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Some growth characteristics and relative competitive ability of invasive Spartina alterniflora and native Scirpus mariqueter
Zhongyi Chen, Bo Li, Jiakuan Chen
Biodiv Sci    2005, 13 (2): 130-136.   DOI: 10.1360/biodiv.040122
Abstract6975)      PDF (613KB)(52804)       Save

Spartina alterniflora,originating in North America, has been introduced to China and has now invaded many inter-tidal zones of gulfs and estuaries in China. With its spread, Scirpus mariqueter,a native grass species, has experienced a concurrent decrease in area. Based on field investigation at Chongming Dongtan Wetland and potted plant competition experiments at Fudan University, we compared growth characteristics and relative competitive ability between the two species. The results indicated that in terms of height, coverage, above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass, and mean seed number per spike, values for Spartina alterniflora were all significantly higher than those of Scirpus mariqueter.However, the density and number of flowering tillers per square meter for Spartina alterniflora were significantly lower than those of Scirpus mariqueter.In terms of seed output per square meter and seed germination rate, there were no significant differences between the mature populations of the two species. Both interspecific and intraspecific competition between Spartina alterniflora and Scirpus mariqueter remarkably reduced the number of ramets, the proportion of fruiting ramets, the above-ground biomass and the number of corms (only Scirpus mariqueter has corms). The interspecific relative competitive ability (measured as relative neighbour effect index, RNE) of Spartina alterniflora was significantly greater than that of Scirpus mariqueter. The obvious growing advantage of Spartina alterniflora compared with Scirpus mariqueter might explain its greater interspecific competitive ability, which might explain its successful invasiveness into the native Scirpus mariqueter community in the Yangtze River estuary.

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NI Jian, GUO Ke, LIU Hai-Jiang, ZHANG Xin-Shi
Chin J Plant Ecol    2005, 29 (2): 175-184.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0023
Abstract4705)   HTML270)    PDF (974KB)(31730)       Save

An ecological regionalization system was developed for the arid lands of northwestern China based on ecological and environmental factors, including climate, large-scale terrain features, landform, geology, vegetation, and soils, in combination with characteristics of social and economic development. The region was stratified into discrete geographical units of uniformity at three levels: Level I, the ecodomain, was based on climate and large-scale terrain features with consideration of the role of higher levels of regionalization and industrial development; Level II, the ecoregion, was based primarily on secondary landform, topography and large-scale vegetation types; and, Level III, the ecodistrict, was based on differences in local vegetation due to differences in geology and soils, as well as its eco-productive paradigm and potential future development. Based on this three-class system, we defined three ecodomains, 23 ecoregions and 80 ecodistricts. An ecoregional map of northwestern arid lands of China was drawn at 1∶1 million scale using GIS. The goals of the ecological regionalization classification were not only to develop a unique system of arid land ecological classification, but also to supervise local development and land use management to promote sustainable development of arid lands in northwestern China.

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Cited: CSCD(24)
Community assembly: the relative importance of neutral theory and niche theory
Kechang Niu, Yining Liu, Zehao Shen, Fangliang He, Jingyun Fang
Biodiv Sci    2009, 17 (6): 579-593.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2009.09142
Abstract12251)   HTML248)    PDF (439KB)(22414)       Save

Understanding species coexistence and the maintenance of biodiversity has long been the central interest of ecologists. The niche-based theory of community assembly has dominated community ecology for nearly a century, yet understanding of the mechanisms of species coexistence has remained elusive. The newly developed neutral theory of biodiversity has offered a promising alternative to the niche paradigm. The analytical elegance and simplicity of the neutral theory and its predictive power have made the theory widely popular. However, it is the very same simplicity of the theory (e.g. the symmetric assumption) that makes the theory vulnerable to stark criticisms. Widespread empirical evidence has shown that species in communities are not functionally symmetric; ecological equivalence is more a conceptual simplicity than a biological realism. Recognizing that niche and neutral processes do not have to diametrically oppose each other and a community is likely determined by the interplay of the two processes, ecologists currently are searching to reconcile the two theories by either incorporating drift into niche theory or niche into the neutral framework. However, this reconciliation process is still at its very early stage, we expect this direction will lead to a more complete understanding of community assembly mechanisms. In this paper, we provide a review on the brief histories of the niche and neutral theories, with the focus on comparing the distinct importance of the two theories in explaining community assembly. We discuss in details several integrated models that attempt to unify the niche and neutral theories. We argue that it is an essential step for any successful theory to withstand substantial experimental and field tests. The experimental tests of neutral theories are an important direction that has currently not received due attention.

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Cited: CSCD(155)
Reference Genes for Real-time Fluorescence Quantitative PCR in Camellia sinensis
Meilian Sun, Yunsheng Wang, Dongqing Yang, Chaoling Wei, Liping Gao, Tao Xia, Yu Shan, Yang Luo
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2010, 45 (05): 579-587.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2010.05.007
Abstract3656)      PDF (517KB)(19567)       Save
The selection of a suitable reference gene is an important prerequisite for successful gene expression analysis by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qPCR). We investigated the expression stability of 4 endogenous candidate genes (18S rRNA, GAPDH, β-actin and α-tubulin) in qPCR experiments in different organs and tissues, including buds, leaves, young roots, stem, petals, seeds, and callus, of the tea plant Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze. The analysis with GeNorm and NormFinder algorithms revealed that β-actin could be used as a reference gene for organs and tissues and GAPDH for mature leaves and callus.
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Cited: CSCD(76)
Characteristics and Mechanism of Plant Vernalization
HU Wei HOU Xi-Lin SHI Gong-Jun
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2004, 21 (01): 26-36.  
Abstract3708)      PDF (285KB)(19520)       Save
Vernalization, one of the genetically controled process induced by low temperature which involves expression of related genes, plays an important role for transition to flowering in some higher plants. In this paper, the research progresses on plant vernalization were summarized, including types of vernalization , physiological and biological characteristics of vernalization and molecular mechanism of vernalization. The existed problems in researches were discussed, and the prospect was put forward.
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Cited: Baidu(30) CSCD(14)
Research Progress in Gene Cloning in Forest Trees
Shaofeng Li, Xiaohua Su, Bingyu Zhang
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2011, 46 (1): 79-107.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2011.00079
Abstract2917)      PDF (435KB)(17123)       Save
Forest trees have rich germplasm resources and a wide array of genetic differences among germplasms. Cloning and transforming genes that control important traits in tree species can be valuable in cultivating new clones with excellent quality. However, many of the genes with potential application have not been discovered or isolated. In recent years, a large number of genes related to important traits in forest trees have been identified and isolated with the establishment of forest cDNA libraries, the use of large-scale random expressed sequence tag sequencing, improvements in cloning technology, and more specifically, the complete genome sequencing of Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray. This information has laid a solid foundation for using transgenic technology to cultivate new varieties of forest trees for high yield, fine quality, high stress tolerance and pest resistance. In this review, we summarize the progress in gene cloning of forest trees over the last 20 years. We discuss some problems in gene cloning and application, as well as future applications and prospects for gene cloning and transgenic technology of forest trees.
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Cited: Baidu(12) CSCD(9)
Function of GLP13 in Response to Plant Oxidative Stress in Arabidopsis
Yuanjiang Tang, Lingli Min, Guilan Gao, Jinju Du, Lang Yang, Chengwei Yang
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2011, 46 (2): 147-154.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2011.00147
Abstract3361)      PDF (1216KB)(15315)       Save
Germin-like proteins (GLPs) comprise a large family of soluble extracellular matrix glycoprotein, which is similar to wheat germin and plays an important role in growth and development and in biotic and abiotic stress responses of plants. To understand the role of GLP13 in planta, we investigated its expression patterns; isolated and characterized a knock-down mutation in the GLP13 gene (named glp13); and constructed overexpression GLP13 plants (named 35S::GLP13). Compared to the wild type, the glp13 mutant showed a lower cotyledon green ratio and more restrained root growth when 3 different types of plants were treated with methyl viologen (MV); however, the cotyledon green ratio was higher and the root growth less restrained in 35S::GLP13 plants. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm of 35S::GLP13 plants decreased slower than in the wild type after 2-week MV treatment of seedlings. The expression of oxidative stress response genes (CSD1, FSD1, UGT71C1 and CAT1) were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR; the expression of FSD1 was increased in 35S::GLP13 plants, with no differences in the expression level of CAT1, CSD1 and UGT71C1 among 3 different types of plants after 4-hr treatment with MV. Our results indicate that GLP13 plays an important role in response to oxidative stress in Arabidopsis.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Species Diversity of Discomycetes in China
Biodiv Sci    DOI: 10.17520/biods.1995043
Abstract5473)      PDF (202KB)(15006)       Save
Methods and protocols for plant community inventory
Jingyun Fang, Xiangping Wang, Zehao Shen, Zhiyao Tang, Jinsheng He, Dan Yu, Yuan Jiang, Zhiheng Wang, Chengyang Zheng, Jiangling Zhu, Zhaodi Guo
Biodiv Sci    2009, 17 (6): 533-548.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2009.09253
Abstract10761)   HTML239)    PDF (661KB)(14724)       Save

A plant community is an assemblage of plant populations that live in certain area, and interact with and adapt to one another in the context of long-term environmental changes. Plant communities maintain global ecosystem functions, and provide food and habitats for animals and other organisms. Plant communities also provide primary resources for human survival and development, and are therefore indispensable to human societies. China is among the countries with the most diverse plant communities in the world. However, no systematic national inventory has been conducted for Chinese plant communities. This fact obstructs exploitation and protection of China’s plant resources, and also hampers the development of the fields of Chinese ecology and geography. There is an urgent need to survey Chinese plant communities using consistent methods and protocols. In this paper, we review major concepts in plant community ecology, and propose a framework for developing plant community inventories based on recent progress in community ecology and our own experience with long-term field surveys. Our framework provides protocols for site selection and plot design, items to be measured in a plot, and measurements of functional traits of dominant species. We also review protocols for field surveys of large, long-term plots. The protocols proposed in this paper are expected to be a base for standardizing methodology for inventory of Chinese plant communities.

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Cited: CSCD(456)
Jasmonate Biosynthetic Pathway: Its Physiological Role and Potential Application in Plant Secondary Metabolic Engineering
Keji Jiang;Yan Pi;Rong Hou;Kexuan Tang;*
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2010, 45 (02): 137-148.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2010.02.001
Abstract2985)      PDF (422KB)(14495)       Save
Jasmonates are a class of plant hormones existing widely in the plant kingdom. Because jasmonates have essential roles in plant development, response to stress, and regulation of secondary metabolism, numerous studies have focused on jasmonates for decades. We review the jasmonate biosynthetic pathway and its physiological roles, along with potential application in plant secondary metabolic engineering.
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Cited: Baidu(27) CSCD(60)
Families and genera of Chinese angiosperms: a synoptic classification based on APG III
Bing Liu, Jianfei Ye, Su Liu, Yuan Wang, Yong Yang, Yangjun Lai, Gang Zeng, Qinwen Lin
Biodiv Sci    2015, 23 (2): 225-231.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015052
Abstract6196)   HTML340)    PDF (3932KB)(14289)       Save

Angiosperms constitute the most diverse lineage of higher plants and are represented by ca. 300,000 living species that dominate the vegetation of terrestrial ecosystems. Number and composition of families, genera, and species are important to understanding global and regional biodiversity. Due to the rapid development of molecular systematics, circumscriptions of many traditional angiosperm families and genera have been revised. This study investigates circumscriptions of families and genera of native and introduced angiosperms in China according to the APG III classification system and recent phylogenetic studies. Results showed that there are 258 native and 55 introduced families (including 6 naturalized families), and 2,872 native and 1,605 introduced genera (including 152 naturalized genera) in China. A brief introduction to the historical and recent changes of circumscriptions of families and genera occurring in China was also provided. Our list included 115 newly recorded families and 1,729 newly recorded genera when compared to Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, and 85 newly recorded families and 1,531newly recorded genera when compared to Flora of China.

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Cited: CSCD(23)
A Survey of Functional Studies of the Plant-specific NAC Transcription Factor Family
Hui Peng;Xingwang Yu;Huiying Cheng;Hua Zhang;Qinghua Shi;Jiangui Li;Hao Ma*
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2010, 45 (02): 236-248.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2010.02.014
Abstract3868)      PDF (2596KB)(14048)       Save
The plant-specific NAC transcription-factor family has numerous members widely distributed in many land plant species. NAC genes play diverse and vital roles in various plant-growth and developmental processes and stress responses. Until now, efforts have been devoted to characterization and functional analysis of NAC genes. Recently, the tertiary structure of the NAC domain of ANAC019 protein has been revealed, and the function and characterization of a series of NAC genes was illuminated. Understanding the roles of NAC family genes has improved in various aspects, including their origin and classification, biological functions, regulation of expression and relationship between structure and function. This review summarizes the latest research advances in understanding NAC genes and offers suggestions for further research.
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Cited: CSCD(22)
Regulation of Plant Anthocyanin Synthesis and Pigmentation by Environmental Factors
Ke Hu;Keting Han;Silan Dai*
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2010, 45 (03): 307-318.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2010.03.002
Abstract3862)      PDF (644KB)(13957)       Save
Anthocyanin is one of the most important plant pigments for the color of flowers, fruits and seedlings. Anthocyanin synthesis and accumulation are closely related to plant growth and development and are subject to internal and external factors. Activation of the anthocyanin pathway and accumulation of the pigment require many environmental signals. Many studies have shown that environmental factors induce anthocyanin accumulation via the activation of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes. This paper reviews the effect of major environmental factors on gene expression patterns of anthocyanin synthesis and regulation of anthocyanin accumulation and stability. Light is one of the most important stimulators, and light quality is more important than light intensity. Low temperatures increase and high temperatures decrease anthocyanin concentration. Most of the structural and regulation genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis can be regulated by different sugars. Three aspects demand further research: the relationship between flower development and flower pigmentation, the response of flower color to environmental factors, and the resistance mechanism of anthocyanin to stress. Controlling flower color by environmental factors will greatly improve the quality of ornamentals.
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Cited: Baidu(52) CSCD(78)
Red List of China’s Vertebrates
Zhigang Jiang, Jianping Jiang, Yuezhao Wang, E Zhang, Yanyun Zhang, Lili Li, Feng Xie, Bo Cai, Liang Cao, Guangmei Zheng, Lu Dong, Zhengwang Zhang, Ping Ding, Zhenhua Luo, Changqing Ding, Zhijun Ma, Songhua Tang, Wenxuan Cao, Chunwang Li, Huijian Hu, Yong Ma, Yi Wu, Yingxiang Wang, Kaiya Zhou, Shaoying Liu, Yueying Chen, Jiatang Li, Zuojian Feng, Yan Wang, Bin Wang, Cheng Li, Xuelin Song, Lei Cai, Chunxin Zang, Yan Zeng, Zhibin Meng, Hongxia Fang, Xiaoge Ping
Biodiv Sci    2016, 24 (5): 500-551.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2016076
Abstract14925)   HTML507)    PDF (1130KB)(13855)       English Version    Save

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Cited: CSCD(213)
Methods for Evaluation of Rice Resistance to Blast and Sheath Blight Diseases
Min He, Junjie Yin, Zhiming Feng, Xiaobo Zhu, Jianhua Zhao, Shimin Zuo, Xuewei Chen
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2020, 55 (5): 577-587.   DOI: 10.11983/CBB20100
Accepted: 21 July 2020

Abstract2491)   HTML98)    PDF (10846KB)(13639)       Save

Rice is the most important crop in the world. However, rice blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae and sheath blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani are two of diseases, which threaten both yield and quality of rice most severely. To ensure food security, it is very important to identify disease-resistant rice germplasm, clone disease resistant genes, uncover the molecular basis and apply them in rice breeding program. Accurate evaluation of the disease resistance of rice is fundamental to both uncover disease resistance mechanism and improve resistance in rice breeding. Here, we describe the common methods for evaluating rice blast disease resistance by spraying inoculation of seedlings with M. oryzae, injection inoculation at rice tillering and booting stage, and punch inoculation of detached rice leaves. We also describe the methods for evaluating rice sheath blight disease resistance by field inoculation with R. solani at rice tillering stage, greenhouse inoculation at rice booting stage, and inoculation of rice detached-stems in growth chamber. We believe these methods could provide useful protocols for colleagues who aim to identify rice disease-resistant resources, dissect the underlying molecular mechanism and breed elite rice varieties with improved disease resistance.

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Cited: CSCD(7)
On the concept of biodiversity
Biodiv Sci    1993, 01 (1): 20-22.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.1993005
Abstract6431)      PDF (277KB)(13560)       Save
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Cited: Baidu(16)
An Improved Protocol for Whole Mount Clearing of Plant Root Tip
Long Ma, Guilin Li, Shipeng Li, Su Jiang
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2020, 55 (5): 596-604.   DOI: 10.11983/CBB20016
Accepted: 05 June 2020

Abstract1683)   HTML67)    PDF (9273KB)(13550)       Save

Whole mount clearing is a routine method in morphological study, which allows observation of plant internal structure without section. Using high refractive index materials as medium, clearing techniques reduce light scattering, acquire enhancive light quantity and increase depth of field and vertical planes in a particular focal plane, to facilitate the samples transparency for observation. Nevertheless, clearing materials may disturb the osmosis and pH of sample medium, which is adverse to cells morphology. So far, the effective clearing techniques have been widely used in several studies with ovule and leaf. However, the current protocol is not reliable enough for root tip clearing, because the thin cell wall is vulnerable under the treatment of clearing solutions, resulting in abnormal root tips and cells plasmolysis. To achieve a stable and optimized clearing method for root tip, we established a standard protocol via evaluation of root tip morphology, plasmolysis and cells clarity in Arabidopsis thaliana. With these improved clearing methods, we developed an optimized clearing observation system (including clearing time, pH and composition) for root tip, which could provide a reliable technique for vulnerable tissues clearing.

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H2O2-NOX System: an Important Mechanism for Developmental Regulation and Stress Response in Plants
ZHOU Cong-Yi, WU Guo-Li, DUAN Zhuang-Qin, WU Li-Li, GAO Yong-Sheng, CHEN Kun-Meng
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2010, 45 (05): 615-631.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2010.05.012
Abstract2708)      PDF (467KB)(13472)       Save
An oxidative burst of reactive oxygen species (ROS) expression is a common response of plants to developmental events and to a number of biotic and abiotic stresses. ROS production physiologically and molecularly regulates development and the stress response and has been proposed as an intracellular second messenger mediating the induction of systematic acquired resistance and the control and regulation of a series of biological processes such as growth, cell cycle, programmed cell death and hormone signaling. The molecular and physiological data indicate functional and mechanistic similarities between the animal and plant NADPH oxidase (NOX), and this enzyme has been considered a major source of ROS production in all life kingdoms. The functions of plasma membrane NOX (PM-NOX) are tightly associated with the production and accumulation of ROS in plants. Here, we report on recent findings in the production and scavaging roles of ROS and the structural features and functions of PM-NOX in plants. The H2O2-NOX system may be an important mechanism for developmental regulation and stress response in plants.
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Cited: Baidu(5)
WUSCHEL-mediated Innate Immunity in Plant Stem Cells Provides a Novel Antiviral Strategy
Fei Du, Yuling Jiao
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2020, 55 (5): 537-540.   DOI: 10.11983/CBB20149
Accepted: 09 October 2020

Abstract1516)   HTML52)    PDF (763KB)(13288)       Save

Stem cells in plant shoot apical meristem maintain a high level of pluripotency, providing the source of all above-ground tissues and organs. Since plants cannot move to escape from various stresses, protection of plant stem cells from viruses and other pathogens is essential for plant growth and development. Although it has long been known that compared with other parts of the plant, the shoot apex containing the stem cell niche is against virus invasion and accumulation, the related mechanism is still elusive. A recent study from the group of Zhong Zhao at University of Science and Technology of China uncovered the mechanism of how plant stem cells in Arabidopsis are immune to virus infection through WUS-mediated innate immunity. WUS responses to the infection of cucumber mosaic virus, and represses virus accumulation in the central zone and peripheral zone. WUS directly represses the transcription of several S-adenosyl- L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase genes, resulting in disturbed rRNA processing and ribosome stability which affecting viral protein synthesis. This study reveals a conserved and broad-spectrum strategy of antiviral immunity in plant stem cells, which provides high values in both theory and application.

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Cited: CSCD(1)
Measurement of biotic community diversity I α diversity (Part 2)
Biodiv Sci    1994, 02 (4): 231-239.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.1994038
Abstract6027)      PDF (585KB)(12945)       Save
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Cited: Baidu(83)
Plasma Membrane Na+/H+ Antiporter Is Involved in Plant Salt Tolerance
Qing Ma, Aike Bao, Guoqiang Wu, Suomin Wang
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2011, 46 (2): 206-215.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2011.00206
Abstract2736)      PDF (393KB)(12750)       Save
Soil salinization is one of the major abiotic factors reducing crop productivity worldwide. The plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter plays an important role in plant salt tolerance because it is involved in Na+ exclusion in roots, long-distance Na+ transport in plants and the regulation of cellular K+, pH homeostasis and Ca2+ transport. In this review, we analyze recent advances in molecular structure and function, including expression and regulation of the plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter, and its role in plant salt tolerance.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
Effects of Space Treatment on Biological and Growth Characteristics of Camellia sinensis
Jianfu Liu, Yucai Chen, Wenjian Wang, Hechuan Wang, Jinfu Cai, Mingyuan Wang, Dandan Li, Bin Zhang, Kun Huang
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2020, 55 (5): 564-572.   DOI: 10.11983/CBB20035
Accepted: 12 May 2020

Abstract802)   HTML59)    PDF (7714KB)(12748)       Save

Six SP1 lines of Camellia sinensis carried by Shenzhou No.8 spacecraft were used as materials to study the effects of space flight on leaf morphology, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, content of photosynthetic pigment and soluble sugar and protein, and quality components of Wuyimingcong. The growth and physiological characteristics of Wuyimingcong after space treatment were analyzed for subsequent variety selection. The results showed that leaf length, leaf width, internode length, and leaf area of the six SP1 lines of Wuyimingcong were affected by space flight. Space treatment significantly increased the leaf areas of varieties of Queshe, Rougui, and Qidan, the chlorophyll contents and carotenoid contents of Queshe, Qidan, Rougui, and Jinmaohou varieties, as well as their instantaneous chlorophyll fluorescence (Ft) and quantum efficiency (Qy). After space flight, the contents of soluble sugar increased and the contents of protein decreased. The contents of amino acids and tea polyphenols decreased while the contents of total catechins and caffeine increased. Based on the above indexes, Queshe can be selected as a useful mutant line among the six SP1 lines of Wuyimingcong.

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Optimization of the Regeneration System from Somatic Embryogenesis in Larix olgensis
Jianfei Liu, Yan Liu, Kejian Liu, Yang Chi, Zhifa Huo, Yonghong Huo, Xiangling You
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2020, 55 (5): 605-612.   DOI: 10.11983/CBB20030
Accepted: 05 June 2020

Abstract1021)   HTML25)    PDF (1755KB)(12692)       Save

In this study, immature zygotic embryos of Larix olgensis were used as explants to induce embryogenic callus and optimize the regeneration system from somatic embryogenesis. The rejuvenation and preservation of the embryogenic potential of embryogenic callus, the somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration were investigated through adjusting the nutrition and plant growth regulator. The results showed that the generation rates of embryogenic callus were significantly different among different lines. Under the conditions of S+0.2 mg·L -1NAA+0.5 mg·L -1BA+0.5 mg·L -1KT+0.5 g·L -1glutamine+0.5 g·L -1hydrolyzed casein+30 g·L -1sucrose and 3.0 g·L -1vegetable gel, the embryogenic potential of embryonic callus could be recovered and maintained for a long time. Somatic embryogenesis were induced from embryonic callus cultured in S+20 mg·L -1ABA+60 g·L -1PEG4000+60 g·L -1sucrose and 3.0 g·L -1vegetable gel for 6 weeks, and the generation rate of somatic embryo reached 100%. The normal somatic embryos were first cultured for 2 weeks under the conditions of WPM+6 mg·L -1phloglucinol+1.0 g·L -1active carbon+3.0 mg·L -1VB1+20 g·L -1sucrose and 3.0 g·L -1vegetable gel, and then transferred to B5+0.4 mg·L -1NAA+1.0 mg·L -1IBA+0.5 mg·L -1GA3+2.0 mg·L -1VB1+1.0 g·L -1active carbon+20 g·L -1sucrose and 3.0 g·L -1vegetable gel. After 2 weeks, somatic embryo plantlets with cotyledon stretch, hypocotyl elongation and normal root system were observed. This study established a method for the recovery and maintenance of embryogenic callus from larch, and further optimized the somatic embryogenic pathway, which will lay a foundation for the rapid breeding and genetic improvement of L. olgensis.

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Antifungal Compounds Come in Handy
Jian-Min Zhou, Lidong Cao
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2020, 55 (5): 533-536.   DOI: 10.11983/CBB20158
Accepted: 21 September 2020

Abstract1190)   HTML61)    PDF (686KB)(12666)       Save

Pathogenic microbes employ specialized mechanisms to breach defense of host plants, causing diseases on plants and losses in agricultural production. Understanding mechanisms of pathogenesis offers new avenues for disease control. A team from Sichuan Agriculture University led by Xuewei Chen investigated mechanisms underlying the genera- tion of an infection structure called penetration peg, which is employed by many fungal pathogens such as the one causing blast disease on rice. They discovered that very-long-chain fatty acids are required for this process. They further demonstrated that a group of commercialized herbicides capable of inhibiting very-long-chain fatty acid biosynthesis in fungi can effectively inhibit pathogenesis of a broad spectrum of fungi, which brings new technology to control diseases and provides new ideas for new pesticides discovery.

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Methods for Identification and Resistance Evaluation of Barley Slow Rusting to Leaf Rust
Mingzhe Che, Yajun Wang, Chuangxin Ma, Xiaoquan Qi
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2020, 55 (5): 573-576.   DOI: 10.11983/CBB20074
Accepted: 21 July 2020

Abstract883)   HTML15)    PDF (3075KB)(12417)       Save

Successful pathogen inoculation and following accurate rating are the basis of barley disease resistance studies. Here, we summarized selected barley leaf rust inoculation methods including spraying and smearing, and two evaluation indexes which are widely used in barley slow rusting evaluation. Key issues worthy affecting the assays were also discussed.

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Methods of Detecting Hydrogen Peroxide in Plant Cells
Xiaoli Zhang;Pengcheng Wang;Chunpeng Song
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2009, 44 (01): 103-106.  
Abstract3602)      PDF (124KB)(11792)       Save
Environmental stresses or plant hormones trigger the production and accumulation of H2O2, a reactive oxygen species, which regulates stomatal movement, growth and development, senescence and stress resistance. To study the signaling and biological function of H2O2, methods to detect H2O2 concentration and variety are necessary. In this study, we compared three H2O2 detection methods — confocal microscopy of fluorescent probes, DAB staining and spectrophotometry — for specificity, sensitivity,quantifiability , time of use, and cost. This work may be helpful in finding anoptimal H2O2 detection method for related research.
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Cited: Baidu(27) CSCD(27)
Progress on Molecular Foundation of GA Biosynthesis Pathway and Signaling
Xianzhong Huang;Caifu Jiang;Lili Liao;Xiangdong Fu
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2006, 23 (5): 499-510.  
Abstract4107)      PDF (159KB)(11606)       Save
The phytohormone gibberellins (GA) play an important role in controlling and modulating diverse developmental processes, such as seed germination, hypocotyls elongation, leaf expansion and flowering time.In recent years, there are significant progresses in understanding of GA biosynthesis pathway and GA signaling in Arabidopsis and rice. This review highlights GA biosynthesis pathway and their regulation, including a new pathway identified in rice, and molecular model of“ De-repress” in GA signaling. GA promotes plant growth via 26S proteasome-dependent proteolysis of DELLA proteins repressors, one of the key component in GA signaling, and also depends on GA-mediated interaction between GA receptor and DELLA proteins. Finally, this paper discussed the cross-talking between GA and other hormones, and modulation of adaptation to environments.
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Cited: Baidu(54) CSCD(46)
Nonhost Interaction of Phytophthora sojae and Arabidopsis thaliana and Genetic Analysis of a Susceptible Mutant
Qiuping Liu, Hua Cao, Maojin Yao, Ying Ma, Binsheng Deng, Junli Quan, Weixing Shan
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2010, 45 (05): 548-555.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2010.05.004
Abstract2635)      PDF (384KB)(11585)       Save
Phytophthora sojae and Arabidopsis thaliana were used in this study as a nonhost plant-oomycete interaction system to investigate the genetic basis of nonhost resistance against oomycete pathogens in plants. A collection of more than 40 000 T3 A. thaliana T-DNA mutant plants representing 12 000 independent insertion lines were screened by inoculating detached leaves with P. sojae zoospores, and the susceptible mutant was re-confirmed by pathogen inoculation and cytological characterization. A number of P. sojae-susceptible A. thaliana mutants were successfully obtained, and one of them, mutant 581-51, was shown to be stably susceptible to P. sojae infection. Water-soaked lesions formed on the detached leaves within 3 days, as did oospores and sporangia 4–5 days after inoculation with P. sojae zoospores. Cytological characterization revealed the formation of haustoria-like structures. Southern analysis showed the presence of four T-DNA insertion events in the mutant. Genetic analysis indicated that the susceptibility to infection by the nonhost pathogen P. sojae in the mutant 581-51 was likely controlled by a single recessive gene.
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Cited: CSCD(1)
The Epidermal Morphology of the Flower of Erythrina corallodendron
Bo Huang, Zhaoyu Jiang, Hongxia Qu, Sanmei Ma
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2010, 45 (05): 594-603.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2010.05.009
Abstract2885)      PDF (339KB)(11475)       Save
Flowers can undergo non-foliar photosynthesis, which is mainly affected by stomatal density. However, quantitative information on changes in stomatal density during flower development is still lacking. In the present study, Erythrina corallodendron flowers were classified into 6 developmental stages. The epidermal morphology, epidermal cell density, stomatal density, guard cell length and width of flowers were investigated at each stage by light microscopy. Photosynthesis of flower organs was also measured. Stomata were on the surface of sepal, vexilla, keel, anther, gynophore, ovary, and style but not wing or filaments. Flower organs showed anomocytic, paracytic, and actinocytic stomatal complexes. However, ontogenetic changes in stomatal complexes varied considerably among flower organs. Epidermal cell density on the surface of sepal, vexilla, keel, wing and filaments decreased with flower development, which suggests that the growth of sepal, vexilla, keel, wing and filaments were mainly due to cell expansion. Stomatal density of most flower organs, such as sepal, vexilla, keel, gynophore, and ovary, did not change markedly at later developmental stages. Changes in guard cell length and width varied considerably among different organs during flower development. Unlike the leaves, vexilla did not undergo photosynthesis.
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Cited: CSCD(3)
Alien invasive species in China: their damages and management strategies
WAN Fang-Hao, GUO Jian-Ying, WANG De-Hui
Biodiv Sci    2002, 10 (1): 119-125.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2002014
Abstract7370)      PDF (205KB)(11267)       Save
The impacts and invasion method of alien invasive species (AIS), and prevention and management of biological invasion are discussed. Biological invasion is becoming one of the most important factors threatening biodiversity and stability of various ecological systems in China. The impacts of these biological invasions are becoming a more serious problems with development and increase of global trade, transportation, international travel and ecological tourism. Harmful AIS often leads to irreversible species extinction, and results in substantial economic losses within managed and natural ecosystems, including agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal production. Newly invading weeds, insect pests and plant diseases frequently result in large scale outbreaks and persistent use of chemical pesticides. Successful invasion and spread of some major insect pests and weeds in China were caused by man made factors. These include decision mistakes and unintentional introduction of some plants, such as water hyacinth and alligator weed as pig food, irresponsible introduction actions taken by individual/group without any ecological concerns, and lack of rapid response mechanism for eradicating potentially AIS as soon as they appear. China is an agricultural country. Any biological invasion will be a "big bomb" for our agriculture and inevitably result in ecological and economic losses in specific ecosystem and specific geographic regions. Prevention of biological invasion is an important aspect for safeguarding the state′s ecological safety. Development and researches should focus on building the state capacity, research capacity, and management capacity for addressing AIS problem. Based on the urgent situation of AIS in China, priority for research and action plans concentrate on: developing methods to identify the origin and pathways of invasive population; understanding the biological and ecological bases of AIS; developing environmentally friendly methods for control of AIS; developing environmental impact assessment and risk analysis methods for AIS; and developing methods for the recovery of habitats after control of AIS.
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Cited: CSCD(168)
The ABC Model and the Quartet Model of Floral Organ Identity
LIU Jian-Wu SUN Cheng-Hua LIU Ning
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2004, 21 (03): 346-351.  
Abstract6256)      PDF (209KB)(11121)       Save
The ABC model was established in late 1980s to explain the genetic interactions between floral homeotic mutations. As the progress in flower developmental genetics, the ABC model was expanded to the ABCD model with the introduction of D class genes for ovary identity. More recently, a A-E model was proposed and will be discussed in this short review.
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Cited: Baidu(57) CSCD(9)
Fast Extraction and Precise Determination of Chlorophyll
Nianwei Qiu, Xiushun Wang, Fabin Yang, Xiaogang Yang, Wen Yang, Runjie Diao, Xiu Wang, Jing Cui, Feng Zhou
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2016, 51 (5): 667-678.   DOI: 10.11983/CBB15190
Abstract4234)   HTML107)    PDF (430KB)(11063)       Save

The Arnon method is the most classical and common method for extracting and determining chlorophyll. De- spite many improvements to this method, severe problems remain, such as inaccurate test wavelength, wrong content formula, low extraction speed, large errors in results, and tedious operation process. We present a fast two-step extraction and determination method for chlorophyll. The first step is extracting chlorophyll with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at high temperature, then diluting the chlorophyll solution with 80% acetone. Chlorophyll content determined by this method can be completed within 3 h. The optimal experimental conditions for extraction and the accurate formula for chlorophyll content were obtained by analyzing extraction temperature, extraction time, dilution ratio and absorption spectroscopy. The merits and reliability of this method were tested with some typical plant materials. The method is described as follows: Cut the plant material into a 1 mm wide filament or small pieces and place 50-100 mg plant material into a 10 mL gradu- ated test tube with a stopper. Then add 2 mL DMSO into the test tube and dip the plant material into DMSO. Place the tubes into a 65°C incubator away from the light until all plant material turns white or transparent. As the liquid cools, add 8 mL 80% (v/v) acetone to dilute DMSO, mix well, then determine absorbance at 663.6 and 646.6 nm by spectrophoto- metry. Chlorophyll concentration can be calculated with the following formulas: Ca (mg∙L-1)=12.27A663.6-2.52A646.6; Cb (mg∙L-1)=20.10A646.6-4.92A663.6; CT=Ca+Cb=7.35A663.6+17.58A646.6.

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Cited: Baidu(2) CSCD(21)
China’s mammalian diversity
Zhigang Jiang, Yong Ma, Yi Wu, Yingxiang Wang, Zuojian Feng, Kaiya Zhou, Shaoying Liu, Zhenhua Luo, Chunwang Li
Biodiv Sci    2015, 23 (3): 351-364.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2014202
Abstract5264)   HTML128)    PDF (1125KB)(10984)       Save

China’s mammalian fauna is unique: it possesses the endemic species and genera of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau; it has the relic families, Ailuropodidae and Lipotidae, of the Tertiary Period; more than half of the species of the Ochotonidae in the country are endemic; furthermore China is also the country with world most abundant ungulate diversity. In the new millennia, changes to the taxonomy of mammals of world were proposed. New mammalian species and new mammals were reported in China. Thus it is necessary to renew the inventory of China’s mammal diversity. During the compiling of The Red List of Endangered Species in China: Mammals, we collected the available data on China’s mammals (including those of Taiwan) and formed The Checklist of China’s Mammal Species 2015. For taxonomy of orders, we followed the existing theory using molecular phylogeny whereas for the classification of families and the taxa below family level, we followed the A Complete Checklist of Mammal Species and Subspecies in China: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference by Wang (2003) and Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference by Wilson & Reeder (2005). We also adopted Ungulate Taxonomy by Groves & Grubb (2011) to classify the ungulates in China. The initial list included species recorded in taxonomic books and field guides, new species and new records in literature before March 31, 2015. After five evaluation meetings and two rounds of evaluation by correspondence, we finalized The Checklist of China’s Mammal Species 2015, which includes 12 orders, 55 families, 245 genera and 673 species. Among those species, 18 new species (including 11 discovered with molecular biology methods, the validity of the species are still in dispute among zoologists), 18 new species records in country, and 60 subspecies were elevated to the status of species were added to the checklist. According to literature and expertise, we deleted 52 species which are not found in China. Of them, specimens of some species were collected only once, and then never been found again during following surveys. Taxonomists hold different opinions on 20 Glires, and those species need further investigation. Compared with the data of IUCN Red List (2014), the number of mammal species in China recorded in the study is surpassed that of Indonisia (670), China became the country with the most abundant mammal species in the world. The mammals in China accounted for 12.3% of the world total numbers of mammalian species. There are 150 endemic mammals in China, which accounted for 22.3% of the national total. 43% of the species in Lagomorpha are endemics to the country. The endemic ratio of Ochotonidae is even higher, 52% of the total. Endemic ratio of Eulipotyphla is 35%. About one fifth of Primates, Chiroptera and Rodentia in China are also endemics, including 12 new bat species discovered in the country during recent decade. The Checklist of China’s Mammal Species 2015 provides the most updated baseline information for biodiversity research and conservation.

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Cited: CSCD(86)
Responses of the Morphological and Anatomical Structure of the Plant Leaf to Environmental Change
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2005, 22 (增刊): 118-127.  
Abstract5384)      PDF (62KB)(10816)       Save
In the evolution of plants, the leaf is more sensitive and plastic to environmental change than other organs; environment change usually results in morphological and anatomical responses of the leaf, including morphology (length, width, thickness), surface (stomata, epidermis, attachment) and mesophyll (palisade, spongy, intercellur space, sclerified, vein). This review describes the above-mentioned adaptive characters of terrestrial plant leaves to alterations in environmental factors such as water, temperature, light and CO2 concentration and combined effects, and analyzes recent research, then indicates the emphasis and direction of future study.
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Cited: Baidu(162)
A Modified CTAB Protocol for Plant DNA Extraction
Jinlu Li, Shuo Wang, Jing Yu, Ling Wang, Shiliang Zhou
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2013, 48 (1): 72-78.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2013.00072
Abstract8828)      PDF (712KB)(10816)       Save
It is very important but usually difficult to extract high quality DNA from plants for molecular work since there exist a great deal of polysaccharides, hydroxybenzenes, esters and other secondary metabolities. In this paper we provide a simple modified CTAB (mCTAB) protocol for extracting plant DNA. The mCTAB method protocol includes 18 steps. (1) Weigh ca. 20 mg of dry plant tissue and ground into powder with sand using a mortar or a pestle. Remove the powder into a 2.0 mL microcentrifuge tube. (2) Add 1.0 mL pre-cooled buffer A (Table 2) to the tube, mix well and incubate the tube on ice for 15 min. Mix sample 2–3 times during incubation by inverting the tube. (3) Centrifuge the tube at 7 000 ×g for 10 min. Discard the supernatant liquid by pouring it out of the tube. (4) Repeat step 2 and 3 until the supernatant is not viscous. (5) Add 0.7 mL buffer B (Table 3), mix well and incubate at 65°C for 90–120 min. Mix the sample several times during incubation by inverting the tube. (6) Centrifuge at 10 000 ×g for 10 min, remove the supernatant to a new microcentrifuge tube. The precipitate is reusable from step 5 if necessary. (7) Add 0.7 mL CI (chloroform: isoamyl alcohol=24:1, v/v), mix it well for 10 min by inverting tube gently. (8) Centrifuge at 10 000 ×g, for 10 min, carefully remove the supernatant to a new 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube. (9) Repeat step 7 and 8 until no precipitate appearing between the two layers of liquid after centrifuging. (10) Add 0.5 mL pre-cooled isopropanol, carefully mix well . Incubate at –20°C for 20 min. (11) Centrifuge at 10 000 ×g for 10 min, discard the supernatant, centrifuge the tube briefly to collect the remaining liquid and remove it by pipetting. (12) Add 0.1 mL RNase (100 mg·L–1) and incubate at 37°C for 30–60 min. (13) Add 0.1 mL ddH2O, 0.1 mL 5 mol·L–1NaCl and 0.8 mL pre-cooled ethanol (95%), carefully mix well. (14) Centrifuge at 10 000 ×g for 10 min, discard the supernatant. (15) Add 0.5 mL 75% ethanol, re-suspend the pellet, centrifuge at 10 000 ×g for 2 min, discard the supernatant. (16) Repeat step 15. (17) Add 0.1 mL TE to dissolve DNA after ethanol has evaporated. (18) Estimate the concentration and the purity of the DNA solution. Store it at 4°C for immediate use, at –20°C for short time storage and –80°C for long time storage. We compared our protocol with four frequently used and commercially available kits. The result showed that our mCTAB method yielded much more DNA of high quality that is suitable for PCR amplification but with much lower cost.
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Cited: CSCD(76)
Research Advances in Cannabinoids of Cannabis sativa
xuan CHEN
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2011, 46 (2): 197-205.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2011.00197
Abstract3334)      PDF (496KB)(10698)       Save
Cannabis sativa (hemp) is an ancient cultivated crop. Although the plant can be used as a drug, C. sativa is an excellent industrial crop, especially for textiles and food. Cannabinoids, found only in C. sativa, are unique secondary metabolites possessing alkylresorcinol and monoterpene groups in their molecules. More than 70 cannabinoids have been isolated from hemp or fresh leaves of C. sativa; examples include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a well-known psychoactive component. This review summarizes advances in research into the main cannabinoids, including THC, cannabidiol, and cannabichromene in terms of characterization, content difference, biosynthetic pathway, key synthases and their corresponding genes, and genetic patterns, and offers suggestions for further cannabinoid-related studies. The information will be useful for cannabinoid research and C. sativa breeding.
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Cited: CSCD(24)
Karyotypes of Five Leontopodium Species from the Southeastern QinghaiTibet Plateau, Southwest China
WANG Guang-Yan-, MENG Ying-, NIE Ze-Long-, YANG Yong-Ping
Plant Diversity    2013, 35 (3): 355-360.   DOI: 10.7677/ynzwyj201313035
Abstract2339)      PDF (12830KB)(10618)       Save

The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of five species of the genus Leontopodium (Asteraceae) from Southeastern QinghaiTibet Plateau, Southwest China were investigated. Three species were studied karyomorphologically and reported for the first time: L.franchetii 2n=2x=26=6M+18m+2sm, 2A; L.calocephalum 2n=4x=48=3M+43m+2sm, 1B; L.stracheyi 2n=4x=48=13M+35m, 1A. Two species L.souliei and L.sinense presented different chromosome numbers and karyotypes from the previous reports, that is, L.souliei 2n=2x=24=13M+8m+3sm, 1B; L.sinense, the population collected at altitude 2406m a.s.l. Muli County, Sichuan Province: 2n=2x=26=4M+22m, 1B, the population collected at altitude 3074m a.s.l. Muli County, Sichuan Province: 2n=4x=52=16M+36m, 1B. The comparison of existent chromosomal data indicates that Leontopodium is a genus with symmetry karyotype, but diversified obviously among different species. Polyploidization might have played an important role in the speciation and evolution of Leontopodium on the QinghaiTibet Plateau and its southeastern peripheral regions.

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The physiological and molecular mechanisms of calcium uptake, transport, and metabolism in plants.
Wei Zhou Hong Wang
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2007, 24 (06): 762-778.  
Abstract3424)      PDF (1435KB)(10338)       Save
Calcium is an essential plant nutrient. Calcium deficiency may occur in acidic soils with low base saturation. Since the transpiration from enclosed tissues and fruit is low, Ca deficiency readily develops in fruit trees and vegetables with enclosed tissues or fruit. Calcium may traverse the root through an apoplastic or symplastic pathway. Calcium is also believed to be directly taken up by an actual fruit with a non-vascular bundle structure. At the molecular level, Ca enters plant cells through Ca2+-permeable ion channels in their plasma membranes, whereas low [Ca2+] in unstimulated cells is maintained by Ca2+-ATPase and Ca2+/H+ antiporters. The rapid influx of Ca2+ through cation channels in the plasma membranes, tonoplast and/or endoplasmic reticulum generates transient elevation and oscillation of [Ca2+]cyt that initiate cellular responses to a diverse range of developmental cues and environmental challenges. The cellular [Ca2+]cyt sensors include calmodulin, calcium-dependent protein kinases and calcineurin B-like proteins that allow plant cells to respond appropriately to [Ca2+]cyt signals. This article provides an overview of the mechanisms of Ca2+ transport across cellular membranes, the origins and specificity of [Ca2+]cyt signals and the characteristics of cellular [Ca2+]cyt sensors.
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Cited: CSCD(41)
Pull-down and Co-immunoprecipitation Assays of Interacting Proteins in Plants
Chongyi Xu
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2020, 55 (1): 62-68.   DOI: 10.11983/CBB19143
Accepted: 24 September 2019

Abstract9655)   HTML455)    PDF (3878KB)(10317)       Save

Protein-protein interactions play a key role in cellular signaling, involved in various biological processes. Studies on these interactions are therefore crucial toward understanding the regulatory networks of cellular signaling. It is a standard practice that the protein-protein interactions identified by the yeast two-hybrid system should be independently confirmed by in vitro and in vivo approaches. Pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) are routine approaches to detect protein-protein interactions. Pull-down assay is used to detect direct or physical interactions between proteins in vitro. In plant biology studies, one of the most convenient methods to detect protein-protein interactions is the transient expression of the target proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves followed by the Co-IP assay. In this paper, we describe the principles and protocols for the GST tag-based pull-down assay and the Co-IP assay of proteins transiently expressed in N. benthamiana leaves, providing a reference for detecting plant protein-protein interactions.

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Cited: CSCD(3)
Soil microbial characteristics as bioindicators of soil health
Lixia Zhou, Mingmao Ding
Biodiv Sci    2007, 15 (2): 162-171.   DOI: 10.1360/biodiv.060290
Abstract8150)      PDF (357KB)(10314)       Save
Soil health is important for the sustainable development of terrestrial ecosystem. In this review, we summarizes the relationship between soil quality and soil microbial characteristics such as soil microbial community structure, soil microbial biomass and soil enzymatic activity in order to illustrate the function of soil microbial characteristics as bio-indicators of soil health. Many studies have showed that the soil nutrient is correlated with the quantity or the composition of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes in soils. In general, higher ratio of soil bacteria indicates better soil quality and higher soil nutrient content. Soil microbial bio-mass is closely correlated with soil organic carbon, and the ratios of soil microbial biomass carbon to soil or-ganic carbon(Cmic : Corg) and microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2) reflect the use efficiency of soil organic C. The activity of soil enzymes are positively correlated with soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen. Therefore, soil microbial characteristics reflect the changes of soil quality and thus can be used as bio-indicators of soil health.
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Cited: CSCD(145)