CAT activities of the shrub soils were significantly lower than those of the treeline and forest soils, XYL activity was the lowest at the treeline, and the activities of other extracellular enzymes did not differ significantly among locations in the treeline ecotone. The lnBG/lnLAP of the shrub soil was significantly higher than those of the forest and treeline soils, lnBG/ln(NAG + LAP) did not vary significantly at the treeline ecotone, and the carbon quality index was highest at the treeline. Soil extracellular enzyme activity stoichiometric ratios were not significantly related to microbial nutrient status. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis showed that total carbon, total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen content and lignin to nitrogen ratio of plant leaves were the main factors influencing soil extracellular enzyme activities in the treeline ecotone. The main drivers of the stoichiometric ratios of extracellular enzyme activities were soil dissolved nitrogen, carbon to nitrogen ratio, and lignin to nitrogen ratio of plant leaves. In summary, some soil enzyme activities and their stoichiometric ratios varied significantly along the treeline ecotone, which was mainly influenced by the changes in vegetation type, possibly via its influences on plant-associated microbial communities. Treeline migration induced by future climate change may change extracellular enzyme activities and thus affect soil nutrient cycling.

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    Cited: CSCD(1)
    Responses of soil nitrogen in different soil organic matter fractions to long-term nitrogen addition in a semi-arid grassland
    WU Yun-Tao, YANG Sen, WANG Xin, HUANG Jun-Sheng, WANG Bin, LIU Wei-Xing, LIU Ling-Li
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (7): 790-798.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0044
    Accepted: 28 April 2021

    Abstract1646)   HTML64)    PDF (1302KB)(1536)       Save

    Aims Soil nitrogen (N) plays a vital role in regulating the structure and function of ecosystems and is affected by N deposition. Most previous studies focus on the responses of the N content in bulk soil to N deposition, but the responses of the N content in different soil organic matter (SOM) fractions remain unclear. We aimed to investigate how long-term N addition influenced soil N of different SOM fractions in a semi-arid grassland.

    Methods A manipulated N addition experiment with 4 levels of N addition (0, 8, 32 and 64 g·m-2·a-1) has been conducted for 13 years in Duolun country, Nei Mongol. SOM was separated to particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral associated organic matter (MAOM) by density fractionation. The plant and soil properties were also measured.

    Important findings The results showed that N addition had no significant effect on the carbon (C) content in bulk soil, POM, or MAOM. With increasing levels of N addition, the N content in bulk soil and in POM increased significantly. Furthermore, we found that the increased N content of POM was mainly associated with greater aboveground biomass following N addition. The N content of MAOM is mainly correlated with soil texture, but was not affected by N addition. These results suggest that continuous N addition can increase the soil N in bulk soil, but the increased N is mostly distributed in labile POM pools, which can be vulnerable to land use and climate change.

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    Cited: CSCD(3)
    Leaf economics spectrum of broadleaved seedlings and its relationship with defense traits in a temperate forest
    CHENG Si-Qi, JIANG Feng, JIN Guang-Ze
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2022, 46 (6): 678-686.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0005
    Accepted: 02 May 2022

    Abstract917)   HTML134)    PDF (1777KB)(589)       Save

    Aims Understanding the trade-offs between leaf functional traits has long been a hot topic in ecological research.

    Methods In a broadleaved Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forest and a spruce-fir valley forest in the Liangshui National Nature Reserve, Heilongjiang Province, we measured 5 leaf economic traits and 4 leaf defense traits for seedlings of 8 tree species and 11 shrub species, to evaluate trait variation across species life forms and forest types, as well as trait correlations.

    Important findings There was no significant difference in leaf traits between the seedlings of trees and shrubs. The total phenolic content and tannin content of plants in the spruce-fir valley forest were significantly higher than those in broadleaved Korean pine forest. Compared with broadleaved Korean pine forest, the spruce-fir valley forest has lower under-canopy light intensity but higher air and soil moisture, which is more conducive to the aggregation of natural enemies. This stronger biological interaction may in turn drives seedlings to invest more on their defense traits in spruce-fir forest. Leaf chlorophyll content was positively correlated with specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus content. Leaf nitrogen content was positively correlated with leaf phosphorus content. Moreover, there was a significant and positive correlation between leaf defense traits. Leaf chlorophyll and nitrogen content were negatively correlated with total phenolic content, tannin content and content of flavonoids. This suggests the existence of a trade-off between leaf carbon economics and defense. The seedlings of trees and shrubs had similar carbon economics strategies. The results of this study have implications for predicting forest dynamics and community composition based on leaf functional traits.

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    Effects of nitrogen addition at different levels on soil microorganisms in saline-alkaline grassland of northern China
    YANG Jian-Qiang, DIAO Hua-Jie, HU Shu-Ya, WANG Chang-Hui
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (7): 780-789.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0072
    Accepted: 20 May 2021

    Abstract812)   HTML30)    PDF (1344KB)(969)       Save

    Aims Nitrogen (N) availability is an important limiting factor for grassland ecosystem productivity, and soil microorganisms are the main driving factor on soil N transformation. With the increase of atmospheric N deposition, the response of soil microbial characteristics to different nitrogen input levels is still unclear especially in saline-alkaline grassland.

    Methods The experiment was conducted in Youyu Loess Plateau Grassland Ecosystem Research Station, Shanxi Province. Eight different nitrogen addition levels were set, which were 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32 g·m-2·a-1, respectively. The Ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms (i.e. ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia- oxidizing archaea (AOA)) abundance, soil bacterial and fungal abundance, as well as soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and nitrogen (MBN) content were measured in the growing season (May to September) in 2020 to explore the effects of different levels of N addition on soil microbial characteristics.

    Important findings Our results showed that: (1) Sampling month had a significant effect on soil AOB, bacteria, fungal abundance and MBC, MBN content due to the variation in soil temperature and soil water content in the growing season. (2) N addition had a significant effect on soil AOB abundance, while had no effects on soil MBC, MBN content, and bacterial and fungal composition. (3) Higher N addition (24 and 32 g·m-2·a-1) significantly increased the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) on the early growth stage (May to August), while having no effect on late growth period (September). (4) Soil microorganisms were mainly regulated by soil cations concentrations and soil pH values, which explained the variation of soil microorganisms by 21.8% and 17.2%, respectively. We found that soil microorganisms were not sensitive to N addition in saline-alkaline grassland, while AOB showed a significant increase under higher N addition, indicating that higher N addition might promote soil N transformation.

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    Cited: CSCD(4)
    Difference in non-structural carbohydrates between fresh and senescent leaves of 11 tree species in a subtropical common-garden
    WU Qiu-Xia, WU Fu-Zhong, HU Yi, KANG Zi-Jia, ZHANG Yao-Yi, YANG Jing, YUE Kai, NI Xiang-Yin, YANG Yu-Sheng
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (7): 771-779.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0010
    Accepted: 25 April 2021

    Abstract1263)   HTML61)    PDF (1228KB)(927)       Save

    Aims Non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) are available carbon in plants and can be utilized as an energy source during plant metabolism, so NSC are important components for plant growth and metabolic activities, particularly under environmental stress. Moreover, NSC in senescent leaves as litter-fall provide available carbon for soil microorganisms involving in soil organic matter formation and biogeochemical cycles in forests. Therefore, study on the variation in NSC between fresh and senescent leaves is of great significance for understanding the carbon metabolism during plant growth and carbon biogeochemical cycles during early decomposition of plant litter. The objective of this study was to determine the difference in NSC content between fresh and senescent leaves of 11 subtropical tree species and the variation between leaves with different plant functional types.

    Methods A common garden was established in the stands with similar soil development, aspect, slope, and management history at the Sanming Research Station of Forest Ecosystem and Global Change in February 2012. A total of 13 representative subtropical tree species (2-year-old) were planted in the common garden, which were designed according to random blocks with 4 replicates for each tree species (a total of 52 plots with approximately 0.1 hm2 for each plot). In this study, the fresh and senescent leaves of 11 tree species, including evergreen broadleaved species Schima superba, Lindera communis, Elaeocarpus decipiens, Michelia macclurei, Castanopsis carlesii and Cinnamomum camphora, deciduous broadleaved tree species Liriodendron chinense, Liquidambar formosana and Sapindus mukorossi, and coniferous tree species Cunninghamia lanceolata and Pinus massoniana were collected in August 2019. The contents of NSCs, including soluble sugars and starch, in fresh and senescent leaves of the 11 tree species were determined.

    Important findings The NSC content was significantly higher in fresh leaves than that in senescent leaves for all of the studied tree species. The NSC contents in fresh leaves were 68.7-126.3 mg∙g-1, while those in senescent leaves were 31.4-79.5 mg∙g-1. Notably, the variation in soluble sugar between fresh leaves and senescent leaves was much greater than that of starch. Specifically, the average content of soluble sugar in fresh leaves was 3.3 times greater than that of senescent leaves, and the average starch content in fresh leaves was 1.2 times greater than that of senescent leaves. Moreover, the NSC contents in both fresh and senescent leaves varied significantly among trees with different plant functional types. For example, the NSC contents in both fresh and senescent leaves of evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved trees showed similar levels, while the NSC contents in evergreen coniferous trees were significantly lower than those in broad-leaved trees. In fresh leaves, the average NSC contents in evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved trees were 99.7 and 96.8 mg∙g-1, respectively, while the average NSC content in evergreen coniferous trees was 75.4 mg∙g-1; In senescent leaves, the average NSC contents in evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved trees were 47.2 and 50.7 mg∙g-1, respectively, while the average NSC content in evergreen coniferous trees was 33.3 mg∙g-1. These results suggest that NSC, an important carbon metabolic component for trees, could be transferred from senescent leaves to fresh leaves before senescence; this is a significant strategy for carbon storage during plant growth. However, the NSC content was significantly lower in subtropical coniferous trees (such as Cunninghamia lanceolata and Pinus massoniana) than in broad-leaved trees, regardless of fresh and senescent leaves, suggesting that the initial substrate quality is lower in these coniferous litters with less labile components following forest plantation in subtropical China. This difference in NSC content in foliar litter has significant influence for litter decomposition and soil organic matter formation mediated by microbial metabolism and turnover. These results are of great significance for improving the theory of carbon metabolism during plant growth and for understanding the dynamic changes of carbon components during the early decomposition of leaves litter in subtropical forests.

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    Cited: CSCD(3)
    Nitrogen uptake strategy of annual plants in Gurbantünggüt Desert
    HOU Bao-Lin, ZHUANG Wei-Wei
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (7): 760-770.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0420
    Accepted: 26 June 2021

    Abstract754)   HTML16)    PDF (909KB)(637)       Save

    Aims Plants of the same life-form may utilize different forms of nitrogen to avoid or reduce the competition for resources, thus achieving co-existence. Studying on whether niche separation exists in nitrogen uptake by plants of the same life-form in desert ecosystems is helpful to understand the survival strategy of desert plants and the effect of nitrogen on the survival of desert plants.

    Methods Two annual plants, Ceratocarpus arenarius and Suaeda glauca, are widely distributed in Gurbantünggüt Desert. 15N isotope tracer method was used to study the nitrogen uptake strategies of two desert annuals in different months and from different soil layers.

    Important findings The results showed that the nitrogen absorption rates of the two plants in shallow soil were higher in July than those in June. Comparing the absorption rates of different nitrogen forms, plants preferred inorganic nitrogen to organic nitrogen. Ceratocarpus arenarius preferred nitrate nitrogen, and the highest nitrogen absorption rate was 3.81 μg·h-1 per gram dry root, while S. glauca preferred ammonium nitrogen, and the highest nitrogen absorption rate was 4.74 μg·h-1 per gram dry root. The contribution rates of nitrate nitrogen out of total nitrogen uptake ranged from 35.7% to 43.9% for C. arenarius; while the contribution rate of ammonium nitrogen out of total nitrogen uptake ranged from 40.0% to 48.3% for S. glauca. The two annual plants can not only utilize inorganic nitrogen, but also directly absorb organic nitrogen in soil. The findings showed that the nitrogen uptake capacity of annual plants in Gurbantünggüt desert was different and diversified, and all of them could absorb the soluble organic nitrogen sources in the soil.

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    Cited: CSCD(2)
    Effects of different management methods on carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus contents and their stoichiometric ratios in tea plants
    YIN Xiao-Lei, LIU Xu-Yang, JIN Qiang, LI Xian-De, LIN Shao-Ying, YANG Xiang, WANG Wei-Qi, ZHANG Yong-Xun
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (7): 749-759.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0071
    Accepted: 28 June 2021

    Abstract961)   HTML33)    PDF (1880KB)(946)       Save

    Aims The content of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in different plant organs and their stoichiometric characteristics can reflect the nutrient allocation and balance within the plant. In this paper, the response of C, N and P in different organs of tea plants to three management modes was investigated by field experiment. The purpose was to explore the variation characteristics of C, N and P contents and their stoichiometric ratios in roots, stems and leaves of tea plant and its allometric growth relationship under different management modes.

    Methods We set up three different management modes in Tieguanyin tea plantations in Anxi, Fujian: routine management mode (M1), intercropping mode (M2) and modern technology mode (M3). In this paper, we investigated C, N, and P contents in the roots, stems, and leaves and their stoichiometric characteristics, nutrient variations and the allometric relationships of tea plants under different management modes.

    Important findings The results showed that the N and P contents in roots, stems and leaves of tea plants under M2 and M3 management mode were significantly higher than those under M1 management mode, but no significant differences were observed for the C contents; the order of C:N, C:P and N:P ratios in roots, stems and leaves of tea plants was M1 > M2 > M3. The contents of C, N, and P varied significantly among different organs of tea plants. According to the analysis of variation sources, the management mode factors showed significant impacts on the content variation of all the three elements. The allometric relationships of N and P in roots, stems and leaves (N-P1.7456, p< 0.01; N-P1.0987, p< 0.01; N-P1.1993, p< 0.01) suggested that the nutrient requirements of different organs were similar. Soil pH and bulk density were important factors affecting C:N, C:P and N:P, while soil water content and salinity had great impacts on C content in roots and leaves of tea plants. In general, intercropping, as well as modern drip irrigation and fertilizer management technology, can improve the nutrient absorption efficiency of tea plants, and have positive effects on solving the problem of soil nutrient imbalance.

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    Cited: CSCD(5)
    Review on characteristics and main hypotheses of plant ecological stoichiometry
    TIAN Di, YAN Zheng-Bing, FANG Jing-Yun
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (7): 682-713.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0331
    Accepted: 04 June 2021

    Abstract5316)   HTML332)    PDF (10598KB)(4627)       Save

    Plant ecological stoichiometry, as a branch of ecological stoichiometry, focuses on the study of elemental content, ratios and relationships within and across plant organs, and the underlying biotic and abiotic drivers. In the 19th century, chemists detected the elemental contents in plant organs via laboratory experiments, sprouting the exploration of plant stoichiometric characteristics. Nowadays, ecologists have explored plant ecological stoichiometric characteristics and their responses to global changes and relationships with plant functional traits, using both field investigation and manipulative experiments. These sustained efforts have largely enriched the knowledge and understanding of plant ecological stoichiometry. In this paper, we briefly introduced the history and reviewed the research progresses of plant stoichiometry since the 19th century. Firstly, we proposed the developmental history of plant ecological stoichiometry as three main periods: sprouting, hypothesis foundation, and theoretical construction periods, and introduced some representative works for each period. Secondly, we overviewed plant ecological stoichiometric characteristics across organs, life forms and environmental gradients. The geometric mean values of leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents and N:P mass ratios in global terrestrial plants are 18.74 mg∙g-1, 1.21 mg∙g-1 and 15.55 (i.e. similar to the Redfield ratio of 16:1), respectively. Leaf N and P contents at either species or community level generally show a decreasing trend with increasing temperature and precipitation, and have large variations among life forms, with higher values in herbaceous than woody plants, and deciduous broad-leaved than evergreen broad-leaved and coniferous woody plants. Compared with leaves, the stoichiometric characteristics of fine roots and other organs in plants remain poorly documented. Thirdly, we reviewed the effects of nutrient addition on plant ecological stoichiometric characteristics. In general, N addition increases soil N availability, then the N content and N:P in plants, thus leading to an increase in plant productivity to some extents. P addition might alleviate the N and P imbalance induced by excessive N inputs, and then increase plant P content. However, long-term nutrient fertilization could perturb the intrinsic stoichiometric characteristics in plants, resulting in the deteriorated nutrient imbalance in tissues and then the subsequent decline in plant productivity. Fourthly, we introduced the main hypotheses of plant ecological stoichiometry. These hypotheses include function-associated hypotheses, environment-associated hypotheses and evolution-associated hypotheses, which delineate the relationships of stoichiometric characteristics with plant growth functions, environmental factors and plant evolutionary history, respectively. Finally, we made an outlook on future research in the area of plant ecological stoichiometry, and highlighted ten potential and important research themes.

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    Cited: CSCD(39)
    Characteristics of shrub leaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and influencing factors in mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forests at different successional stages
    SONG Yu-Han, ZHANG Peng, JIN Guang-Ze
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (9): 952-960.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0101
    Accepted: 22 July 2021

    Abstract707)   HTML23)    PDF (1218KB)(669)       Save

    Aims Shrubs are an important component of forest ecosystems. This study investigated changes in the stoichiometric characteristics of shrub leaves during forest succession in order to understand and predict the processes of forest succession.

    Methods The study was conducted in the Liangshui National Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang Province, with forest stands at different successional stages of mixed broadleaved-Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forest representing secondary birch (Betula platyphylla) forest, mixed deciduous broad-leaved forest, mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest, and mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest. Measurements were made on carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents in leaves of the understory shrubs and soil, and the stoichiometric characteristics of shrub leaves and relationships with soil stoichiometry were examined with hierarchical analysis.

    Important findings The N content in shrub leaves was significantly higher in the mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest than in other three forest types; the P content was significantly higher in the mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest than in two other forest types except the secondary birch forest. Soil N and P contents were significantly and positively correlated with leaf N content at individual scale, and soil P concentration was significantly and positively correlated with leaf P content. At the community level, 82% of leaf N content variation and 62% of leaf P content variation were explained by species diversity and soil chemical properties; the Shannon diversity index was significantly and positively correlated with the N and P contents in shrub leaves, and negatively with the leaf C:N ratio and C:P ratio. In conclusion, shrubs in mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forests at the four successional stages were all N-limited, and species diversity better explains the stoichiometric variations in understory shrubs than soil chemical properties.

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    Cited: CSCD(2)
    Temporal variation and resorption of nutrients in plant culms and leaves in Hulun Buir grassland
    ZHANG Xiao-Jing, LIANG Xiao-Sa, MA Wang, WANG Zheng-Wen
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (7): 738-748.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0125
    Accepted: 22 July 2021

    Abstract782)   HTML24)    PDF (1732KB)(1037)       Save

    Aims Nutrient resorption in different organs of plants is important for plant nutrient use strategies and elemental biogeochemical cycles. Previous researches on nutrient resorption have focused on leaves, but neglected culms. Additionally, leaves of different species have been collected at the same time during the peak growth stage in previous studies, ignoring the different peak times of nutrient content of different species, which leads to the underestimation of nutrient resorption efficiency.

    Methods In order to explore the seasonal variation of nutrients and nutrient resorption efficiency in the culms and leaves of herbaceous plants, 22 common plants in Hulun Buir grassland were chosen as the research objects to determine the temporal dynamics of nutrient content during the growing season, and the resorption efficiency of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in plant culms and leaves.

    Important findings The content of N, P in plants had obvious temporal dynamics during the growing season, showing an increasing trend first and then a decreasing trend. For most of the 22 species, the maximum content occurred in the middle and late August, but the peak time differed among different species. The resorption efficiency of N in leaves was higher than in culms, but that of P did not differ between leaves and culms. Nutrient resorption efficiency of plants was closely related to the nutrient content at the senescence stage, but not to that at the growth stage. In previous studies, different plants were sampled at the same time during the growth stage, which led to underestimation of N and P resorption efficiency of culms and leaves. This study re-examined the sampling strategy in nutrient resorption studies, and showed that the sampling time of mature tissues in the growth stage could be determined according to the peak nutrient content time of different species.

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    Cited: CSCD(3)
    Soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and their stoichiometric characteristics in alpine wetlands in the Three Rivers Sources Region
    NIE Xiu-Qing, WANG Dong, ZHOU Guo-Ying, XIONG Feng, DU Yan-Gong
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (9): 996-1005.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0113
    Accepted: 26 August 2021

    Abstract1347)   HTML42)    PDF (1769KB)(936)       Save

    Aims Microbial biomass and their stoichiometric characteristics not only are important parameters of soil nutrient cycling, but also can contribute to prediction of climate changes, improvement of model accuracy, and understanding of terrestrial nutrient cycling. Our objective was to investigate microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), and microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP) concentrations and their stoichiometric characteristics in alpine wetlands in the Three Rivers Sources Region.

    Methods Using data from 50 sites, we explored MBC, MBN, MBP, their stoichiometry and their relationships with the controlling factors of alpine wetlands in the Three Rivers Source Region.

    Important findings Our results showed that 1) MBC, MBN, MBP concentrations were 105.11, 3.79, 0.78 mmol·kg-1, respectively, and MBC:MBN, MBC:MBP, MBN:MBP, MBC:MBN:MBP were 50.56, 184.89, 5.42, 275:5:1, respectively. 2) Soil physical and chemical properties could significantly affect MBC, MBN and MBP concentration. Soil moisture had significantly negative effects on both MBC:MBN and MBC:MBP, while soil density had positive effects on both MBC:MBN and MBC:MBP. Soil total nitrogen content had negative relationship with MBC:MBP, while having weak effects on MBC:MBN. Soil physical and chemical properties also had weak effects on MBN:MBP. 3) Generally, soil microbial community composition had significant effects on MBC, MBN and MBP concentration. Soil microbial community composition had similar effects on MBC:MBN and MBC:MBP. Total phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) content, gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, bacteria, actinomycete, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi concentration, and other PLFA content had negative effects on MBC:MBN and MBC:MBP, while fungi:bacteria had positive effects on both MBC:MBN and MBC:MBP, but fungi had weak relationships with both MBC:MBN and MBC:MBP. Except for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, MBN:MBP had weak relationships with soil microbial community composition. Soil physical and chemical properties, and soil microbial community composition had significant effects on soil microbial biomass and their stoichiometric characteristics in Three Rivers Sources Regions in the alpine wetlands, which are greatly helpful for deeply understanding of terrestrial high altitude nutrient cycling.

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    Cited: CSCD(4)
    Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen addition on nitrogen uptake of rice genotypes with different root morphologies
    MA Ju-Feng, XIN Min, XU Chen-Chao, ZHU Wan-Ying, MAO Chuan-Zao, CHEN Xin, CHENG Lei
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (7): 728-737.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0155
    Accepted: 26 June 2021

    Abstract970)   HTML42)    PDF (3108KB)(641)       Save

    Aims Plants absorb mineral nutrients such as nitrogen (N) mainly through their roots. The nutrient uptake of plants with different root morphologies differs. Many studies have shown that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can help their symbiotic associates absorb mineral N. However, there is little research on whether the effect of AMF on nutrient uptake of plant roots is affected by root morphology.

    Methods In this study, we selected three rice mutants and one wild type (root hairless (rhl1), lateral rootless (iaa11), adventitious rootless (arl1) and wild type (Kas)) to investigate the role of root morphology in plant nutrient uptake. Subsequently, we used the 15N isotope labeling method to explore the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and N addition (low N: 20 mg·kg-1 NH4+-N; high N: 100 mg·kg-1 NH4+-N) on N uptake of rice mutants with different root morphologies.

    Important findings The results show that the leaf 15N concentrations of rhl1,Kas, iaa11 and arl1 were increased by 60%, 72%, 128% and 118%, respectively, under the high N compared to the low N treatment. This result indicates that the addition of N significantly promoted rice N uptake with the most evident effect occurring in iaa11 and arl1. The average effect sizes of AMF on rhl1, Kas, iaa11 and arl1 were 17%, 31%, 42% and 51% under the low N level, indicating that root morphology can alter the effect of AMF on plant N uptake. Compared to the low N treatment, high N significantly downregulated the AMF effect on N uptake by rice plants with different root morphologies, indicating that N addition may mediate the complementary effect of AMF and root morphology on plant nutrient uptake. In conclusion, our data provide direct experimental evidence of funcitonal complementarity of mycrrohzal fungi and their associated roots with different root morphogy.

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    Cited: CSCD(3)
    Temporal trends of plant nutrient-acquisition strategies with soil age and their ecological significance
    LI Xiao-Long, ZHOU Jun, PENG Fei, ZHONG Hong-Tao, Hans LAMBERS
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2021, 45 (7): 714-727.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0160
    Accepted: 26 August 2021

    Abstract1593)   HTML57)    PDF (4320KB)(1350)       Save

    Changes in soil nutrient availability and primary succession of vegetation often co-occur during the processes of natural soil development. A low availability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resources is common in the very early and late stage of soil development, respectively. Plants have evolved different nutrient-acquisition strategies (NASs) in response to low nutrient availability. Although the changes and responses of plant NASs to soil nutrients may affect primary succession and species diversity, the temporal trends and underlying mechanisms of plant NASs with soil development remain unknown. We reviewed 104 studies mainly carried out on soil chronosequences to clarify changes in plant NASs with soil age and its ecological significance. We classify plant NASs into Fine root, Microbial, Specialized root, Carnivorous and Parasitic strategies. We argue that the diversity of plant NASs changes with increasing soil age following a dumbbell-pattern, while reaching the maximum in the late stage of soil development. The role of Microbial and Fine root strategies in plants acquiring nutrients gradually decreases with increasing soil age, while the minimum and maximum role of Specialized root strategies in plants acquiring P is in the intermediate and late stages of soil development, respectively. The effects of NASs on interspecific relationships of plants vary with soil age. Specifically, pioneer plants with biological N fixation and specialized root strategies usually increase available soil N and regolith-derived nutrients to facilitate the colonization of subsequent plants in the early stage of soil development. During the early-intermediate stage, NASs mainly affect plant competitiveness in acquiring relatively abundantly available nutrients from soil. The facilitation and competition affected by NASs contribute to plant species turnover in the first two stages. In the late stage, diverse NASs enable plants to acquire distinct forms of nutrients from different soil spaces and complementary NASs enable plants to take up soil nutrients mobilized by their neighbors. Together with the interactions between NASs and soil pathogens, these processes contribute the coexistence and diversity of plant species in this stage when most soil nutrients have a very low availability. We propose that it is necessary to quantify the relationships between changes in soil nutrient availability (including concentrations and fractions) and plant NASs with soil age. More studies are also needed to quantify contributions of NASs to primary succession, diversity of plant species and soil development.

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    Cited: CSCD(1)
    Seasonal dynamics of leaf C, N and P stoichiometry in plants of typical steppe in Nei Mongol, China
    XIONG Xing-Shuo, CAI Hong-Yu, LI Yao-Qi, MA Wen-Hong, NIU Ke-Chang, CHEN Di-Ma, LIU Na-Na, SU Xiang-Yan, JING He-Ying, FENG Xiao-Juan, ZENG Hui, WANG Zhi-Heng
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2020, 44 (11): 1138-1153.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0105
    Accepted: 05 January 2021

    Abstract1592)   HTML175)    PDF (2196KB)(1876)       Save

    Aims Exploring the seasonal dynamics in leaf carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations and their ecological stoichiometric characteristics will enhance our understanding about physiological and ecological processes such as plant growth and development and nutrient uptake and utilization as well as dynamic equilibrium relationship among plant stoichiometry.
    Methods Here, we collected leaf samples of 18 dominant plant species semimonthly through growing season (i.e. from June 2nd to Sept. 2nd) from a long-term fenced site in a typical steppe in Xilinhot of Nei Mongol, China. Leaf C, N and P concentrations were measured. Seasonal changes in leaf C, N and P concentrations and their ratios were explored and their differences between different species groups were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. The relationships between leaf C, N and P concentrations and their ratios were analyzed using correlation analysis. Lastly, the allometric relationships between the concentrations of different elements were analyzed using Standardized Major Axis.
    Important findings Seasonal trends in leaf C, N and P concentrations and their ratios were not consistent with each other and also differed between different functional groups. Specifically, the variation of leaf N and P concentrations for all functional groups showed obvious dilution effect. Monocotyledons and perennial grasses had lower leaf N and P concentrations but much higher leaf C:N and C:P mass ratio than dicotyledons and perennial forbs, respectively. Leaf N concentration was positively correlated with leaf P concentration while leaf C:N and C:P mass ratios were negatively correlated with leaf N and P concentrations respectively, indicating the internal coupling mechanism between nutrient elements in plants. Allometric analyses showed that leaf N concentration and C:N mass ratio, leaf P concentration and C:P mass ratio as well as leaf N and P concentrations all maintained the same growth rate respectively among species through most time of growing season.

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    Cited: CSCD(22)
    Response of nutrient characteristics of Achnatherum splendens leaves to different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus addition
    LI Jun-Jun, LI Meng-Ru, QI Xing-E, WANG Li-Long, XU Shi-Jian
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2020, 44 (10): 1050-1058.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0127
    Accepted: 03 September 2020

    Abstract937)   HTML55)    PDF (1116KB)(655)       Save

    Aims The nutrient characteristics of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in plant leaves are affected by soil available N, P contents and soil N:P. However, little is known about the effects of changes in soil N, P contents and N:P on N, P stoichiometry in leaves and nutrient resorption efficiency.
    Methods In this study, pot experiments were conducted to explore the response of the stoichiometry and nutrient resorption characteristics of Achnatherum splendens leaves to three levels of nutrient addition (low, 1.5 g·m-2·a-1; moderate, 4.5 g·m-2·a-1; and high, 13.5 g·m-2·a-1) and N:P (5, 15, 25).
    Important findings The results showed that higher level of nutrient addition significantly increased the P contents in green leaves and N, P contents in senescent leaves, but significantly deceased the N resorption efficiency (NRE) and P resorption efficiency (PRE). The increases in soil N:P significantly decreased the P contents in senescent leaves and NRE, but increased N:P in green and senescent leaves and PRE. At the same nutrient addition level, soil N:P was significantly positively correlated with PRE, but showed no significant correlation with NRE. At the same level of N:P, the level of nutrition addition was negatively correlated with NRE, but exhibited no significant correlation with PRE. The changes in plant demand for N and P caused by changing environment can be indicated effectively by plant leaf NRE:PRE, and the characteristics of nutrient stoichiometry and resorption of A. splendens leaves are affected together by nutrient addition levels and soil N:P.

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    Cited: CSCD(2)
    Stoichiometric characteristics of fine roots and rhizosphere soil of Broussonetia papyrifera adapted to the karst rocky desertification environment in southwest China
    HU Qi-Juan, SHENG Mao-Yin, YIN Jie, BAI Yi-Xin
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2020, 44 (9): 962-972.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0083
    Accepted: 27 August 2020

    Abstract955)   HTML105)    PDF (1127KB)(628)       Save

    Aims The objectives of this study were to estimate the adaptation strategies of Broussonetia papyrifera to the poor soil nutrients in karst rocky desertification area in Southwest China, and to explore the response of stoichiometric characteristics of fine roots and rhizosphere soil to the degree of rocky desertification.
    Methods The contents of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and C:N:P ratios of fine roots and rhizosphere soil of B. papyrifera were studied.
    Important findings Results indicated that, except Ca content, the nutrient content of the fine roots and rhizosphere soil of B. papyrifera in karst rocky desertification environment remained at the low level. N:P ratio of fine roots was 12.59, which indicated that the growth of B. papyrifera was co-limited by N and P. With the increase of the degree of rocky desertification, the content of C and N as well as C:N and C:P ratios of fine roots decreased first and then increased; while the content of K and P increased first and then decreased; and neither the content of Ca, Mg nor N:P ratio changed significantly. The content of N, P, K, Ca in rhizosphere soil was different when the degree of rocky desertification was different, while none of C, Mg and C:N:P ratios in rhizosphere soil changed significantly. Additionally, the content of C, P, Ca, Mg as well as C:N and C:P ratios in the fine roots were positively correlated with their values in rhizosphere soil, while N content in fine roots was negatively correlated with its value in the rhizosphere soil. Moreover, the content of K in fine roots was relatively stable, and was hardly affected by the nutrients of rhizosphere soil.

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    Cited: CSCD(6)
    Characteristics of soil enzyme activities and stoichiometry and its influencing factors in Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata forests in the Qinling Mountains
    XIE Meng-Yi, FENG Xiu-Xiu, MA Huan-Fei, HU Han, WANG Jie-Ying, GUO Yao-Xin, REN Cheng-Jie, WANG Jun, ZHAO Fa-Zhu
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2020, 44 (8): 885-894.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0358
    Accepted: 03 July 2020

    Abstract945)   HTML107)    PDF (1260KB)(1353)       Save

    Aims The dynamics and driving factors of soil enzyme activities and stoichiometry in the micro-scale elevation gradient is of great significance in the study of nutrient cycling processes.
    Methods In the present study, the Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata forest belts at the elevation of 1 308, 1 403, 1 503, 1 603, 1 694 and 1 803 m in Taibai Mountain were sampled to determine the contents of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in leaves, litters, roots and soils, and the activities of alkaline phosphatase (AKP), β-1,4-glucosidase (βG), cellobiohydrolase (CBH), β-1,4-xylosidase (βX) and β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG).
    Important findings Our results showed that altitude had a great impact on the activities of five soil enzymes. CBH and βG increased first and then decreased with the altitude, while βX showed the opposite trend. The NAG and AKP activity showed a downward trend from 1 408 to 1 694 m and increased with elevation since 1 803 m. The total enzyme activity index exhibited a decreasing trend with altitudes increases. The correlation analysis results indicated that soil enzyme activities and their stoichiometry were controlled by plant, soil C, N, P resources, and soil water and heat conditions. Among these factors, the content of soil organic carbon had high correlation with these parameters and was the main factor affecting the change of soil enzyme activities in the Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata forest. In short, the soil enzyme activities and stoichiometry were different along the micro-scale elevation gradient, affected by the C, N, and P resources of plant and soil.

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    Cited: CSCD(7)
    Stoichiometric characteristics of soils and dominant shrub leaves and their responses to water addition in different seasons in degraded karst areas in Southern Yunnan of China
    JING Hong-Xia,SUN Ning-Xiao,Muhammad UMAIR,LIU Chun-Jiang,DU Hong-Mei
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2020, 44 (1): 56-69.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0230
    Accepted: 19 January 2020

    Abstract1109)   HTML59)    PDF (1877KB)(1212)       Save

    Aims Drought is a limiting factor for plant growth in southern karst areas. Climate change may affect the amount and distribution pattern of precipitation in these areas. It is important to understand the stoichiometric characteristics of soil and plants and how they respond to increasing precipitation in karst areas.
    Methods In Jianshui karst areas in southern Yunnan, a water addition experiment was conducted since April 2017 and the concentrations of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), sodium (Na), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) in the soils and leaves of two dominant shrubs (Bauhinia brachycarpa and Carissa spinarum) were measured in the dry season (April) and rainy season (August) in 2018.
    Important findings Water addition affected the content of C, N and Na in the soil. Compared with the dry season, the concentrations of Na and S in the soil significantly decreased in the rainy season. The remaining soil elements did not show any significant differences between treatments and seasons. With the increase of soil moisture content, the concentrations of K decreased while Ca in both plant species increased. These results also indicated that soil moisture changes could significantly affect plant ecological traits. With soil moisture changes, the stabilities of leaf elements were related to their contents. The closer the leaf element contents are to the corresponding maximum or minimum values, the smaller are the coefficients of variation. And the variation coefficients of P, S and Mg with the concentrations close to 1 mg·g-1were the highest. Under the changes of soil moisture conditions, the stability of C, N, P and other major elements in C. spinarum was significantly higher than that B. brachycarpa. Changes in soil water content, which was caused by both rainfall changes and water addition, had different effects on different the contents of different elements in both soil and plants. These results may shed light on the restoration of soil and plants in karst regions.

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    Cited: CSCD(4)
    Distribution patterns and driving factors of leaf C, N and P stoichiometry of coniferous species on the eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, China
    CAI Qin, DING Jun-Xiang, ZHANG Zi-Liang, HU Jun, WANG Qi-Tong, YIN Ming-Zhen, LIU Qing, YIN Hua-Jun
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2019, 43 (12): 1048-1060.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0221
    Accepted: 26 January 2020

    Abstract1574)   HTML57)    PDF (4278KB)(1376)       Save

    Aims The leaf stoichiometry and potential driving factors play a vital role in understanding the distribution patterns of plant community and predicting the plant responses to environmental changes. In this study, we aimed to investigate the spatial distribution patterns and driving factors of leaf carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry of coniferous species on the eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, China.
    Methods We collected leaf and soil samples from 29 coniferous tree species at 84 sampling sites on the eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Linear fitting was used to analyze the variation patterns of leaf stoichiometry along geographical and climatic gradients. Partial redundancy analysis was used to characterize the relative contributions of climate and soil factors to leaf stoichiometry variation patterns.
    Important findings (1) At the level of family and genus, C and N concentrations as well as C:N of leaves were significantly different across distinct conifer species. The leaf N:P was less than 14, indicating that conifer species in the study region were mainly N-limited. (2) Leaf N and P concentrations showed a consistent distribution pattern along environmental gradients. Specifically, N and P concentrations of leaves were significantly decreased with elevated latitude and altitude, while remarkably increased with the increase of mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP). In comparison, leaf C concentration had no significant correlation with latitude, altitude, MAT or MAP. (3) The leaf C:N and C:P showed an opposite distribution pattern with leaf N and P concentrations, which significantly increased with elevated latitude and altitude, while markedly declined with the increase of MAT and MAP. Leaf N:P had no significant correlation with altitude, MAT or MAP. (4) The main driving factors of leaf C, N, P concentrations and their stoichiometric characteristics were different. Specifically, soil properties were the main driving factors accounting for the variations of leaf C concentration and N:P. The variations of leaf N and P concentrations as well as ratios of C:N and C:P were primarily explained by climatic factors. Collectively, variations of leaf stoichiometry of coniferous species along environmental gradients in the study region provided a compelling support for the Temperature Biogeochemistry Hypothesis. These findings largely improved the understanding of the distribution patterns and driving mechanism of leaf stoichiometry under changing environments.

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    Cited: CSCD(7)
    Changes in soil-microbe-exoenzyme C:N:P stoichiometry along an altitudinal gradient in Mt. Datudingzi, Northeast China
    YIN Shuang, WANG Chuan-Kuan, JIN Ying, ZHOU Zheng-Hu
    Chin J Plant Ecol    2019, 43 (11): 999-1009.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0141
    Abstract1238)   HTML116)    PDF (1501KB)(1317)       Save

    Aims Altitude-induced changes in temperature, moisture, vegetation types and other conditions would significantly affect soil carbon (Csoil), nitrogen (Nsoil), phosphorus (Psoil) concentrations and their stoichiometry. How soil microorganisms adapt to the variability of soil resource stoichiometry by regulating their biomass and extracellular enzymatic stoichiometry remains uncertain. The objective of this study was to quantify the altitudinal trends of soil-microbe-exoenzyme C:N:P stoichiometry and to explore the correlations among soil-microbe- exoenzyme stoichiometry.Methods In the present study, we investigated the Csoil, Nsoil, Psoil concentrations, microbial biomass C (Cmic), N (Nmic), P (Pmic) concentrations, and the activities of C (β-1,4-glucosidase, BG), N (N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase, NAG), and P (acid phosphatase) acquiring extracellular enzymes for microorganisms in four ecosystems along an altitudinal gradient on Mt. Datudingzi, Northeast China. These four ecosystems are a mixed broadleaf-coniferous forest at 800 m, a coniferous forest at 1 100 m, a Betula ermanii forest at 1 600 m and a grassland at 1 700 m.Important findings The results showed that: (1) altitude had no significant effect on Csoil and Cmic concentrations but had significant effects on soil and microbial biomass N and P concentrations. (2) The activities of BG and NAG decreased significantly with increasing altitude, likely due to the high elevation induced low temperature that inhibits microbial activities. (3) Altitude had significant effects on soil C:N, microbe C:N:P, and exoenzyme C:N:P; exoenzyme C:N:P decreased with the increasing stoichiometric imbalances between microorganisms and soils (ratios of soil C:N:P to microbe C:N:P, respectively). Overall, these results suggested that microorganisms can adapt to the variability of soil C:N:P by regulating their biomass C:N:P and exoenzyme C:N:P, and supported the microbial resource allocation theory.

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    Cited: CSCD(11)